2008年6月29日 星期日

Tea leaves

WSJ "茶葉在購買後兩個月內品嘗才能保證最佳品質。六個月是綠茶存放時間的上限。茶葉會吸收異味(有時可以用做除臭劑)﹐所以需要避光保存在密封、乾燥的金屬或是錫罐中。過期的茶葉會變得乾燥易碎﹐口感與 味道都會明顯下降。"

Tea leaves produce the best flavor when used within two months of purchasing. Six months is the maximum time to store green tea. The leaves absorb smells (they are sometimes used as a deodorizer) so they should be stored in an airtight, moisture-free metal or tin container that is away from light. Out of date tea leaves will be brittle and dry, rather than lush and aromatic.

HC改成" 茶葉在買後兩月內品嘗味道最佳。綠茶存放時間不超過六個月。茶葉會吸收異味(有時可以用做除臭劑)﹐所以需要密封保存在無溼氣的金屬罐或錫罐中。過期的茶葉會變得乾燥易碎﹐口感與香 味會驟減。" 或許稍好?
