"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No. 24, 2008年 2月24日; 2008/1/28 創刊
hc見解是:blood money 照字面翻譯之作法不理想。這種人類社會最古老的殺人罪-告發等等之「賞罰」遠比基督教等文明更久遠。
英雄與英雄崇拜 On Heroes and Hero Worship by Thomas Carlyle 曾虛白譯 台北:商務 。
在p.123 和p.241 等等提到 Fichte,不過翻譯成不同的人名。因附原文,所以小錯微不足道。
"Bungler, Stumper.""Nonentity," hodman
"Bungler, Stumper.拙匠""Nonentity,匹夫" hodman 背捅的腳夫
Punctum (Saliens)
Appearance: that under all there lies, as the essence of them, what he calls the "Divine Idea of the World;" this is the Reality which "lies at the bottom of all Appearance." To the mass of men no such Divine Idea is recognizable in the world; they live merely, says Fichte, among the superficialities, practicalities and shows of the world, not dreaming that there is anything divine under them.
Pillar of Fire, the Divine Idea of the World 後者翻譯為”世界之神的理想”不對。前者或許應該加注
最不可思議的是,堂堂朝日媒體竟錯把「炒作」譯成「捏造」,赫然於2月1日的電視新聞中報導:「中國媒體說日本媒體捏造毒餃子事件。」於是乎,有自民黨議 員見報大怒,強烈要求外務省向中方抗議。而外務省畢竟有懂中文者,發現翻譯有誤,錯把「炒作」譯成「捏造」了,只是朝日電視台至今死不認錯。
本來,筆者過年只想吃餃子並不想寫餃子,是因為不想加入日本的媒體「炒作」。而今終於被逼得「捏」起筆來「造」文了。…….」(狼來了,毒餃子來了 【聯合報╱林祁】)
Sartorius has published five volumes of poetry, which have been translated into several different languages. He is also renowned for his German translations of works by Malcolm Lowry, Les Murray, Robert Gray and John Ashbery.
In 1998 Joachim Sartorius was awarded the Paul-Scheerbart-Prize for his translations of contemporary American poetry. In this week’s Inspired Minds, Sartorius talks to Breandáin O’Shea about the influence his childhood has had on his writing, the creative process of writing poetry and the arduous task of translating a poem.