2008年12月29日 星期一

路斯 魯斯 羅斯 Cicero キケロ


拉丁發音 c 讀為 k


━━ n. キケロ Marcus Tullius (106-43B.C.) ((ローマの政治家・雄弁家)).

路斯和 魯斯之翻譯都將oo當英文如book等
其實這oo是長音點的o 羅斯
荷蘭 羅斯福Roo

阿道夫·路斯(Adolf Loos)(1870年 12月10日布爾諾捷克——1933年8月23日維也納)為奧地利建築師與建築理論家,在歐洲建築領域中,為現代主義建築的先驅者。他提出著名的「裝飾就是罪惡」的口號。
アドルフ・ロース(Adolf Loos, 1870年12月10日 - 1933年8月23日)は20世紀オーストリア建築家

2008年12月25日 星期四

On their own terms: People's Bank of China, Made by China...

中國人民銀行(People's Bank of China)週一宣佈﹐將1年期貸款利率下調27個基點的通常幅度﹐至5.31%﹔央行在9月中旬開始降息時﹐1年期貸款利率為7.47%。央行同時將1年期存款利率下調27個基點﹐至2.25%。

People's Bank of China 與 Bank of China 的功能可能一樣
不過 加人民就真的是全體人民的嗎

Made in China 名聲不好 想改成 Made by China 就行嗎

2008年12月24日 星期三

Wall Street Christmas Carols: ‘Now, Summers! Now, Geithner!’

Wall Street Christmas Carols: ‘Now, Summers! Now, Geithner!’

Deal Journal has been collecting various examples of Wall Street witticisms and holiday verse, so we give a tip of the hat to Cindy Shaw, a global investment strategist with based in San Francisco. Her well-metered take on Clement Clarke Moore’s “Night Before Christmas” is a reminder of what there is to be grateful for this year. Deal Journal reprints Ms. Shaw’s version to pay forward a little of her holiday spirit.

‘Twas the months before Christmas, when all through the land,
A financial crisis got way out of hand;
Bernanke and Paulson to the rescue did sail,
And yet nonetheless, Lehman Brothers did fail.

The fed-funds rate was quite aggressively cut,
Yet consumers’ pocketbooks still were snapped shut;
As Congress approved hundreds of billions for TARP,
The taxpayers did most vociferously carp;
Financial firm bail-outs happened throughout the land,

Auto CEOs, too, asked for a big helping hand;
But flying to D.C. in their corporate jets,
Was a gaffe with Congress, which soon caused regrets.
Helicopter Ben tried quantitative easing,
Yet credit markets remained quite close to freezing;

When, who to our wondering eyes should appear,
But Senator Obama, dispelling some fear,
On infrastructure and more, he said he would spend,
So the battered economy could start to mend.

The new president-elect swiftly took aim,
And Cabinet and staffers he began to name;
“Now, Summers! now, Geithner! now, Holder and Bob Gates!
On, Hillary Clinton, for Secretary of State!”

Though Obama’s announcements could make markets rally,
During George W.’s White House finale;
Fear and deleveraging caused investors to sell,
Prices of stocks and other risky assets fell;
And flights to safety made Treasury prices soar,

Sending T-bill and -bond yields down through the floor.
As is common in the bursting of bubbles,
What was hottest had the biggest troubles;

Politicians called for more stringent regulations,
And the FBI launched fraud investigations.
Helping out now are the prices of gas and food,
Which recently had consumers coming unglued;

Though as of late a respite in inflation,
Provides to consumers a bit of salvation;
Yet with the economy on a slippery slope,
We worry about the future, and how we’ll cope;

After more than a year of gloom, doom and fear,
It can be hard to feel any holiday cheer;
Stock prices ‘round the world went down by nigh half,
Leaving many frightened and unable to laugh;

And while your 401k may be in tatters,
For happiness, money is not what most matters;
For retailers, yes, this holiday will be tough,
But the holiday spirit is not about “stuff”;

Enjoying the company of loved ones and friends,
Is worth far more than a new Mercedes Benz.
Remember billions are hungry or at war,
To understand you’re the opposite of poor;

Try giving money or time to charity,
To gain perspective and priceless clarity;
In spite of this economy, which truly is dour,
Feeling holiday joy is within your power;

So then let us exclaim, “In this season delight,
Happy Holidays to all, and to all a good night.”

2008 年 12 月 25 日 10:20
eal Journal專欄一直在搜集華爾街上流傳的各種連珠妙語和假日詩句﹐因此我們應該向Mellon Capital Management的首席策略師辛迪•肖(Cindy Shaw)致意。她模仿克萊蒙特•克拉克•莫爾(Clement Clarke Moore)《平安夜》(Night Before Christmas)的詩句讓我們看到了今年應該禮讚的地方。Deal Journal再次刊登她改寫的詩句﹐讓她的假日精神廣為傳播。
























































Heidi Moore

2008年12月22日 星期一

Life Without Bubbles 一段


Life Without Bubbles

Published: December 22, 2008

Whatever the new administration does, we’re in for months, perhaps even a year, of economic hell. After that, things should get better, as President Obama’s stimulus plan — O.K., I’m told that the politically correct term is now “economic recovery plan” — begins to gain traction. Late next year the economy should begin to stabilize, and I’m fairly optimistic about 2010.


2008年12月19日 星期五

The Madoff Economy 一段

At the crudest level, Wall Street’s ill-gotten gains corrupted and continue to corrupt politics, in a nicely bipartisan way. From Bush administration officials like Christopher Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who looked the other way as evidence of financial fraud mounted, to Democrats who still haven’t closed the outrageous tax loophole that benefits executives at hedge funds and private equity firms (hello, Senator Schumer), politicians have walked when money talked.

The Madoff Economy

Published: December 19, 2008

就最赤裸裸的層面而言,華爾街獲益係屬不法所得,並且巧妙地持續腐化政壇,不分朝野。從對於金融詐欺證據增加視而不見的布希政府官員,像是證管會主席考克 斯,到至今仍未封閉租稅漏洞,圖利避險基金主管和私募基金業者的民主黨政治人物(哈囉,參議員舒默),有錢能使鬼(政客)推磨。

克魯曼專欄》華爾街與馬多夫 都是騙局

中文意思都點出 不過文章比英文不容易抓住重點
或許 不應將兩黨翻譯成"朝野"
crudest 採用"最露骨處"呢
outrageous 沒翻譯出

politicians have walked when money talked. 這意思來自 walk the talk 說法
這兒說不定指'財勢使政客閃到一邊去" 不敢得罪

2008年12月12日 星期五

覺今是而昨非 a recovering journalist

"今天碰到的小問題: a recovering journalist要請教小讀者

"As you know I am a recovering journalist who reported on the White House from late LBJ to early Ronald Reagan and I was quite sure I knew how the world worked until I met Dr. Deming. Then I learned I didn't know what I didn't know."

" 這是從玩用 "recovering alcoholic" 一詞而來 (Alcoholic Anonymous)...
AA 的人自我介紹confession 都這樣開場白: "I'm a recovering alcoholic who..." 都是覺悟到"昨非"的人..."

或許大家知道我是位( 從詹森總統到雷根總統初期)白宮的記者

2008年12月7日 星期日



Balls and brains

英研究:男性智商高 精子品質也較佳
【12/6 22:35】


英國國王學院King’s College研究人員,對4462名曾在越戰服役的前美國士兵的智商測驗及健康檢查資料分析,其中425人並提供精子樣本。

研究人員再針對受訪者的智商、精子品質(包括精蟲數、精子活動力等 評 少每次射精之精子數)、年齡和生活習慣(使用身體質量指數body mass index、是否抽煙、喝酒、吸毒)等研究它們之間的關連性。


負責這項研究的阿丹Rosalind Arden指出,研究也發現,高智商男性普遍較健康,主要是因為他們的基因所致,而非全因良好的生活習慣。


阿丹強調,我們不能就此下結論說,喜歡玩培樂多Play-Doh玩具的男性,精子品質就比愛看柏拉圖Plato的人差。研究結果支持理論上很重要的「健美因素fitness factor」觀念。 評這fitness是達爾文"適者生存"之觀念才對

2008年11月30日 星期日

Austen Henry Layard

閒讀 Jean Bottero & M-J Steve "美索不達米亞" 上海 世紀出版集團 2004
發現整本書多處將著名的英國人 AUSTEN HENRY LAYARD 誤寫成 Henry Austen Layard 真不可思議
他的著作NINEVEH and Its Remains也有兩種不同之翻譯

Sir Austen Henry Layard

(1817–94) [Bi]

British antiquarian whose expeditions and self-taught archaeological methods led to the investigation of sites in the Near East. Born in London and trained as a lawyer, Layard and a friend, Edward Mitford, set out to ride from England to Ceylon in 1839. During this journey Layard became fascinated by archaeology and became an unpaid diplomatic attaché in Constantinople so that he could continue and expand his interests. Between 1845 and 1847 he excavated at Nimrud, Iraq (thinking it was Nineveh), and while his methods were brutal compared with modern standards they were typical of the day and resulted in the discovery of a lot of structural evidence as well as artefacts. His book, Nineveh and its remains, published in 1849 sold well and allowed him to make good contacts. He resumed excavations the same year, and upon his return to England in 1851 prepared a second volume, Discoveries and ruins of Nineveh and Babylon, which appeared in 1853. It included a provisional chronology for the Assyrian kings and a description of their state. Layard subsequently became a politician and then British ambassador in Madrid and later Constantinople.

2008年11月28日 星期五


閒讀 Azedine Beschaouch "迦太基傳奇" 上海 世紀出版集團 2004
發現因此Ovid與Apulée 都出版過一本Metamorphoses

Apulée , Ovid, Ovidius

可是我在Wikipedia article "Ovid". 的法文版找不到此種說法 這可能是將Apuleius
Wikipedia article "Apuleius". 混淆了ㄅ

2008年11月17日 星期一

卞之琳譯Logan Pearsall Smith

Wikipedia article "Logan Pearsall Smith".

讀卞之琳譯文集 才知道
比較有趣的是西方的這些神話 是否可以用 無常 定數與星宿等翻譯之

_The Great Work_

Sitting, pen in hand, alone in the stillness of the library,
with flies droning behind the sunny blinds, I considered in my
thoughts what should be the subject of my great Work. Should I
complain against the mutability of Fortune, and impugn Fate and
the Constellations; or should I reprehend the never-satisfied
heart of querulous Man, drawing elegant contrasts between the
unsullied snow of mountains, the serene shining of stars, and
our hot, feverish lives and foolish repinings? Or should I
confine myself to denouncing contemporary Vices, crying "Fie!"
on the Age with Hamlet, sternly unmasking its hypocrisies, and
riddling through and through its comfortable Optimisms?

Or with Job, should I question the Universe, and puzzle my sad
brains about Life--the meaning of Life on this apple-shaped


Is there, after all, any solace like the solace and consolation of Language? When I am disconcerted by the unpleasing aspects of existence, when for me, as for Hamlet, this fair creation turns to dust and stubble, it is not in Metaphysics nor in Religion that I seek reassurance, but in fine phrases. The thought of gazing on life's Evening Star makes of ugly old age a pleasing prospect; if I call Death mighty and unpersuaded, it has no terrors for me; I am perfectly content to be cut down as a flower, to flee as a shadow, to be swallowed like a snowflake on the sea. These similes soothe and effectually console me. I am sad only at the thought that Words must perish like all things mortal; that the most perfect metaphors must be forgotten when the human race is dust.

'But the iniquity of Oblivion blindly scattereth her poppy.'

2008年11月15日 星期六

番地 gird (up) (one's) loins


gird (up) (one's) loins

  1. To summon up one's inner resources in preparation for action.
注意 諸如 "大陸英漢辭典" 在 gird和 loin兩字對此的翻譯是"不一致的" gird, undergird, empty, gird yourself

"番地" 就是門號 解釋成block是望字生義


2008年11月10日 星期一

open house


2001年創辦、每年在9月中旬舉辦的倫敦建築日「Open House(打開房子)」,最能代表這種開放精神。「Open House」每年選出數百棟擁有好設計的倫敦建築,央請業主打開大門,讓市民和遊客一窺堂奧。這趟免費的建築之旅還會請來設計者親自導覽,讓建築師和市民 對話交流。

「Open House」由民間組織Open House籌辦,他們的宣言是「打開大門、眼睛以及心靈,便會看到好的設計」。Open House不只打開倫敦人的心靈,也成為倫敦最具特色的建築嘉年華,吸引大批外地遊客;熱門建築如市政廳,排隊人龍可以圍成好幾圈。


open house翻譯很差

open house (くだけた)自宅開放パーティー形式; 参観自由.

2008年11月2日 星期日

午睡  ◎林修二

huginx_m - 翻譯 |
午睡  ◎林修二




A Siesta
by Lin Hsiu-erh

Slung between flowers
a hammock of light.
angels nap.
The breeze swings
a crystal dream.


Translated by K. C. Tu and Robert Backus


2008年10月31日 星期五

Journey to the Taimu Mountain by Lee Chiao







…He sat up. His armpit to his chest was covered with fresh blood….

Then with his left hand he grabbed the gray burlap bag of acacia seeds, and, untying it with his teeth, scattered the seeds one handful after another all around, and two handful by the corpse. A dozen of them landed on his face and chest.

When the rain comes, some seeds will sprout.

When spring comes, there will be a grove of acacia here.

When my breathing stops, I’ll return to the Earth. My body and the Earth will become one, and I’ll return to the human realm again with the spring saplings….

Journey to the Taimu Mountain by Lee Chiao, translated by Bert Scruggs, in Taiwan Literature English Translation Series, Number 23, July, 2008, p.107

(《台灣文學 英譯叢刊 23號》,2008年七月,頁67-108

2008年10月28日 星期二

李国庆译 《法律与文学》

理查德·波斯纳 (Richard A. Posner)法律与文学》(Law and Literature) Richard A. Posner:李国庆译。2002年。中国政法大学出版社

《法律与文学》(Law and Literature)的翻譯有一定的困難
原因之一是討論的文本範圍頗廣 -- 對於法律學生更是如此

譬如說尼采的超人 (p.114) 在下頁的注又成為原古波斯的創教者 當然同名 不過應只是借用

對於 Gibbon和他 的史學名著 (p.25) 英國古史詩 或莎士比亞劇 (內文都採朱生豪本 書名應一貫)

p.41頁 跑出 frolic 這種法律用法 不宜翻譯為"狂歡"....

2008年10月25日 星期六

The Arcades Projects 的 the Dioscuri 等必須簡注

{城市文化讀本}翻譯 Walter Benjamin The Arcades Projects(我採用哈佛大學出版社的英文本,p.884)之選文縮編。

現在我們不談它的翻譯,只是要指出:將希臘神話中的一系列人名變成漢字,就是翻譯嗎?【英文翻譯本對the Dioscuri.有古今所指之簡注

…And when that sky opened to the eyes of this young insight, there in the foreground were standing not the divinities of Olynpus—not Zeus, Hephaestus, Hermes, or Hera, Artemis, and Athena—But the Dioscuri.

2008年10月22日 星期三


拜讀大作最大的驚訝就是key words
integrated vs 磨合

鍾 漢清
Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc)

您的意見直指核心。我與Dr Brookfield討論過,當時未找到好的英文。
4. integrated 是勉強使用

我去年將FUJIMOTO等人的書都已打包存檔 沒想到現在又碰到
這「擦り合わせ」的英文討論已"定案 如下 我認為這也是勉強之說法
他們從產品出發 你從組織溝通出發
所以是否真要採用日本說法 或用詞 我存疑
現在回過頭 重新出發的話
依你論文定義 ({共創}頁26)
He worked in terms of a dynamic model of learning, or dialectical
progression (see Hegel) in which perceptual inputs are modified by
existing structures of knowledge ('assimilation') and these in turn
are modified to 'accommodate' the inputs (see also reflective


Architecture is the key...」などと言っても、あましピンとこなかったりして、大変です。


2008年10月14日 星期二


現在大陸媒體一碰到 master ,多翻譯成大師


今天碰到”AEC Routemaster(中文意釋AEC路主)是在英國倫敦行駛的雙層巴士,由AEC車廠生產,於195628日正式服役。


2008年9月16日 星期二

Brave New World 1931

曹葆华譯《科学与诗》(1937) 台灣商務在1968年重新影印出版 (人人文庫 890)

徐葆耕編的這本 ( 瑞恰慈: 科學與詩)多許多相關中文文獻 不過最重要的《科学与诗》本文和譯文品質等都沒討論--我認為問題不少

昔日清華學生固然很容易知道世界文藝新著 譬如說 1931年出版的 Brave New World, a novel by Aldous Huxley (1894–1963)
在1932年的錢鍾書 (《美的生理學》書評 ( 瑞恰慈: 科學與詩) 等( p.121)和 1936年李安宅 (p.84) 都搞不清楚 這 brave/ new是什麼意思......

( 瑞恰慈: 科學與詩) 等 徐葆耕編

2008年9月2日 星期二

Unsavoury_characters 中国菜单真难英译!



By Fuchsia Dunlop 2008-09-02

As the 2008 Olympic Games approached, the Beijing government embarked on a gargantuan task: to provide approved translations of all the names of dishes English-speaking visitors were likely to encounter on restaurant menus. They were keen, the official Chinese news agency said, to avoid “bizarre English translations” such as “chicken without sexual life” (used to describe a young chicken) and “husband and wife's lung slice” (a Sichuanese street snack). The agency added, with an unusual burst of humour, that “the images they conjured up were not, one could say, appetising”.

Terrible mistakes on Chinese restaurant menus provoke the mirth of foreigners all over the world. Who could forget being offered “burnt lion's head” for dinner? A quick internet search brings up reports of such delicacies as “benumbed hot Huang fries belly silk” and “the fragrance explodes the cowboy bone”. My own personal favourite is actually from the chic pink-and-white packaging of a biscuit whose name was translated as “iron flooring cremation” (a one-by-one literal translation of the characters tie ban shao, which should have read “baked on an iron griddle”).

Yet one can understand the desire of the Chinese leadership to avoid such embarrassing errors, particularly in a year when they are determined to show their best face to the world. The authorities have already urged Beijingers to queue up nicely and avoid spitting. Tourist restaurants have been advised to stop serving dog meat during the Games, and there's even been a directive offering sartorial advice that includes not going out dressed in pyjamas. In such a clean, orderly Olympic city, what place is there for “steamed crap”?

Jokes aside, there is a practical need for decent translation of Chinese restaurant menus. It's not just that foreigners might like help in deciding what individual dishes to choose; the success of a shared Chinese meal depends upon careful ordering.

A dinner in which more than one dish is sweet-and-sour or everything is soupy is a gastronomic disaster. A good meal, by contrast, pleasures the palate with a whole variety of experiences. Even in a top-class restaurant, unless you understand a little of the nature of the dishes on offer – their colours, flavours and cooking methods, their moistness or dryness, their shapes and textures – you won't be able to devise a stimulating and harmonious menu.

Drawing up accurate translations for even a fraction of Chinese dishes would be a daunting endeavour (Sichuan province alone lays claim to 5,000 different dishes). And the language of Chinese cuisine presents particular challenges. Chinese chefs use a vast vocabulary of terms to describe their cooking methods, many of which are untranslatable. Take, for example, liu, which means to pre-cook pieces of food in oil or water and then marry them with a sauce that has been prepared separately: how to describe this succinctly in English? Even a method like stir-frying has many variations, such as basic stir-frying (chao), fast stir-frying over a high flame (bao), and stir-frying in a dry wok (gan bian). When I trained as a chef in Sichuan province, I had to learn a canon of 56 different cooking methods, and that was just the beginning of my apprenticeship in Chinese cuisine. Translating such a richness of culinary technique into menu shorthand is no easy matter.

Moreover, many types of food have no English-language equivalent. Think of “dumpling”, a blanket term used for all kinds of Chinese snacks, from jiao zi (boiled semi-circular dumplings), to shao mai (steamed dumplings shaped like money bags) and bao (steamed dumplings with twirly tops). And how to translate fen, which can mean powder, meal, noodles, or strips of starch jelly? When taking notes in Chinese kitchens, I find myself jotting in Chinese characters simply because there is no other way of recording precisely what I see, smell and taste.

Yet you can only go so far in borrowing from Chinese because, beyond a certain level, you have to know the actual Chinese characters to understand precisely what you are talking about. In Sichuanese cuisine, for example, there are two cooking methods that would both be transliterated as kao, but you can't tell them apart unless you see the actual characters. The different characters for “salty” and “umami” are both rendered in the Roman alphabet as “xian”.

There are also issues of taste and cultural judgement. The most famous Sichuanese beancurd dish is mapo doufu, which literally translates as “pockmarked old woman's beancurd.” Meant affectionately, it sounds at first rather abusive in English. Similarly, there's a chain of hotpot restaurants in Sichuan called Cripple's Hotpot (pazi huoguo), and a snack shop called Hairy Mole Dragon-Eye Nuns (zhi huzi longyan baozi) – named after their original proprietors, one of whom was disabled and the other who had at least one hairy mole on his face. And if you fancy a stir-fried chicken supper, do you really want to know that the menu also offers “animal reproductive organs in pot”?

Sometimes a little linguistic obfuscation might be a good thing. Finally, how do you capture the wit and poetry in the names of many Chinese dishes? Take Dan dan mian – in Chinese, its name is a beautiful onomatopoeia that evokes the bouncing motion of baskets carried on a street vendor's shoulderpole, and the street vendor's cry. Translated as “shoulderpole noodles”, it loses its sound and rhythm; as “Dan dan noodles”, it sounds nice but lacks meaning. Even the “husband and wife lung slices” singled out by the official Chinese news agency as particularly unsavoury tells the tale of a couple of Chengdu street vendors of the 1930s whose marriage was famously harmonious, and whose spicy beef offal won the undying affection of the city's residents.

The final result of the Beijing government's endeavours is a 170-page book entitled Chinese Menu in English Version. Its suggested translations for more than 2,000 dishes represent a solid achievement, and a great leap forward for linguistically challenged Chinese restaurateurs. The two dozen translators have stuck to their guns in holding on to several useful Chinese terms, like jiaozi for boiled dumplings, tangyuan for glutinous riceballs, and shaomai for those money-bag steamed dumplings. They have avoided some notorious foodstuffs (such as dog), but no one could accuse them of sanitising their menu, because they have included challenging dishes such as steamed pig's brains and sautéed chicken gizzards.

Yet the list is a pale reflection of one of the world's most marvellous cuisines. Lyrical descriptive terms – like feicui (jadeite) for greenish foods, and guaiwei (strange-flavour, used for an intriguing combination of tastes) have been lost in the translation, and mapo doufu has severed its connection with the lovable pockmarked old dame of Chengdu. As Raymond Zhou wrote in the China Daily, this standardised translation is “a double-edged sword. It removes the ambiguity and unintended humour ... But it takes away the fun and the rich connotation too. It turns a menu into the equivalent of plain rice, which has the necessary nutrients but is devoid of flavour”.

GLOSSARY: Tree-climbing ants to spicy minced pork

Chinese ‘pinyin' Official translation Literal translation

Mapo doufu Mapo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce) Pock-marked old woman's beancurd

Ban shuang er Tossed black and white fungus Two ears tossed together

Fuqi feipian Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce ‘Man-and-wife' lung slices

Zui ji Liquor-soaked chicken Drunken chicken

Guaiwei zhushou Braised spicy pig feet Strange-flavour pig feet

Hongshao shizitou Stewed pork ball in brown sauce Red-braised lion's heads

Yuxiang rousi Yu-Hsiang shredded pork Fish-fragrant pork slivers

Mayi shang shu Sauteed vermicelli with spicy minced pork Ants climbing a tree

Kou shui ji Steamed chicken with chili sauce Mouth-watering chicken

Feicui xiaren Sauteed shrimps with broccoli Jadeite shrimps

Xiangcun dafengshou Raw vegetables combination A bumper harvest, village-style

Fuchsia Dunlop's most recent book is ‘Shark's Fin and Sichuan Pepper: A Sweet-Sour Memoir of Eating in China' (WW Norton)


为迎接2008奥运会,北京市政府开展了一项规模浩大的工作:针对讲英语游客可能在餐厅菜单上看到的所有菜名,提供规范的译法。中国官方通讯社称, 政府急欲消除诸如“没有性生活的鸡”(chicken without sexual life,指童子鸡)、“丈夫和妻子的肺切片”(husband and wife's lung slice,即四川小吃“夫妻肺片”)之类的“稀奇古怪的英文译法”。该通讯社称,那种奇异的幽默感,“它们所唤起的想象,可以说,并不能引起人的食欲” 。

中餐馆菜单上吓人的错误,让来自世界各地的外国人觉得好笑。谁会忘记吃过“火烤狮子的头”(burnt lion's head,即红烧狮子头)这道菜?在网上快速搜索一下,可以看到有关“麻辣Huang炸腹部丝绸”(benumbed hot Huang fries belly silk,实为“麻辣韭黄炒肚丝”)和“香味使牛仔的骨头爆炸”(fragrance explodes the cowboy bone)等佳肴的报道。我个人最爱吃的是“铁板烧”,它被直译成iron flooring cremation(正确的译法应该是baked on an iron griddle)。

中国领导层想要消除这些令人尴尬的错误是可以理解的,尤其是在他们决心将最好的一面展现给世界的这一年。当局已敦促北京市民要有序排队,不要说脏 话。旅游餐厅被建议在奥运期间停止供应狗肉。有关部门甚至出台了一道有关着装建议的指示,其中包括不要穿着睡衣上街。在这样一个干净、整齐的奥运城市,哪 能让burnt lion's head继续存在?

说真的,中餐馆菜单确实需要翻译得像样一些。不光是因为老外可能也想在点菜的时候出出主意,而且,一顿饭吃得好不好,很大程度取决于菜点得是否合 适。如果一顿饭点了不止一道酸甜口味的菜,或者样样都是汤,那不啻于一场美食灾难。相反,一顿美餐,会让味觉得到各种各样的丰富体验。即使是在高档餐厅, 除非你对所点的菜品略知一二,包括颜色、味道和烹饪方法,是否带汤,形状和特征等,否则你无法点出一桌既刺激而又相互协调的菜肴。

即使是拟定一小部分中国菜的译名就已经够吓人的了(仅四川菜据说就有5000多道),而中餐烹饪方法的用语又是一个挑战。中国厨师使用大量的术语来 描述他们的烹饪方法,其中许多是没法翻译的。譬如,熘,意思是将材料切块后,在油或水里煮一下,然后浇上另外备好的酱。用英文如何简练地描述这道程序?一 种烹饪方法还包含着多种变化,如炒,基本的炒法叫做“烧”,高温快炒叫做“爆”,在干锅里炒叫做“干煸”。我作为一名厨师在四川培训时,必须掌握56种地 道的烹饪方法,而这只是我中餐学徒生涯的开始。将如此丰富的烹饪技巧翻译到简短的菜单上不是易事。

此外,许多种食物没有对应的英文。如“dumpling”,这个词笼统地用于概括从“饺子”、“烧卖”到“包子”等多种中国小吃。还有,如何翻译 “粉”?它可以指粉末、粗粉、面条或者淀粉做的粉条。在中国厨房记笔记时,我发现我只能用中文草草地记录,因为没有其他方法能够准确地记下我所看到、闻到 和尝到的一切。

那么,或许我们应该效仿法国菜的情况,全盘借用中文词语。不管是在吃还是做法国菜时,英语国家的人能够自如地使用像嫩煎(sauté)、蛋黄奶油酸 辣酱(hollandaise)和蛋黄酱(mayonnaise)等词。就连最基本的烹调用语,如厨师、菜单和焙盘,也是直接取自于法语。我们不能也同样 借用中文吗?在某种程度上,我们已经在这么做了。“锅”(wok)、“馄饨”(wonton)、“点心”(dim sum)和“茶”(tea)等词就源自于福建方言。一些外来的中文概念也跨越了语言的界限,如“小吃”(small eats)和“口感”(mouth-feel),均由中文直译而来。

此外还有味道和文化底蕴的问题。四川最有名的豆腐菜是“麻婆豆腐”,它被直译为“满脸麻子的老太婆的豆腐”(pockmarked old woman's beancurd)。意思虽然亲切,但英文名初听之下像在骂人。同样,四川有一家“耙子火锅”(Cripple's Hotpot)连锁店,还有一家“痣胡子龙眼包子”(Hairy Mole Dragon-Eye Nuns)小吃店,都是以最早的经营者命名,他们其中一位是身有残疾,另一位脸上长了至少一颗带毛的痣。此外,如果你想吃烧鸡肉,你是否真的想知道菜单上 还有一道“罐闷动物生殖器官”(animal reproductive organs in pot)?有时候语言上模糊一点或许是件好事。

最后,你如何传达出许多中餐菜名中蕴含的智慧与诗意?以“担担面”为例,这是个很美的拟声词,很容易让人联想到小贩挑着篮子、沿街叫卖的情景。将它 译成shoulderpole noodles就失去了音律美;译成Dan dan noodles听起来不错,但缺乏深意。就连译法被官方通讯社点名批评的那道“夫妻肺片”,背后也有一个传说,讲的是上世纪30年代成都有一对在街上卖小 吃的夫妇,两人的婚姻非常美满,他们做的这道“辛辣味的牛内脏”很得当地人的喜爱。

北京政府努力的结果,是推出一本170页的书——《中文菜单英文译法》(Chinese Menu in English Version)。书中罗列了2000多道菜的建议译名,是一项可观的成就,对苦于英文译名的中餐馆来说更是一大飞跃。参与此项工作的二十多位翻译竭力保 留了许多有用的中文词语,如将“饺子”、“汤圆”和“烧卖”分别音译成jiaozi、tangyuan和shaomai。对于一些名声不佳的菜品(如狗 肉)则避而不用,但没有人能够指责他们作了“净化处理”,因为他们也收集了包括“蒸猪脑”和“烧鸡胗”等具有挑战性的菜肴。

然而,这份菜单不过是苍白地描绘了全世界最非凡的菜系之一。一些抒情的词语,如用于形容菜肴绿意盎然的“翡翠”,用于形容诸味齐全的“怪味”,在翻 译中都被丢失了。“麻婆豆腐”的译名也没有反映出与成都那位可亲的老妇人的关系。正如周黎明在《中国日报》所写的,这种统一译法是“一把‘双刃剑',因为 在将那些滑稽可笑的错误译法剔除的同时,许多菜名的文化内涵也在翻译的过程中消失了。有些翻译过来的菜名就象是一碗白米饭——能够提供所需的营养,但是寡 淡无味。”


菜名 官方译法 旧译及相应的中文意思

麻婆豆腐 Mapo Tofu (stir-fried tofu in hot sauce) Pock-marked old woman's beancurd


拌双耳 Tossed black and white fungus Two ears tossed together


丈妻肺片 Beef and Ox Tripe in Chili Sauce ‘Man-and-wife' lung slices


醉鸡 Liquor-soaked chicken Drunken chicken


怪味猪手 Braised spicy pig feet Strange-flavour pig feet


红烧狮子头 Stewed pork ball in brown sauce Red-braised lion's heads


鱼香肉丝 Yu-Hsiang shredded pork Fish-fragrant pork slivers


蚂蚁上树 Sauteed vermicelli with spicy minced pork Ants climbing a tree


口水鸡 Steamed chicken with chili sauce Mouth-watering chicken

翡翠虾仁 Sauteed shrimps with broccoli Jadeite shrimps


乡村大丰收 Raw vegetables combination A bumper harvest, village-style


邓洛普最新出版有《鱼翅与川椒:吃在中国之糖醋纪事》(Shark's Fin and Sichuan Pepper: A Sweet-Sour Memoir of Eating in China)与书



2008年8月25日 星期一


"第3章 怎麼教孩子看圖畫書
分七篇 "幽默與殘酷"說日本翻譯英國傳說"三隻小豬 "的故事 多數版本的結局 都不如原文之幽默有趣"幸福的種子──親子共讀圖畫書

失蹤名畫:油畫《聖弗朗西斯和聖勞倫斯誕生》(Nativity with St. Francis and St. Lawrence)
作者:卡拉瓦喬(Michelangelo Caravaggio)*

*翻譯有問題 : Nativity of Christ:耶穌聖誕;聖(耶)誕節:簡稱 Christmas。新約路加福音記述,若瑟從納匝肋城到猶太名叫伯利恒(白冷)的達味城去,好同自己懷孕的聘妻瑪利亞去登記,他們在那裡的時候,她生產 的日期滿了。便生出她的頭胎男兒,用襁褓將祂裹起,放在馬槽中…忽有一大隊天軍,同那天使一起讚頌天主說:天主在天受光榮,主愛的人在世享平安(路二4- 14)。昂貴的被盜藝術品

8月23日 請教張華ch先生
>我(hc)取 Leadership is an Art中 名字暱稱的問題 Buckminster * Bucky 如何處理的問題他有一大堆妙譯

ch: 稱呼方面東西方習慣很不相同,林以亮曾以紅樓夢英譯作討論,到底要不要在譯文中顯示原文的習慣也一直有不同的看法(Hawkes譯時僅設法把中文的稱呼改譯為西方讀者不覺突兀的稱呼,不強調說明中文習慣)。我的原則是「量力而為」,看譯文的負荷能力,以不顯累贅為限。







2008年8月13日 星期三

The Khmer Rough 赤柬

"轉型正義週訊 No.12 (2008/8/13)


被暱稱為杜赫(Duch)的康克由(Kaing Guek Eav)在8/8被正式起訴,成為赤柬前高層領導人中,將面臨正式審判的第一人。杜赫當年是惡名昭彰的S-21監獄負責人,將近一萬六千人曾經被送到這裡來嚴刑訊問拷打。紀錄片「殺人機器S21」(S21,The Khmer Rough Killing Machine)揭露這座人間地獄運作的狀況,今年十一月底,由本會與台權會合辦的人權影展將放映此片。....."

HC評:「殺人機器S21」(S21,The Khmer Rough Killing Machine
Khmer Rough漏掉譯 這是大問題 因為"殺人機器S21" 類似科幻小說/電影之說法

2008年8月11日 星期一

三番兩次回譯 Deming's 1950 Lecture to Japanese Management

所以翻譯成英文時 許多專有名詞都走樣了


Deming's 1950 Lecture to Japanese Management

NOTE: What follows is an "informal" translation of the Japanese transcript commissioned by John Dowd. It has been checked by several translators and is the only known English translation of Dr. Deming's 1950 lecture.

注:以下是由約翰 道得先生委託翻譯日文演講稿謄本的非正式版本,經多位翻譯者之校對。它是已知的戴明在1950年對日本高階管理者的演講稿之唯一英語翻譯。

2008年8月10日 星期日

The Bacchae

重讀自己翻譯的Out of the Crisis by W. Edwards Deming (1986)
Appendix: Transformation in
Japan 後記 日本為什麼能?
TE DIONYSUS, THE GOD; _son of Zeus and of the Theban princess Semelê_.
CADMUS, _formerly King of Thebes, father of Semelê_.
TEIRESIAS, _an aged Theban prophet_.


2007年起,有一齣精彩戲劇---根據 Ian Ruffell 的直譯本之The Bacchae 在英美兩國上演,參考許多相關戲評和訪問記:

Hitting your ear - Andrew Burnet talks to translator Ian Ruffell

I came across some lines that resonated very strongly with me. In the chorus, the Bacchae sing a hymn to the good things that come of accepting Dionysus and warn of what happens to those who don't. In the middle of this song, they sing: "To sophon d'ou sophia." It's a piece of Euripidean wordplay that Ian Ruffell, in the literal translation I adapted for the National Theatre of Scotland production, rendered as: "Wisdom is not cleverness."

2008年8月9日 星期六

Mars in opposition to Saturn radical.

「土星背對著激進的火星」【鏡中自畫像 p.248

William Butler Yeats –(1865-1935).日記的19101216日注中附原文: Mars in opposition to Saturn radical.

譯者似乎不知道作者深精星象學,甚至於認為 A Vision 是他畢生最重要的著作;也沒查規模大點的辭典,譬如說 Shorter O.E.D.等等。

2008年8月6日 星期三

汪曾祺 尾巴 (艾子雜說*)

汪曾祺 尾巴(極短篇小說,1983年 汪曾祺全集二 pp.67-8 )








*艾子雜說一卷 拼音題名:Aizi za shuo 所屬叢書:五朝小説 撰著者:()蘇軾撰 出版/刻印:毛氏汲古閣 出版年:明末 出版年(公元)1628-1639

2008年8月3日 星期日

daimon 與 大塊

翻譯還不夠細緻...譬如說 導論中 將 The voice of the other, of the daimon,...
將希臘重要字眼daimon 翻譯成"惡魔"

大塊(噫氣) 其名為風 - Gary Snyder 翻譯為 The Great Clod --待hc討論
大塊可能指 "大地" 或 近乎Spirits (of Holy)之 "大鬼"


塊 大塊

2008年8月1日 星期五

Long has paled that sunny sky


hc:「今天傍晚散步時,又想起趙先生將 sunny evening 翻譯成"晚霞" --憑記憶。


我又想每天注音輸入,不知受其恩惠多少--寫到惠,我最近才發現:六組究竟是"惠能""慧能" 竟然"見仁見智"!」



Long has paled that sunny sky:

照我所知,Lewis Carroll的故事場景都是經過剪裁,故事背景的金黃色的午後(golden afternoon),經考證當天是陰天。」


"All in the golden afternoon..." (the prefatory verse, an original poem by Carroll that recalls the rowing expedition on which he first told the story of Alice's adventures underground)

Hearing, hear, and understand not: and see the vision, and know it not.


今天一早讀到法國友人的信 為他禱告

Dear Hanching,

Your letter arrived yesterday. I am deeply touched by your kind invitation.

...I wish you a great success for the Deming scholar programme you are launching. People don't realize Deming is a prophet, not just a consultant. People should read "The New Economics". It's not a book about Economics, but about the future of Mankind. And 14 years later his predictions are coming true. Nobody understands that. I'm really pessimistic.

Isaiah (700 B.C.) said: "They hear indeed, but they don't understand. They see indeed, but they don't perceive. Make the heart of this people fat, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes. Let them not see with their eyes, and not hear with their ears, and not understand with their heart, and they will not be healed."

Best wishes

Jean-Marie Gogue

hc補 我採用思高本聖經
依撒意亞:Chapter 6 將另外一版本抄下(網路還有翻譯之討論)

9他說:「你去對這民族說:你們聽是聽,但不明白;看是看,卻不理解。9And he said: Go, and thou shalt say to this people: Hearing, hear, and understand not: and see the vision, and know it not.
10你要使這民族的心遲鈍,使他們的耳朵沉重,使他們的眼睛迷矇,免得他們眼睛看見,耳朵聽見,心裡覺悟而悔改,獲得痊愈。」10Blind the heart of this people, and make their ears heavy, and shut their eyes: lest they see with their eyes, and hear with their ears, and understand with their heart, and be converted and I heal them.

Dear Hanching,

Right. I have just read the authorized version published by the British & Foreign Bible Society (1954). My translation from French was inaccurate (but the meaning was the same). You should forget it and replace it on the blog by the genuine English text.


我看通行的新教翻譯文本 也相當不錯 很值得朋友去讀"以賽亞"相關章節

Ensuring Greener, Safer, Cleaner Parks, Together

New Yorkers for Parks 翻譯成紐約客保衛公園 似乎過於沉重 "紐約客" 也是人云亦云

NEW YORKERS FOR PARKS Ensuring Greener, Safer, Cleaner Parks, Together

"New Yorkers for Parks released a new report, "Spotlight on Recreation: A Report Card on Parks Project," which rates the maintenance conditions of three outdoor recreation features in New York City's neighborhood parks: playgrounds, courts, and ballfields."

View the Press Release

Download the Executieve Summary

Download the Full Report

公園運動遊戲場 評分低
「紐約客」抽查 碎玻璃、垃圾、維修情況變糟 還有場地無故關閉

【本 報綜合三十日電訊報導】非營利組織「紐約客保衛公園」(New Yorkers for Parks)的最新報告指出,紐約市的遊戲場、
運動場和球場有許多問題,包括碎玻璃、垃圾、維修不善,以及場地無故關閉,綜合評鑑給分都很低。另外,聯邦 消費者產品安全委員會(U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission),30日則公布一則令家長安心的消息:人造運動場含鉛量不會對兒童造成傷害。


運 動場方面,場內情形和2006年相同,沒有水坑、多數座椅情況良好,但場地經常無故鎖住,且數個場地有垃圾和碎玻璃。球場上的碎玻璃則很少見,但約三分之 一球場表面有裂縫和坑洞,將近一半的網球場、籃球場和排球場沒有網子。遊戲場幾乎都沒有碎玻璃,但四分之一遊戲場有垃圾,安全表面的品質似乎隨著夏天惡 化。







>New Yorkers for Parks 翻譯成紐約客保衛公園 似乎過於沉重 "紐約客" 也是人云亦云
的確。New Yorker譯成《紐約客》應只限於報紙名稱,在此應指紐約市民。New Yorkers for Parks 既是社團組織,可能譯成「紐約(市民)公園愛護協會」之類。

NEW YORKERS FOR PARKS Ensuring Greener, Safer, Cleaner Parks, Together
我原先認為 together 是談"他們團結一致 (來確保) "

2008年7月31日 星期四

ash heap of history (or often dustbin of history)

『更有感於當年美國雷根總統的名言 Leaving Marxism-Leninism on the ash heap of history 被國內報刊倉促間誤譯為「將馬列主義棄置於歷史的灰燼之上」。 認為 ash 固然是「灰燼」,但「歷史」無論好壞,都不能燒除得了;而 ash 一 字之後,如再加一個名詞,其意義就變了。例如 ash bin' ash can 都是「垃圾箱」, ash cart 是 「垃圾車」,ash heap 則是「垃圾堆」;因此,將 ashheap 譯為「灰 燼」,也是極大的錯誤,個人早有釐清的意願。如今,錫蕃兄的《咬文嚼字話翻譯》一書,業已打開一條通路,相信此書之問世,必然為國人研究或使用中西文 字,注入一股活力與清流,帶動中國文學走向更璀燦的時代。』 ──以上錄自倪搏九推薦序《咬文嚼字話翻譯》∼(台北:天下出版)


現在的資訊發達,我們根據Wikipedia article "Ash heap of history".

很容易知道這是常識: The expression ash heap of history (or often dustbin of history) was coined by Leon Trotsky….

而更重要的是,”…His exact phrase was: "... freedom and democracy will leave Marxism and Leninism on the ash heap of history." [2]

2008年7月23日 星期三


有人非將NTN公司翻譯成"恩梯恩"不可: 恩梯恩開發出減少材料實現輕量化的角接触球軸承


這三個名字,都是德國一名人Humboldt; Alexander von (1769-1859) 的翻譯。這位科學文化的名人在柏林都有紀念大學。

A. Rupke)『洪博後傳』)(Alexander von Humboldt: A Metabiography

2008年7月20日 星期日

"知識分子論" 幾處問題

艾德華.薩依德 (Edward W. Said) 知識分子論 Representations of the Intellectual 單德興
台北:麥田出版股份有限公司 1997
北京: 三聯 2002 (這版本的索引頁次與正文多不同 可能是照抄台灣版)

這本是編譯 即比原書增加篇幅--作者還指出
安東尼奧·葛蘭西(Antonio Gramsci的《獄中札記》之一段的英文本的錯誤
"批判性闡述.......開始時編制這樣的目錄是很迫切需要的" (三聯版 p.127)

不過書名中的 representations 經常用"代表"硬譯 讀起來很不通

"葛蘭西試著顯示,在社會中履行知識分子作用的人可以分為兩類:第一類是傳統的知識分子(traditional intellectuals),例如老師、教士,行政官吏,這類人代代從事相同的工作;第二類是有機的知識分子(organic intellectuals),在葛蘭西眼中,這類人與階級或企業直接相關,而這些階級或企業運用知識分子來贏得更多的權力,獲取更多的控制。 "

1. on Page 4: ". . Gramsci tries to show, can be divided into two types: first, traditional intellectuals such as teachers, priests, and administrators, ...".. who continue to do the same thing from generation to generation; and second, organic intellectuals, whom Gramsci saw as directly connected to classes or enterprises that used intellectuals to organize interests, ..."

on Page 67:
"... As the institutions either rise or fall in ascendancy, so too do their organic intellectuals, to use Antonio's Gramsci's serviceable phrase for them. ..."

此外 下段的翻譯也有"含混"之嫌:


Representations of the Intellectual: The 1993 Reith Lectures

on Page 63:
"... No one is ever free of attachments and sentiments of course. Nor do I have in mind here the so-called free- floating intellectual,

"... Real intellectuals constitute a clerisy, very rare creatures indeed, since what they uphold are eternal standards of truth and justice that are precisely not of ..."
真 正的知識分子形成了一個知識階層(clerisy),的確是稀有罕見之人,因為他們支持、維護的正是不屬於這個世界的真理與正義的永恆標準。他說:真正 的知識分子「他們的活動本質上不是追求實用的目的,而是在藝術、科學或形而上的思索中尋求樂趣,簡言之,就是樂於尋求擁有非物質方面的利益,因此以某種方 式說:『我的國度不屬於這世界』」。

HC改--沒原文 猜測
真正的知識分子形成了文人精英圈(clerisy),的確是稀有罕見之人,因為他們支持、維護的正是真理與正義的永恆標準-- 而它們不屬於這個塵世的。

2008年7月13日 星期日


重讀2004年的這篇 周氏兄弟的孔乙己--不能翻譯的趣味,如何重譯?有必要嗎?

魯迅 的「孔乙己」可能被中共當教材,所以網路上版本很多:「... 一部亂蓬蓬的花白的鬍子。穿的雖然是長衫,可是又臟又破,似乎十多年沒有補,也沒有洗。他對人說話,總是滿口之乎者也,教人半懂不懂的。因為他姓孔,別人便從描紅紙⑵上的"上大人孔乙己"這半懂不懂的話裡 ...... 」

上述的選注 似乎只談「描紅紙」,而沒談"上大人孔乙己" 。
查另外的一種解釋就容易了解:「(「描紅紙」)每字四張,共九十六張,此牌 戲名為"上大人",俗稱九十六。 這句話出自舊時用於描紅的半通不通的尊孔的話,所謂半通不通,是為舊 時讀的時候三字一斷,其實這句話應該是如此斷句:"上大人(孔)丘, 乙己化三千……"」

周作人和後來的數世代,他們對這些兒時的學習經驗 當然最難忘,所以在他後來的翻譯上,就採用它:「…….原文係日本五十字母歌訣的首兩句,不能翻譯,姑以趣味相近的「上大人,孔乙己。」這兩句話替代。雖然千字文的「天地玄黃」或者在性質上更為相似。」(周作人譯《狂言選》(中國對外翻譯出版社,2001,pp. 151-52,『柿頭陀』))

對於我們習日在Simon University網站討論的人,要想談點翻譯道裡,似乎應該注意他的取捨。他認為:「雖然千字文的「天地玄黃」或者在性質上更為相似。」而仍然認為用「上大人孔乙己」來作為頭陀--解釋: "佛教用語。指修習十二種苦行的比丘為梵語 dhta的音譯。意譯為"脩治、搖振、棄除。或稱為杜多、杜荼"。習俗上又將行腳乞食的出家人稱為頭陀。此僧人通常還保留有部分的頭髮。"的吹法螺變戲法來得妙!

最近「小讀者」與「wo」談論:「有時重譯是為了配合語言的更新,我想小讀者不以為然的是,你的語言更新跟他原文何干?」 「譯文語言的時代性, 在地性色彩, 如若太強烈, 可能在採用上必須有所保留…….」 等等,我舉出上述這一實際的處理供大家參考。

營運可靠度 "the Most Reliable Metro System"?

uptime, downtime, availability, outage, Blackout!,...
為什麼要將這樣狹窄的"可靠度"字彙 "送"給市民呢??


Taipei Metro Once Again Rated the Most Reliable Metro System Among 26 CoMET and Nova Consortiums

2008年7月6日 星期日


LE CORBUSIER . L'architecture pour emouvoir


Wikipedia article "Atlas Mountains".

台灣的『柯比意-現代建築奇才』翻譯為Atlas 山脈


((法)讓熱(Jenger, J. {柯布西埃:為了感動的建築},周嫄 譯,上海:上海人民出版社,2006,第97頁。)

翻譯為Atlas 之鏈

同樣的 傳主將掛毯稱為Mural-nomad

台灣翻譯為遊牧 大陸流動


整體說來 也許 台北版的文字 比較對味口

2008年7月3日 星期四


Xu Changhui1929.09.26-2001.01.01 國立中山大學人文社會科學中心計畫
知道翻譯放忘掉一人名要點 譬如說張大千等人的洋名不應用現在的硬譯

Tsang-Houei Hsu Culture and Art Foundation 許常惠文化藝術基金會

Khó͘ Siông-hūi (許常惠) WIKI 的閩南語 Bân-lâm-gú


2008年6月29日 星期日

Tea leaves

WSJ "茶葉在購買後兩個月內品嘗才能保證最佳品質。六個月是綠茶存放時間的上限。茶葉會吸收異味(有時可以用做除臭劑)﹐所以需要避光保存在密封、乾燥的金屬或是錫罐中。過期的茶葉會變得乾燥易碎﹐口感與 味道都會明顯下降。"

Tea leaves produce the best flavor when used within two months of purchasing. Six months is the maximum time to store green tea. The leaves absorb smells (they are sometimes used as a deodorizer) so they should be stored in an airtight, moisture-free metal or tin container that is away from light. Out of date tea leaves will be brittle and dry, rather than lush and aromatic.

HC改成" 茶葉在買後兩月內品嘗味道最佳。綠茶存放時間不超過六個月。茶葉會吸收異味(有時可以用做除臭劑)﹐所以需要密封保存在無溼氣的金屬罐或錫罐中。過期的茶葉會變得乾燥易碎﹐口感與香 味會驟減。" 或許稍好?

2008年6月28日 星期六

nihil tetigit quod non ornavit

Nihil quod tetigit non ornavit.’ His mind resembled a fertile, but thin soil. ..... for chymical experiments, of which Johnson was all his life very fond. ...The Life of Samuel Johnson LL.D., by James Boswell (chapter21)

Johnson Goldsmith 在西敏逝寺的墓志銘;epitaph :nihil tetigit quod non ornavit 三本中文翻譯都略去

有意思的是我們可以找到Nihil tetigit quod non ornavit 的一些英文翻譯:

He touched nothing that he didn’t adorn..

He adorned whatever he touched..

He touched nothing without embellishing it.

2008年6月16日 星期一

"功夫在詩外"的知識不足--Errata 等例

But art and poetry will always give to universals "a local habitation and a name." They have made the particular, even the minute, inviolable. Nowhere more so than in Canto IV of Pope's The Rape of the Lock:

A constant Vapour o'er the palace flies; Strange phantoms rising as the mists arise; Dreadful, as hermit's dreams in haunted shades, Or bright, as visions of expiring maids. Now glaring fiends, and snakes on rolling spires, Pale spectres, gaping tombs, and purple fires: Now lakes of liquid gold, Elysian scenes, And crystal domes, and Angels in machines.

Unnumber'd throngs on ev'ry side are seen, Of bodies chang'd to various forms of Spleen. Here living Tea-pots stand, one arm held out, One bent; the handle this, and that the spout: A Pipkin there, like Homer's Tripod walks; Here sighs a Jar, and there a Goose-pye talks; Men prove with child, as pow'rful fancy works, And maids turn'd bottles, call aloud for corks.

That last couplet cries out, doubtless, for reduction to the psychoanalytic. Yet how little of its surrealistic magic such reduction can theorize. Pope's ironic self-subversions can, indeed, be grist for a deconstructive mill. Ground to theoretical dust, what have they yielded of their nightmare-charm? The most penetrating gloss on this passage is Beardsley's illustration in which, if not God, the devil lies in the detail. Ask any child whether that "living Tea-pot" can suffer deconstruction, whether theory can arrest that walking pipkin.

翻譯的"誤解"都是 "功夫在詩外"的知識不足

Errata, Lessons of the Masters, After Babel

又,George Steiner這位仁兄:

George Steiner was a contributor to The Economist and chief literary critic of The New Yorker. He is a former professor at Princeton University, Cambridge University, and the University of Geneva. He is the author of After Babel, The Death of Tragedy, and Language and Silence.


After Babel: aspects of language and translation

現在記一點點 After Babel: aspects of language and translation Oxford University Press


上海外語教育出版社 (2001) Southern African Linguistics and Applied Language Studies, Volume 25, Number 2, June 2007 , pp. 239-243(5) Publisher: NISC Pty Ltd

After Babel 書前引言 MARTIN HEIDEGGER的德文和 J.-L., Borges的西班牙文和 Henri MESCHONNIC的法文,都有看沒懂(沒翻譯),幸虧另外等份量的英文難不倒我(Are you sure? ),其中一小段:No problem is as completely concordant with literature and with the modest mystery of literature as is the problem posed by a translation.

After Babel 書末舉 Beckett 自己將 Endgame 中主角Hamm到瘋人院看他朋友的一段英文和其翻譯的許多差別(pp. 496-97)。

書中談哥德的三層次翻譯論(pp. 270-75:我在1997年的 Out of the Crisis 的翻譯後記中提過它呢 哈哈 有點吹牛啦..

Errata Lessons of the Masters的中文翻譯都無索引 問題多多

勘誤表-審視後的生命 Errata 中文序言大略談第五章The Hermeneutic Motion 的 "信任" 攻佔" "吸納" "補償"等 不過太簡陋啦


2006-07-24 11:03:30

喬治‧史坦納(George Steiner)『哈佛諾頓講座之大師與門徒』(Lessons of the Masters)邱振訓譯,台北:立緒出版社,2006,pp.21-3



常有人以質疑甚或嘲弄的態度來看待這份神諭:「我現在將跟隨我心中神明所開示的德爾斐明諭(sequar ora moventem / Rite deum Delphosque meos ipsumque recludam)。」【hc將原來的 sequar or 改正】


***** hc評


我現在是受神的感召在說話 因此我就服從神的旨意 說他叫我說的話
我要把得爾福和天堂打開 把至高的神意向你們表露
我喜歡離開沉濁的人寰 翱翔於萬點星空 足乘青雲

2007831 星期五

勘誤表-審視後的生命 Errata

An Examined Life.
By George Steiner.
206 pp.
New Haven:
Yale University Press. $25.

April 12, 1998

Idea Man

George Steiner, polymath, has written an intellectual autobiography.

Read the First Chapter

文末 將 Aubrey (Vincent) Beardsley 的"Pope's Rape of the Lock (1896)插畫" (illustration)誤以為是
對於這個段落最深刻的分析首推貝爾斯利的"解說":如果不是上帝 那就是魔鬼藏身其中 (頁8)

The most penetrating gloss on this passage is Beardsley's illustration in which, if not God, the devil lies in the detail. 這句也是英文熟語的文字遊戲 翻譯未表示"細節"


Aubrey Beardsley

  1. The Morning Dream
  2. The Billet-doux
  3. The Toilette
  4. The Baron's Prayer
  5. The Barge
  6. The Rape of the Lock
  7. The Cave of Spleen
  8. The Battle of the Beaux and Belles
  9. The New Star



G Steiner, Errata: An Examined Life (London, Faber, 1997)

日文版幾乎同步--· ジョージ・スタイナー, "G. スタイナー自伝", 工藤政司 , みすず書房, 1998., ISBN4-622-03085-3 C1010 \3000E

台北:行人 出版 2007 / 08


有的多注言不及義 譬如說 George Orwell 關於英文語文的著作 才是作者要談的


出版社沒搞"索引" 就無法幫助讀者很快了解作者對自己著作--他的書日本翻譯得相當多--的摘述等

本書作者一重要字眼 presence ---它在第一章中是如何處理

{presence: 臨在;鑒臨;親在:指兩存有物某種程度的互相滲透。造物主天主臨在於宇宙,尤其與我們人類同在,包括基督親臨信徒中,尤指基督親在聖體聖事中。 presence at Mass:參與彌撒;與祭。presence of God:天主的鑒臨;天主的臨在:無所不在的天主,此時此刻就在我們面前,善人的靈魂是天主的聖殿。}

:At that hour, in the days following, the totalities of personal experience, of human contacts, of landscape around me became a mosaic, each fragment at once luminous and resistant in its "quiddity" (the Scholastic term for integral presence revived by Gerard Manley Hopkins). 翻譯為.......每個碎片的"本質" "quiddity" (....指完整呈現的詞語........).

我們需要索引來詳細審查一些術語 譬如說 本書翻譯成" 重重深淵" :在第一章類似「紋中紋手法(mise en abyme )」(ミザナビーム(mise-en-abyme)とは、フランス語で「深淵に入る」と言う意味で、英語では "put in the abyss"と訳されます。 また、ミザナビームの別名として、入れ子構造の物語(Chinese box narrative) ...)…..


我們碰到天主教引 confession
回到天主教字典:(1) 懺悔。(2) 告明:告解五條件之一。五條件為省察、痛悔、定改、告明、補贖。(這條的說法真讓我迷糊)......


2008年6月15日 星期日

"布石" (碁石)




ふせき 布石

《囲碁》preliminary moves; 《準備》preliminaries.


2008年6月7日 星期六


納文--圍繞一個新幾內亞部落的一項儀式所展開的民族志實驗/ Naven: A Survey of the Problems suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe drawn from Three Points of View



譯者將MONGOLS(蒙古人) 翻譯成" 蒙戈爾人" (p.212) ,有點不可思議。

2008年6月5日 星期四

"The Winter's Tale"一小段

錢鍾書”談藝錄” 頁61:「人藝足補天工,然而人藝即天工也。」(This is an Art/ Which does mend Nature, change it rather, but/The Art itself is  Nature )



  Perd. For I haue heard it said,
There is an Art, which in their pidenesse shares
With great creating-Nature
   Pol. Say there be:
Yet Nature is made better by no meane,
But Nature makes that Meane: so ouer that Art,
(Which you say addes to Nature) is an Art
That Nature makes: you see (sweet Maid) we marry
A gentler Sien, to the wildest Stocke,
And make conceyue a barke of baser kinde
By bud of Nobler race. This is an Art
Which do's mend Nature: change it rather, but
The Art it selfe, is Nature



The fourth Act of The Winter's Tale is excessively long and tedious, without obvious progression of the plot. In this Act, we can see masque-like features-music, songs, dances and sheep-shearing. In ActIV, scene iv, there is Perdita's quasi-philosophical debate with Polixenes on Art and Nature. Why is the debate being invoked in the middle of a country sheep-shearing festival? This paper argues what this peculiarity means in the flow of Shakespeare's dramaturgy.

2008年6月4日 星期三



But many who lived through the seven tense months before the deal say Bear Stearns imploded because it was at war with itself. Buffeted by the most treacherous market forces in a generation and hobbled by indecision, the firm's leaders missed opportunities that might have been able to save the 85-year-old brokerage.

Lost Opportunities Haunt Final Days of Bear Stearns

評:【黑體字表示不滿意:rubble, implosion


exult, draw strength

Many Blacks Find Hope in a Breakthrough

Many African-Americans exulted in a political triumph they never thought they would see, hoping their children would draw strength.

We shall struggle on, drawing our strength from the courage of others.


exult PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
verb [I] FORMAL
to express great pleasure or happiness, especially at someone else's defeat or failure:
They exulted at/over their victory.
She seems to exult in her power.

exultant PhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhoneticPhonetic Hide phonetics
adjective FORMAL
very happy, especially at someone else's defeat or failure:
an exultant cheer
an exultant crowd