2016年11月23日 星期三

薪火相傳. weak tea. A Brilliant Mind’s Pauses: The Fiction of Russia’s Greatest Poet By Bob Blaisdell

 "我問李老師,聽說方老師去世後,他辦公室滿黑板公式中,埋有這樣一行字 :Butte fire burned beneath the ashes (薪火相傳)


butte /bjuːt/ is an isolated hill with steep, often vertical sides and a small, relatively flat top; buttes are smaller than mesas, plateaus, and table landforms.

東西のミトン・ビュートとメリック・ビュート (アリゾナ州モニュメントバレー)

n., (1) torch; (2) the torch of learning handed from teacher to pupil.


weak tea 有時指淡茶,下文中的 weak tea,可能指景氣清淡、有點食之無味。

Weak Tea After Brexit 

The May government’s additional spending won’t spur growth.

Something watered down compared to the alternative, from the practice of adding boiling water to normally brewed tea to create a drink with less flavor and/or caffeine.
His proposal for reducing the deficit is rather weak tea.
A dilute solution of tea.
 An unconvincing argument.


Los Angeles Review of Books (LARB)
“Quibbling over translations is perhaps only amusing for translators and people who claim to be experts in the original tongue. We’ll try a set of comparisons, but first I’ll declare that the best new old fiction you’re going to read all year is between the covers of this book.”—reviewer Bob Blaisdell's endorses the new Pushkin translation by Pevear and Volokhonsky.

