2008年2月7日 星期四

What knows he of England whom only England knows?

2005/2/2 緊急趕回台中醫院,一路上總有許多文明-人生方面的感嘆。2005/2/3 明目書社年終小聚,「苦等那一鍋海鮮等」煮熟…..

買一本:([美]安樂哲(Roger T.Ames) 郝大維(David L.Hall)『道不遠人—比較哲學視域中的老子』(Daodejing --"Making This Life Significant)何金俐譯,北京;學苑出版社, 2004)

安樂哲(Roger T.Ames)和郝大維(David L.Hall),真是一好學術搭擋。出版的書都值得我們三思。學苑出版社,的編排稍為不夠理想,不過,還算不錯。這本書的特色是「哲學」角度(世界主流為將它當成廣義的「文學」解讀),所以各章的注解旁徵博引(可以引其他諸子、提蘇格拉底的知(p.257)或W. James的『實用主義』(p.123)等原文)。使用版本為「馬王堆」(翻譯導論,pp.83-6)。 用dis-ease 翻譯「病」,不差。(p.256)

我對於少數引文的翻譯有點懷疑:R Kipling之名言:What knows he of England whom only England knows?

三年之後補 請參考文後

---同樣的,One of a kind (對應one-of-a-kind) 的翻譯也有問題(p.53)。 ****另外,書中牽涉到科學部分的地方也沒處理好。譬如說,「"水靜則明燭鬚眉。平中准,大匠取法焉。"」(pp.48-9)

英文翻譯:When water is still, it illuminates one's whiskers and eyebrowa, and in its placidity, it provides a standard so that skilled artisans can take their measures from it. Placidity (An absence of motion or disturbance) 無法表示「平中準」之意思。參考:「最早提出水平定義的是墨子。他說:"平,同高也,"③言簡意賅。至於在工程建設中取平,西元前的文獻中有多處提及。莊子指出:"水靜則明燭鬚眉。平中准,大匠取法焉。"王先謙(1842~1917)對"平中准"注解說:"其平與准相中,故匠人取法焉,謂之水平。"④這是關於工匠利用水平原理進行水準測量的早期文獻。所謂"大匠取法",顯然指的是有經驗的工程師以水準測量作為營造水平面的依據。可見至遲在西元前4世紀已在工程實踐中實際應用水準測量技術。西元前3世紀,秦博士伏生更進一步說到水準測量的實際應用,"非水無以准萬里之平"⑤。」 http://www.cws.net.cn/kjcg/CWSArticle_View.asp?CWSNewsID=17087


A Dialogue Between Cultures: Confucian Philosophy and Deweyan Pragmatism
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Asian Centre Auditorium(reception with refreshments at 6:15, lecture at 7:00 pm)Speaker: Roger T. Ames, Ph.D.Professor of Philosophy, University of Hawai'i

Over the past few years, I have been revisiting the traditions of American philosophy from Jonathan Edwards through Ralph Waldo Emerson and on to William James and John Dewey. I have been inspired to do so by productive resonances I have found between the traditional Confucian sensibilities of the Sinitic world and indigenous Western philosophy. These resonances provide us with language that we can appeal to in introducing Confucian philosophy to the Western academy, and also, in the spirit of Kipling's mantra: "What knows he of England whom only England knows," with an external perspective from which to examine the presuppositions of our own worldview and common sense. Given the often delicate and always underproductive history of the relationship between the United States and China, I will argue that within Western philosophy, American pragmatism in particular might serve as a vocabulary to promote a positive dialogue between these cultures at a moment in history when such a conversation is imperative. -Roger Ames在過去的幾年裏,我一直在重讀美國哲學傳統中的愛德華茲(Jonathan Edwards),愛默生(Ralph Waldo Emerson),威廉詹姆斯(William James)以及杜威(John Dewey)。我之所以這樣做,是因為受到了來自于中國傳統儒家與西方本土哲學所共有的感悟方式的啟發。這些共通點給我們提供了一種將儒家哲學介紹到西方學界時可以運用的語言。同時,它讓我們秉持吉卜林(Kipling)的警言精神:“只知道英國的人如何能瞭解英國?”也就是說,我們要從一個外在的角度來檢閱我們自己的的世界觀與共有常識內的一些預設成見。
