2016年3月22日 星期二

compliance 中日台譯法

The ZTE document details how F7 recruited compliance experts and placed them in its joint ventures as part of efforts to mitigate its risks. It says that the company recruited one “senior export control compliance specialist from Texas Instruments” and a “Chinese-American attorney who is familiar with the related laws in the U.S.”
中興的文件詳細講述了F7如何聘用合規專家,並將他們安置在合資企業,以此作為減少風險的舉措的一部分。文件稱,該公司聘用了「德州儀器(Texas Instruments)的資深出口管制合規專員」及一名「熟悉美國相關法律的美國華人律師」。

At a minimum, the Obama administration is preparing to set yearly fuel-economy standards that will lead to compliance with the Energy Act of 2007, which sets a fuel-economy goal for 2020.

Officials have come knocking on parents’ doors day and night. They are so intent on getting parents to comply that in one case, a mayor offered to pay the airfare of a mother who left the province so she could return to sign the contract, the mother said.
Google Aims to Protect YouTube Users
Lawyers for Google asked Viacom for permission to better hide information that might help identify YouTube users before Google complies with a judge's demand that it hand over YouTube "user logs" to Viacom.

現在,防止洗錢(anti money-laundering)或內線交易的法令日多,即「遵循(法令)成本」(compliance cost)日高。(regulator compliance 法令遵循主管;chief compliance officer首席法令遵守官員)
Demand Rises for Bank Compliance Officials
Demand for compliance executives is soaring, and banks are paying top dollar to recruit experienced talent in an effort to keep up with numerous anti money-laundering requirements imposed on financial institutions.
經濟學:Tax compliance 守法納稅 

verb [I] FORMAL
to act according to an order, set of rules or request:
He's been ordered to have the dog destroyed because it's dangerous, but he refuses to comply.
There are serious penalties for failure to comply with the regulations.

noun [U]
1 FORMAL when people obey an order, rule or request:
It is the job of the inspectors to enforce compliance with the regulations.
The company said that it had always acted in compliance with environmental laws.

2 MAINLY DISAPPROVING the tendency to be too willing to do what other people want you to do:
It's his compliance that amazes me.
compliance依照、一致;符合;守規性(compliancy;日文有時音譯為:コンプライアンス 本文多採 compliance法令遵守
與一般市民遵守法律作區別,企業活動方面的「法令遵守」或稱為Business Compliance「ビジネスコンプライアンス」)。
reliability compliance test可靠度適合試驗(統計學、生產自動化名詞)可靠性符合測試(電子計算機) 
電子計算機:regulatory compliance 法規符合性;regulator compliance法令遵循主管;chief compliance officer首席承諾官員;ANSIC compliance符合ANSI C規範
海事compliance with a warranty履行保證規定 non-compliance with a warranty未履行保證 
document of compliance符合證書
核能(原子能)certificate compliance合格證明
