本書的圖片太少,我想讀者及不容易理解書中說的某圖之演變史,譬如說,圖11,1753~1754英國Worcest廠的茶壺,參考第374頁第2段末的該茶壺式樣之曲折流變說明:英國乳白陶器、法國瓷碗、法國銀器、赫爾蘭尼姆 (讀者必須到書後查原文是Herculaneum,這約是2千年前的義大利某地區 (你可能想不到,在Google Images 可以找幾乎跟圖11類似的壺)!
博物館對於舉辦「超級特展」(blockbuster)樂此不疲。2013年「龐貝和赫庫蘭尼姆的生與死」(Life and Death in Pompeii and Herculaneum)特展在大英博物館創下佳績,吸引了47萬名訪客進場參觀。蜂擁而至的人潮,使得主辦單位不得不將展區延伸到圖書閱覽室裡。
Buried a few days after Pompeii, the small but wealthy village of Herculaneum, on the north side of the volcano, had more time to panic and evacuate than its more famous neighboring city.
看來在專利的領域,這個人工智慧翻譯機可不會輸給 Google。
看來在專利的領域,這個人工智慧翻譯機可不會輸給 Google。
Patent translator flies artificial intelligence flag for public sector
A UN agency has developed a translation machine based on artificial intelligence that ...
Financial Times - 2 days ago