2008年3月19日 星期三

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.48

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
8, 2008319日; 2008/1/28 創刊

就文字部分而言,本書(王大閎作品集 國立台北技術學院建築系,1995) 可能近半是翻譯。


All I want is to speak simply;

For this grace I pray

For we have loaded down even the song

With so many kinds of music

That gradually it sinks.

And our art we so decorated

That beneath the gilt

Its face is eaten away.

And it is now time for us to say

The few words we have to say

Because tomorrow our soul sets sail.

by the Greek poet Seferis Wikipedia article "Giorgos Seferis". 1900-71

Walter Gropius Wikipedia article "Walter Gropius". 1883-1969





(For his part, Seligman home-schools the children he had with his second wife. He says he likes to balance the standard high-school fare he gives the older ones with "books in which notions of virtue and nobility do not end in humiliation and death," like Harper Lee's "To Kill a Mockingbird" and Arthur C. Clarke's "Childhood's End.")

訃文: Arthur C. Clarke, 90, Science Fiction Writer, Dies

hc:「每次談歷史,或發展史,我們不免要慨嘆像 IE、QC、OR等曾經是很有力的東西,它們像佛教中的「筏」,曾經為先賢們聰明而努力以赴造成,協助多少人「渡過苦海,如今是否該功成身退?經過輝煌的20世紀,它們是否已經近黃昏了呢?是否衰亡了呢? 也許,他們面臨的是《再見,童年(Childhood’s End)》—這本書是我30年前的舊識,從BBC的改編廣播激發。多年以後才有翻譯:A. C. Clarke 著, 童年末日(Childhood's End), 鍾慧元、葉李華譯, 天下文化,2000」


2010太空漫遊《2010:奥德赛之二》 2010Odyssey Two Phantasia, 1982

我比較不清楚的是Rama之翻譯:(The "Rama" of the title is the starship, which is initially mistaken for an asteroid and named after the Hindu deity Rama. (By the 22nd century, we are told, scientists have run out of Greek and Roman mythological figures to name astronomical bodies after.) The nature and purpose of the starship and its creators remains enigmatic throughout the book.

━━ n. 【ヒンドゥー教】ラーマ ((Vishnu神のいくつかの化身;特に第7化身Ramachandra)).

Clarke氏は単独あるいは共同で、何十冊ものフィクション/ノンフィクションの作品を執筆した。最も有名なのは「2001年宇宙の旅(原題: 2001: A Space Odyssey)」で、のちにStanley Kubrick監督によって映画化された。Wikipediaによると、他の代表作は「宇宙のランデヴー(原題:Rendezvous with Rama)」「幼年期の終り(原題:Childhood's End)」「楽園の泉(原題:The Fountains of Paradise)」など。
