2016年4月27日 星期三

Time Out of Joint

1998年的經典電影─《楚門的世界》The Truman Show,由喜劇泰斗,金凱瑞所飾演主角─楚門。

プロットは1959年のフィリップ・K・ディックの小説『時は乱れて』(Time Out of Joint)からいくつもアイデアを拝借しているという。

Time Out of Joint
Time Out of Joint is a dystopian novel by Philip K. Dick, first published in novel form in the United States in 1959. 
 The title is a reference to the line uttered by Hamlet to Horatio after being visited by his father's ghost and learning that his uncle Claudius murdered his father; in short, a shocking supernatural event that fundamentally alters the way Hamlet perceives the state and the universe ("The time is out of joint; O cursed spite!/That ever I was born to set it right!" [I.V.211-2]), much as do several events in the novel.

2010.5.30交情千千( V)
188   The time is out of joint: O cursed spite, 
189   That ever I was born to set it right! 

HAMLET, Act 1, Scene 5

朱生豪 哈姆雷特

