To build the collection was as much a mean (sic 應該是 means ) as an end.
這是談收藏既是手段也是目的 (a means as well as an end),此處 an end 竟然翻譯成"結束"。
he epitomized America at its best 他是美國極盛期的一個典型人物。
'My House. My Dream. It Was All an Illusion.'
彭博報導,英特爾執行長科再奇(Brian Krzanich)在公司官網聲明說:「英特爾前董事長與執行長葛洛夫辭世,我們深感難過。」他說:「葛洛夫讓不可能變成可能,一次又一次,激勵好幾代技術專家、企業家與企業領導人。」
Andy Grove was one of the giants of the technology world. He loved our country and epitomized America at its best. Rest in peace.
— Tim Cook (@tim_cook) 2016年3月22日蘋果執行長庫克在推特(Twitter)說:「葛洛夫是科技界數一數二的巨人。他熱愛我們的國家,並激勵美國呈現最好的一面,願您安息。」 (hc評:翻譯不佳)
Latina's Loss in Va. Epitomizes Mortgage Crisis
(By Brigid Schulte, The Washington Post)一個文人典型的消逝【黃碧端/聯合報2008.03.19-20】
The loss of an epitome of Chinese writer and translator: George Kao
━━ n. 典型; 代表的なもの; 縮図; 摘要.
e・pit・o・mize ━━ vt. 要約する; (…の特徴を)集約する.
the epitome of sth the typical or highest example of a stated quality, as shown by a particular person or thing:
Even now in her sixties, she is the epitome of French elegance.
epitomize, UK USUALLY epitomise
verb [T]
to be a perfect example of a quality or type of thing:
With little equipment and unsuitable footwear, she epitomizes the inexperienced and unprepared mountain walker.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)