2008年3月27日 星期四

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.54

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.54, 2008
327日; 2008/1/28 創刊


很久以前,明目賴先生有次教女兒翻譯,讓我印象深刻。前幾周,知道此學風早已不再。我就建議此類練習。…….) 我的目的是信、達。

I was never encouraged to follow my father into his theatrical agency*. He was the last of the Victorians and considered it inappropriate for any daughter of his to go into business. inappropriate, theatrical



許多翻譯不容易還原,這樣的翻譯好嗎? WSJ 用「談判中的話語權」、「討價還價的能力」。


「兩大煉鋼廠商萊蕪鋼鐵股份有限公司(Laiwu Steel Corp. Ltd.)和濟南鋼鐵股份有限公司(Jinan Iron & Steel Co. Ltd.)已經同意合併﹐此舉旨在整合中國的鋼鐵產業﹐以及在原材料成本急劇上漲之際加強與鐵礦石生產商討價還價的能力。」)

首先我必須查:(到底什麼是話語權呢?這個字在法律意義上有權利right)和權力power)兩種不同的含義,相應地互聯網時代的話語權也有話語權利和話語權力兩層涵義。 .

我以為它的原文可能是:Negotiation power( can be defined as "the ability of the negotiator to influence the behavior of another. Commentators have observed a variety of aspects and ...)

不料原作者用的是:gain more leverage with

Two of China's top steelmakers -- Laiwu Iron & Steel Group Co. and Jinan Iron & Steel Group Co. -- have agreed to merge in an effort to consolidate China's steel industry, as well as gain more leverage with iron-ore producers at a time of soaring raw-material costs.
