2016年4月19日 星期二

吹毛求疵:"backlash"、 "ingrained " 、"lightning rod"、visceral

Now, the country’s immunization program faces a backlash of public distrust that critics say has been magnified by the government’s ingrained secrecy.


提問:"backlash" (激烈的反感等)漏譯。

 "ingrained " (根深的)是"一貫以來"嗎?

The faulty vaccines have become the latest lightning rod for widespread, often visceral distrust of China’s medical system, as well as a rebuff to what many Chinese critics see as President Xi Jinping’s bulldozing, top-down rule.

lightning rod noun [C] US 原意為避雷針, 轉為"被攻擊、批判的替身":上
文指散播不信任之"傳輸管道"。someone or something that takes all the blame for a situation, although other people or things are responsible too:

In a harsh economic climate, raises for teachers have become a lightning rod for criticism.

"visceral" distrust不是"極不信任感",而是"直覺的、本能的"不信任。


知性でなく)本能から生じる;直観的な,本能的な,感情的な;心[腹]の底からの(◆gut の婉曲語)

  • The sympathy is visceral.
  • 同情とは腹の底からわいてくるものだ.

1 (of beliefs) so firmly held that they are not likely to change:
Such ingrained prejudices cannot be corrected easily.
The belief that you should own your house is deeply ingrained in British society.

2 Ingrained dirt has got under the surface of something and is difficult to remove:
The oil had become ingrained in his skin.

1 〈偏見・迷信・気性・習慣などが〉深く染み込んだ,しっかり植えつけられた,根深い;生得の,生まれつきの;全くの
    • an ingrained habit
    • 身に染みついた習慣
    • ingrained stubbornness
    • 持ち前の頑固さ.
  1. 2 〈特に,よごれが〉糸[繊維]の中まで染み込んだ. (また engrained)


báck • làsh
  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 反発,(急激な)反動,跳ね返り.
  3. 2 (社会的・政治的な)激しい反発,反感
    • white backlash
    • (白人の黒人に対する)反発.
  4. 3 〔機械〕 バックラッシュ.
  5. (1)(歯車の間の)すき間,あそび.
  6. (2)(機械の間の)あそび,がた.
  7. 4 〔釣り〕 (リールの回転が速すぎるために起こる)釣り糸のもつれ.
  1. ━━ [自動詞]
