2008年12月19日 星期五

The Madoff Economy 一段

At the crudest level, Wall Street’s ill-gotten gains corrupted and continue to corrupt politics, in a nicely bipartisan way. From Bush administration officials like Christopher Cox, chairman of the Securities and Exchange Commission, who looked the other way as evidence of financial fraud mounted, to Democrats who still haven’t closed the outrageous tax loophole that benefits executives at hedge funds and private equity firms (hello, Senator Schumer), politicians have walked when money talked.

The Madoff Economy

Published: December 19, 2008

就最赤裸裸的層面而言,華爾街獲益係屬不法所得,並且巧妙地持續腐化政壇,不分朝野。從對於金融詐欺證據增加視而不見的布希政府官員,像是證管會主席考克 斯,到至今仍未封閉租稅漏洞,圖利避險基金主管和私募基金業者的民主黨政治人物(哈囉,參議員舒默),有錢能使鬼(政客)推磨。

克魯曼專欄》華爾街與馬多夫 都是騙局

中文意思都點出 不過文章比英文不容易抓住重點
或許 不應將兩黨翻譯成"朝野"
crudest 採用"最露骨處"呢
outrageous 沒翻譯出

politicians have walked when money talked. 這意思來自 walk the talk 說法
這兒說不定指'財勢使政客閃到一邊去" 不敢得罪
