2016年11月5日 星期六

"The Grammar" 多翻譯為"典範" 不知何故?Grammaire des civilisations

20 世紀有些書名 The Grammar of Science /The Grammar of Politics

"The Grammar" 多翻譯為"典範" 不知何故:應該是"學問的基本原理" (The basic principles of an area of knowledge: the grammar of music.)

布羅岱爾(Fernand Braudel)在他自己寫的《文明的文法》這本教科書的序言中說:“歷史學不應當熱衷於民族主義的編造(民族主義是常常應當受到譴責的),也不應當只沉緬於人文主義(儘管人文主義是我所偏好的),重要的問題在於,如果歷史學消失,國民意識也將因此不能存續,而如果喪失了這種國民意識,法國也好,意大利也好,都不可能存在有獨立的文化和真正的文明。”
Grammaire des civilisations est un livre de Fernand Braudel publié en 1987 aux éditions Arthaud et en 1993, chez Flammarion. Il reprend la partie principale, des pages 143 à 475, du manuel d'histoire Le Monde actuel, histoire et civilisation, édité en 19631.

松本雅弘訳 『文明の文法――世界史講義』
  • (1)1995年8月、みすず書房。ISBN 4622034948 / (2)1996年11月、みすず書房。
金塚貞文訳 『歴史入門』
A History of CivilizationsBook by Fernand Braudel5/5 · DecitreFernand Braudel was one of the greatest historians of the twentieth century. A leading member of the Annales school, he rejected a narrow focus on Western warfare, diplomacy, and power politics, and ... Google Books
AuthorFernand Braudel

Penguin Books, 1995 - History - 600 pages
Fernand Braudel was one of the greatest historians of the twentieth century. A leading member of the Annales school, he rejected a narrow focus on Western warfare, diplomacy, and power politics, and opened up economic and social history to influences from anthropology, sociology, geography, psychology, and linguistics. In the late 1950s, when the Annales approach was widely accepted in French universities, a major reform introduced the study of "the main contemporary civilizations" into the final year of secondary schools. Traditionalists attacked the new stress on the social sciences and eventually triumphed, but Braudel was firmly committed to such changes. This marvelous survey of world history, the last of his books to be translated into English, was originally intended for French "sixth-formers." Yet its real value is far more permanent. Even an "educational story, " Braudel once suggested in a lecture, can become a "tale of adventure, " provided the historian manages to "find the key to a civilization and is not afraid of simplicity - "not simplicity that distorts the truth, produces a void, and is another name for mediocrity, but simplicity that is clarity, the light of intelligence." Such a light shines throughout A History of Civilizations. After an introductory section examining the nature of cultures and civilizations, their continuities and transformations, Braudel surveys broad historical developments in almost every corner of the globe: the Muslim world - from the rise of Islam to post-colonial revival; Black Africa - from the slave trade to the dilemmas of development; the Far East: China, India, the maritime states and Japan; Europe - from the collapse of the Roman Empir to political union; the European civilizations of the New World: Latin America and the United States; the English-speaking universe: Canada, Southern Africa, Australia, and New Zealand; and the other Europe: Russia, the USSR, and the CIS. For this excellent translation, Richard

The Grammar of Science /Politics

The White Goddess: a Historical Grammar of Poetic Myth is a book-length essay upon the nature of poetic myth-making by author and poet Robert Graves.

glam·our glam·or (glăm'ər) pronunciation
  1. An air of compelling charm, romance, and excitement, especially when delusively alluring.
  2. Archaic. A magic spell; enchantment.
[Scots, magic spell, alteration of GRAMMAR (from the association of learning with magic).]

20 世紀有些書名 The Grammar of Science /The Grammar of Politics

"The Grammar" 多翻譯為"典範" 不知何故:應該是"學問的基本原理
(grăm'ər) pronunciation
    1. The study of how words and their component parts combine to form sentences.
    2. The study of structural relationships in language or in a language, sometimes including pronunciation, meaning, and linguistic history.
    1. The system of inflections, syntax, and word formation of a language.
    2. The system of rules implicit in a language, viewed as a mechanism for generating all sentences possible in that language.
    1. A normative or prescriptive set of rules setting forth the current standard of usage for pedagogical or reference purposes.
    2. Writing or speech judged with regard to such a set of rules.
  1. A book containing the morphologic, syntactic, and semantic rules for a specific language.
    1. The basic principles of an area of knowledge: the grammar of music.
    2. A book dealing with such principles.
[Middle English gramere, from Old French gramaire, alteration of Latin grammatica, from Greek grammatikē, from feminine of grammatikos, of letters, from gramma, grammat-, letter.]
