2007年12月29日 星期六

反対 v 不支持

反対 v 不支持

日中首脳会談 「誤訳」で福田首相の顔色一変

2007.12.29 11:08

 北京の人民大会堂で28日行われた福田康夫首相と温家宝中国首相の首脳会談。直後の共同記者会見で「台湾独立」に対 する表現をめぐり、福田首相が顔色を変える一幕があった。「(独立を)支持しない」と いう福田首相の発言を温首相が説明。これを会場で日本語に訳した通訳 が「独立反対を表明した」と強い表現に「誤訳」したためだ。会見中に、すぐ資料を取り寄せた福田首相は自らの発言が「支持しない」だったと改めて説明する はめに。台湾問題の微妙さが改めて浮き彫りになった瞬間だった。(北京 酒井充)




  中国側メディアの質問に一通り応えた福田首相は、最後に「台湾についても、私から日本の立場を申す」と切り出した。受け取った資料に目を落としながら、慎 重に「2つの中国という立場はとっていないし、台湾の独立も支持していない」と語り、「独立反対」という表現を「支持しない」に修正してみせた。


  「親中派」と言われる福田首相だが、言葉の使い分けにはこだわってみせた。親日感情が比較的強い台湾と日本は長く良好な関係にあり、欧米諸国とは事情が違 う。日本は昭和47年の日中共同声明以来、「台湾が中国の領土の不可分の一部であるとの中国の立場を十分理解し、尊重する」と表現するにとどまり、「独立 反対」の言葉は慎重に避けてきたからだ。


  台湾の陳水扁総統は来年3月の総統選と同時に「台湾の名義での国連加盟」の是非を問う住民投票を計画している。米仏は「反対」の立場を鮮明にしているが、 福田首相は「反対」とは口にしなかった。ただ、中国外務省の劉建超報道官は会談後の会見で「日本が台湾問題で行った立場を評価する」と述べた。


U. Eco《書的未來》前幾段翻譯簡評

三四年過去我改些小錯如 "*"

U. Eco《書的未來》前幾段翻譯簡評
2004-12-20 10:43:34

去年在Simon University通信錄,最快報導義大利小說家、符號學家翁貝托•艾柯2003年11月1日做客埃及亞歷山大*圖書館,以英文發表了題為《書的未來》的長篇演講。今年《中華讀書報》(2004年7月7日)有「康慨之譯文」。我讀前幾段,作些筆記:


三 種記憶 我們有三種記憶。第一種是生理上的,此種記憶由血肉形成,並歸我們大腦支配。第二種是礦物的,在此意義上,人類已知有兩種礦物形式的記憶:數千年前,有以 陶板和石碑為載體的記憶,在埃及尤為著名,人們在其上刻下文字。第二種形式則是今日電腦的電子記憶,它以矽為基礎。我們還知道另一種記憶,植物形式的記 憶,首先是紙莎草紙,在埃及也同樣著名,而後便是以紙製成的書。當然,史上最早的犢皮抄本也源自動物的身體,第一張紙也是由獸皮而非木材製成,但我們盡可 以不去管它。我這樣講是為了簡化植物形式的記憶與書籍的關係。
WE HAVE THREE TYPES OF MEMORY. The first one is organic, which is the memory made of flesh and blood and the one administrated by our brain. The second is mineral, and in this sense mankind has known two kinds of mineral memory: millennia ago, this was the memory represented by clay tablets and obelisks【(古埃及等的)方尖塔,方尖碑】, pretty well known in this country, on which people carved their texts. However, this second type is also the electronic memory of today's computers, based upon silicon. We have also known another kind of memory, the vegetal one, the one represented by the first papyruses, again well known in this country, and then on books, made of paper. Let me disregard the fact that at a certain moment the vellum【(牛、羊、山羊的)犢皮紙,上等皮紙】 of the first codices 【codex之複數:(《聖經》、經典著作的)古抄本,手抄本;處方書,藥典】were of an organic origin, and the fact that the first paper was made with rugs and not with wood. Let me speak for the sake of simplicity of vegetal memory in order to designate books.

此地(譯注:指亞歷山大圖書館* 亞歷山卓)過去始終致力於書籍的存護,將來也是如此,所以,它現在是,將來也會是*植物記憶的聖殿。數百年來,圖書館一直是保存我們集 體智慧的最重要的方式。它們始終都是一種全人類的大腦,讓我們得以從中尋回遺忘,發現未知。請允許我做如下比喻:圖書館是一種最可能被人類效仿的神的智 慧,有了它,就可在同一時刻看到並理解整個宇宙【hc評:best possible (worlds) 非「最可能」,而是「可能性中之最佳者」--這是一神學和哲學看法,如以下作者說法:他(U. Eco)是中世紀神學大師之美學專家】。人可以將得自一座大圖書館的資訊存入心中,這使他有可能去習得上帝智慧的某些方面。換句話說,我們之所以發明圖書 館,是因為我們自知沒有神的力量,但我們會竭力效仿。
This place has been in the past and will be in the future devoted to the conservation of books; thus, it is and will be a temple of vegetal memory*. Libraries, over the centuries, have been the most important way of keeping our collective wisdom. They were and still are a sort of universal brain where we can retrieve what we have forgotten and what we still do not know. If you will allow me to use such a metaphor, a library is the best possible imitation, by human beings, of a divine mind, where the whole universe is viewed and understood at the same time. A person able to store in his or her mind the information provided by a great library would emulate in some way the mind of God. In other words, we have invented libraries because we know that we do not have divine powers, but we try to do our best to imitate them.

*vegetal memory 指" (知識)生長"非上述"植物記憶"

  1. Relating to growth rather than to sexual reproduction; vegetative.━━ a. 植物(性)の; 生長(機能)の.

今 天去建造,或翻新重建某座世界上最偉大的圖書館,聽來像是一種挑戰,或是挑釁。報紙或學報上,經常有某些作家面對這全新的電腦和互聯網的時代,大談即將 來臨的“書的死亡”。不管怎樣,就算書會像方尖碑或陶制書寫板那樣消失,那也不會是什麼廢棄圖書館的好理由。正相反,圖書館會因保存對過去的發現而倖存下 來,就像博物館一樣,同樣的,我們之所以把羅塞塔石碑保存在博物館裏,是因為我們已沒有在礦石表面刻下檔的習慣了。
To build, or better to rebuild, today one of the greatest libraries of the world might sound like a challenge, or a provocation. It happens frequently that in newspaper articles or academic papers some authors, facing the new computer and internet era, speak of the possible "death of books". However, if books are to disappear, as did the obelisks or the clay tablets of ancient civilisations, this would not be a good reason to abolish libraries. On the contrary, they should survive as museums conserving the finds of the past, in the same way as we conserve the Rosetta Stone in a museum because we are no longer accustomed to carving our documents on mineral surfaces.

不過,我對圖書館的盛讚大概有點過於樂觀了。我屬於那種始終相信印刷版圖書仍有其未來的人,順便說一句,所有擔心它們消失的恐懼,不過是其他諸種恐懼,或是對某種東西將要終結的無盡恐懼中的一種,比如世界末日。*這翻譯很粗糙 根本避開or of milleniaristic terrors about the end of something, the world included.

Yet, my praise for libraries will be a little more optimistic. I belong to the people who still believe that printed books have a future and that all fears à propos of their disappearance are only the last example of other fears, or of milleniaristic terrors about the end of something, the world included.

hc:我請教RL(張瑞麟) 關於a propos* 的可能誤譯,

他回答:【你的懷疑是正確的,譯文忽略了of的作用,如果à propos獨立使用的話,是當作副詞,表示改變話題,但是通常會以逗號隔開,也就是如譯文所表現的「順便一提」或「順便說一句」。
然而,根據上下文來看,這裡應該把à propos of視為一體,是作為介詞,相當於中文的「關於」。
我對於...all fears à propos of their disappearance...的解讀是「…所有與印刷書本消失有關的憂慮…」,fear並非一成不變的當「恐懼」解。 詳細應用可以參考apropos詞條。】

hc的à propos, apropos of

2007年12月24日 星期一



ちゃのま 0 【茶の間】

a living room; 〔英〕a sitting-room.


三省堂提供「大辞林 第二版」より凡例はこちら


茶水間數學暢銷日本三十年經典巨著, 2006、2007更新版依舊闖入日本各排行榜!

2007年12月23日 星期日


"我想,其他的講者一定會讚美他的作品的其他面向,例如他經常回顧的、充滿木痕力量的水牛與牛車,或者他生動的素描,充滿生命力並表達出量感,似乎不只是做為雕塑的草圖,而是創作能量的滿溢,一如斯坦因 (Gertrude Stein) 對畢卡索 (Picasso) 的評論,必定將持續掏空自身。"


Other speakers will, I am sure, do honour to other aspects of his works, such as the powerful wood-carvings of buffalo and laden carts to which he returns from time to time, or the lively drawings which, although they are full of life and volume, seem to be not so much sketches for sculpture as a simple overflow of creative energ y, welling out of a man who, as Gertrude Stein said of Picasso, must continually empty himself.

hc評: 這段翻譯必須消化之後再造



朱明一如斯坦因 (Gertrude Stein) 對畢卡索 (Picasso) 的評論,必定將持續放空

民國九十四年九月四日,由行政院文建會及朱銘美術館共同主辦的「朱銘國際學術研討會」,於福華國 際文教會館舉行,大會主持人—廖仁義先生以「當代文化視野中的朱銘」為主題,將現場論文發表以三個子題逐一進行:一、「全球在地化的典範—朱銘藝術創作的 文化內涵」,二、「朱銘與現代雕塑」,三、「朱銘雕塑的空間美學」,邀請到七位學者,依三個子題分成三個場次,共同來探討朱銘於當代文化中的精神與意義。


任 教於國立成功大學歷史研究所的蕭瓊瑞教授及英國牛津聖凱薩琳學院的麥克.蘇立文(Michael Sullivan)教授,於第二場次就東西方不同的文化經驗角度來討論朱銘與現代雕塑的關聯,並由台北市立美術館黃才郎館長擔任主持。蕭瓊瑞教授,以其自 身二十多年對台灣藝術史的研究,評析朱銘的「太極系列」;他指出「太極系列-太極拱門」達到太極精神的表達,更是朱銘現代雕塑的高峰表現。蘇立文教授從事 中國藝術研究多年,也是國際間從事中國藝術研究十分知名的學者。他從兩方面來評論朱銘對中國雕塑藝術的貢獻:一、了解在朱銘以前雕塑在中國文化中的角色, 二、單純就藝術家的角度來評價朱銘的特質。

◎ 2005「朱銘國際學術研討會」研討會論文集

2007年12月18日 星期二

Three Thousand Years vs 3000 Years

Three Thousand Years vs 3000 Years


“R.Barnhart et.al., 3000 Years of Chinese PaintingYale Univ. Press, 1997)(有中譯,聯經)

這本書有兩妙處: 為什麼不將翻譯本書名寫出?(這樣不是方便讀者嗎?);正式書名可能是:

Barnhart, Richard M. et al. Three Thousand Years of Chinese Painting. New Haven, CT: Yale University Press, 1997. ...

2007年12月16日 星期日


True Genius《曠世奇才:巴丁傳》

True Genius: The Life And Science Of John Bardeen, The only Winner of Two Nobel Prizes in Physics

True Genius: The Life And Science Of John Bardeen, The only Winner of Two Nobel Prizes in Physics by Lillian Hoddeson and Vicki Daitch

(任何傳記當然值得一讀....何況作者是寫此傳之心人 Bardeen是名人)

這本傳記的首尾兩章試圖找當代少數研究"天才學( On Genius)之實例 這方面不太成功 不過它告訴我們相當多寶貴資訊 整體"學術和產業"圈內的氛圍
(現在 還有諸如”Broken Genius: The Rise And Fall of William Shockley, Creator of the Electronic Age”讓我們了解傳主對他在Bell Lab的主管之合得諾貝爾獎很不滿。)

《曠世奇才:巴丁傳》中文版缺失:無索引 編輯劣--頁眉猛貼叢書名 真不可思議 注解馬虎

(their preface), "We are painfully aware that this book merely scratches the surface of its subject."
"我們痛苦地意識到這本書只能對 巴丁的研究對象隔靴搔癢而已 " (此處 中文版無頁碼)

2007年12月15日 星期六

Diary of a Bad Year"戒之在得"

J. M. 库切2007

Diary of a Bad Year by J.M. Coetzee


究竟那一比較好?因為沒讀過,不得而知。不過 bad 多義的

(BAD━━ a. worse; worst 悪い, 不良の; 不正な; 不吉な; 不快な; 有害な; 病気の; 腐った; 具合の悪い, 欠陥のある; 不都合な ((for; to do)); ひどい; 無効の; 的外れの; 下手な; 危険な; 〔米俗〕 素晴らしい.)



Did J. M. Coetzee leave the land of his birth because the government denounced one of his books as racist?




2003 年諾獎得主南非作家柯慈獲獎後新作接連出手:2003年有《伊莉莎白‧卡斯特洛》(Elizabeth Costello)、2005年《慢人》(Slow Man),今年推出風格力作《壞年頭日誌》(Diary of a Bad Year),宛如掀起海嘯效應,由他入籍的澳洲一路橫掃到英美書市,造成風潮。


書中每頁文字分為二或三層。最上層「強烈意見」,是2005年九月至2006年五月對世局的系列短評,嚴肅議題極具爆炸性(「對兒童性行為的歇斯底里是 1960、70年代女性主義的產物」),突出作者對世局的不滿,包括國族、恐怖主義、英國首相布萊爾、禽流感、戀童癖;書後半的「軟性意見」較輕鬆,主題 包括夢、吻、父親、老、寫作生活、公園的鳥、來生等,展現不俗的體會與識見。





刻意隱姓埋名、「內心移民」的C寫的評論嚴肅又左傾(看不起布希和布萊爾、反伊拉克戰爭),安雅讀來無趣,建議C改寫輕鬆的主題。受她影響,C改變論文調 性,寫出「軟性意見」文章。澳洲籍的艾倫是精明幹練的投資顧問,在他自由市場主導的觀念中,C先生的心理永遠擺脫不了南非母國,是「1960年代的殘 餘」;自己才是活在真實世界。艾倫對財務、國家和哲學的看法,恰好是C「強烈意見」論述的反證。


柯慈迂迴探求權力與抗拒、作家與作品、擁有與被擁有的關係,自不同方式提問:「人該怎麼活?」基調則是人性中的「不名譽」(dishonor):C「利 用」安雅當他的繆思女神和打字員,艾倫「利用」安雅取得C的銀行帳號和投資細目想詐財;因妒生害人之心的艾倫,更是對利令智昏的中產階級白人一大諷刺。這 本評論家視為「小說家未來自傳」的新書中,柯慈雄渾強健的創作力,不但嘗試新穎技法,更鑽探人性深層,讓讀者感同身受,體味「抽象的痛……年老、遺憾和淚 水」。

Judge removed

自由時報《中英對照讀新聞》Judge removed for jailing people over ringing cell phone為了手機鈴聲大作而把民眾關進監牢的法官遭到革職


A judge was removed from the bench for jailing 46 people after none would admit to having a cell phone that began ringing during his court session.



bench:名詞,長椅,法官,法官席;運 動比賽中的板凳球員。on the bench:片語,擔任法官;等待出賽。例句:The old gentleman sitting on the bench looks like my late grandfather.(那位坐在長椅上的老先生長得很像我已故的祖父。))

這一段的翻譯漏了"during his court session"(在他審理庭上(鈴聲大作而無人認帳))

専門家 専家 expert

expert and expertise

【専門家せんもん-か 0 】(


有趣的是 日文辭點典將 expert解釋為
━━ n. 熟練者, 老練家, くろうと ((in, at, on)); 技師; 鑑定人.
━━ a. 熟達した, 老練な ((in, at, with)).

expert system (a computer system which asks questions and gives answers that have been thought of by a human expert)採取音譯.....

2007年12月13日 星期四

Lessons as Experience


1930年,傅高义生于美国。五十年代末,在哈佛完成社会学博士研究后,先在日本呆了两年,做田野研究,后出版专著《日本的新中产阶级》(Japan’s New Middle
Under Communism);之后,一直交叉研究中国与日本。1979年,日本经济起飞之际,他完成《日本第一:给美国的经验》(Japan as Number One: Lessons for America)。10年之后,他出版了其第二部广东专著《先走一步:改革开放中的广东》(One Step Ahead in China: Guangdong Under Reform)。

將LESSONS(教訓) 翻譯為"經驗" 有點意思....上文後兩本書天下雜誌都有中文

2007年12月12日 星期三

The Remains of the Day

"長日將盡",英文片名為The Remains of the Day,我覺得翻譯成「那些日子的老時光」或許更為貼切。由Anthony Hopkins, Emma Thompson主演,改編自同名原著小說。The Remains of the Day (豆瓣)

「日の名残り」(The Remains of the Day)は1989年刊行のカズオ・イシグロの小説。
なごり 3 0 【《名残》】 〔「なごり(余波)」と同源〕

2007年12月7日 星期五


David Knechtges 康達維

2006/12/07 蕭公權先生110年誕辰

中午我去台大文學院 才知道Prof. David Knechtges 下午發表 K. C. Hsiao:Teacher, Scholar, and Poet

我指出他的"如此川原古益州 無垠沃野錦江流......"英文翻譯不恰當 他欣然接受我的建議

我臨時讀他35頁的論文(含圖) 其實發現青樓等之翻譯也有問題

我們休息時間談一陣子 我問他姓氏之發音 他建議我用 "connect us"發音
我問他為什麼當年1982選{文選} 翻譯(台灣有全2本之翻印) 他說這相當難 所以他當然選最難的"賦"

2007年12月6日 星期四



宏碁击败联想 成为奥运会全球赞助商


By Kathrin Hille in Taipei

Friday, December 07, 2007

這outbid此處翻譯為"擊敗" 更正確的說法是"開價(或報價)上戰勝" 中文或許該創"價壓"" "標勝/贏"等詞

Acer, the world's third largest personal computer vendor, has outbid its close rival Lenovo to become a global sponsor of the Olympic Games.

Acer will become one of 11 global sponsors for the Olympic Games from January 2009 to 2012. It will supply notebook and desktop computers and monitors to the 2010 Vancouver Winter Olympics and the 2012 London Summer Olympics.

Acer declined to disclose how much it paid for the sponsorship. However, the 11 current global sponsors paid an average of $78m for the rights, and sports marketing experts said the price tends to increase more than 10 per cent in every four-year cycle.

英国《金融时报》席佳琳(Kathrin Hille)台北报道 2007年12月7日 星期五





“The company's marketing strategy is evolving to pinpoint opportunities that serve strategic needs in targeted geographies,” Lenovo said. However, people close to the bidding said the company tried to win another cycle as a global sponsor but was outbid by Acer.




Olympic torch 台灣是唯一翻譯成"聖火"之"國家":

Lenovo will hand Olympic torch to Acer after Beijing: Acer will take over from Lenovo as a sponsor of the Olympic Games after 2008; deal covers the 2010 winter games and 2012 Olympics. (Peter Sayer)

2007年12月5日 星期三

perfect storm

perfect storm

BBC(2007年12月05日 格林尼治標準時間08:50北京時間 16:50發表)

《獨立報》在頭版說,銀行停止借貸,消費者不再消費,投資者也不投資,商業公司不再雇人,房屋賣不出去,英國的經濟是否正朝向“完美的風暴”(the perfect storm)

完美的風暴”(the perfect storm)翻譯,令人噴飯。事實上,它大略是指禍不單行 一連串的大風暴一齊來 "A critical or disastrous situation created by a powerful concurrence of factors."

perfect storm
The phrase perfect storm refers to the simultaneous occurrence of events which, taken individually, would be far less powerful than the result of their chance combination. Such occurrences are, by their very nature, rare, and so even a slight change in any one event
contributing to a 'perfect storm' would be sufficient to lessen the overall power of the final event.
The term is also applied to describe a hypothetical hurricane, which happens to hit at a region's most vulnerable area, resulting in the worst possible damage that hurricane could have produced.


2007年12月4日 星期二

Hermann Hesse{在輪下}一段

昔日作:Maulbronn Monastery and Concerts (2007106 星期六)



其中說 The monastery, which features prominently in Hermann Hesse's novel Beneath the Wheel, was inscribed on the World Heritage List in 1993.




--{在輪下},張佑中譯, 上海譯文出版社,2007p.10”

Unterm Rad by Hermann Hesse, 1906


2007年12月1日 星期六



Cockerel and Chanticleer

譬如說 下文Cockerel 與 Chanticleer是否相同

The Golden Cockerel Press. Chanticleer. A Bibliography of the Golden Cockerel Press,

April 1921-1936 August. With 33 engravings, in the text. London, The Golden Cockerel P., 1936. 16.0x 25.5 cm.,48pp., half morocco, t.e.g, uncut. No.251 of 300 copies signed by the partners. Ex-libris. 1vol.


British Council

Title, THE LETTER H WITH VENUS AND CUPID AND THE GOLDEN COCKEREL ... for Chaucer's The Canterbury Tales, published by the Golden Cockerel Press in 1928. ...

2.25 Venus with Golden Cockerel

Medium: Wood Engraving
Date of Work: 1928
Edition Size: 300
Catalogue No.: 251

(inches HxW)

6.43" x 5.07"
From Engravings 1928-1933 by Eric Gill, published by Faber, 1934.
Price: £250
Price inclusive of frame, VAT & UK shipping

2.25 Venus with Golden Cockerel

A History of the Golden Cockerel Press 1920-1960-US-
ISBN:9781584560937 (Hard cover book)
Cave, Roderick /Manson, Sarah /Publisher:Oak Knoll Pr Published 2003/02

more eric gill arts

by A.S. Pushkin

This story is one of the many tales written by Russia's most beloved poet, Alexander Pushkin. But this tale is unique in another way, as its origins are actually American. Pushkin based this tale on Washington Irving's poem, "The Legend of the Arabian Astrologer."

Pushkin's tale is set in the land of Tsar Dadon, who is looking for a new method to protect his rich kingdom. He offers the reward of the person's choice in return for finding a perfect security system. He is disappointed when he tries several different techniques, but at last there appears an astrologer, who seems to have the answer. The astrologer gives him a Golden Cockerel, which will crow any time that the Kingdom is endangered. The astrologer then chooses not to claim his reward immediately, but to wait until he can decide what he would like.

The magic Cockerel proves to be the perfect protection for Tsar Dadon's kingdom. The Cockerel ends up crowing three times. The first time he crows, an enemy army is advancing towards Tsar Dadon's land. The Tsar sends his elder son and his mighty army to fight the enemy. The tsardom is saved, but the Tsar's son and army never return.

The Cockerel crows the second time as another army is advancing to capture Dadon's land. This time he sends his younger son and an army into battle. But once again, though the kingdom is spared, neither the son nor the army ever returns.

The Cockerel then crows the third time, sounding the alarm that yet a third army is planning to invade. This time, Dadon himself leads an army to the farthest borders of the kingdom. Arriving there, he is horrified at what he discovers. All along the border of his land are strewn out the dead bodies of his soldiers that he had sent into battle. He also finds the slaughtered bodies of his two sons. Tsar Dadon is then overcome with sickness and grief. He walks into a tent to sit down, and there his sadness is lifted when he sees a most beautiful sight! Before him stands the seductive Queen of Shemakha. Dadon immediately falls in love with her, and plans to marry her once they return to his castle. But on the way home they encounter the Astrologer who has decided that he would like to claim the enchanting Queen for himself, as his reward. Tsar Dadon is engulfed with anger and envy. He not only denies the Astrologer his reward, but also kills him.

The Golden Cockerel then flies down from his perch and pecks Dadon to death for not keeping his end of the bargain.


In a realm that shall be nameless,
In a country bright and blameless,
Lived the might Czar Dadon,
Second in renown to none.
Fierce and bold, he would neighbor.
But he fancied, as he aged,
That enough wars had been waged -
Having earned a rest, he took it.
But his neighbors would not brook it,
And they harassed the old Czar,
And they ruthlessly attacked him,
And they harried and they hacked him.
Threfore, lest his realm be lost,
He maintained a mighty host.
Though his captains were not napping,
They not seldom took a rapping:
In the south they're fortified -
From the east their foemen ride;
Mend the breach, as is commanded -
On the shore an army's landed
That has come from oversea.
Czar Dadon, so vexed was he,
Was upon the point of weeping,
Didn't find it easy sleeping.
Never was life bitterer!
So to the asrologer,
To the wise old eunuch, pleading
To the eunuch he bows low,
And the mage consents to go
At Dadon's behest, appearing
At the court: a sign most cheering.
In his bag, as it befell,
He'd a golden cockerel.
"Set this bird," the mage directed,
"On a pole that's soon erected;
And my golden cockerel will protect thee very well.
When there is no sign of riot,
He will sit serene and queit
But if ever there should be
Threat of a calamity,
Should there come from any quarter
Raiders ripe for loot and slaughter,
Then my golden cockerel
Will arouse: his comb will swell,
He will crow, and up and doing,
Turn to where the danger's brewing."
In return the mage is told
He shall have a heap gold,
And good Czar Dadon instanter
Promises the kind enchanter:
Twill be granted as my own."

In his perch, by the Czar's orders,
Sits the cock and guards the borders -
And when danger starts to peep
He arises, as from sleep,
Crows and ruffles up his feathers,
Turns to where the trouble gathers,
Sounds his warning clear and true,
Crying: "Cock-doodle-doo!
Slug-a-bed, lie still slumber,
Reign with never care or cumber!"
And the neighbors dared not seek
Any quarrel, but grew meek:
Czar Dadon there was no trapping,
For they could not catch him napping

Peacefully two years go by,
And the cock sits quietly.
But on day, by noises shaken,
Czar Dadon is forced to waken.
Cries a captain: "Czar a Sire,
Rise, thy children's need is dire!
Trouble comes, thy realm to shatter."
"Gentlemen, what is the matter?"
Yawns Dadon. "What do you say?
Who is there? What trouble, pray?"
Says the captain: "Fear is growing,
For the cockerel is crowing:
The whole city's terrified."
The Czar looked out and spied
The gold cockerel a-working -
Toward the east he kept on jerking.
"Quickly now! Make no delay!
Take to horse, men, and away!"
Toward the east the army's speeding
That the Czar's first-born is leading.
Now the cockerel is still,
And the Czar may sleep his fill.

Eight full days go by like magic,
But no news comes, glad or tragic:
Not a word Dadon has got.

Hark! Again the cock is crowing -
A new army must be going
Forth to battle; Czar Dadon
This time sends his younger son
To the rescue of his brother.
And this time, just as the other,
The young cock grows still content.
But again no news is sent.
And in fear the folk are sitting;
And once more the cockerel crows,
And a third host eastward goes.
Czar Dadon himself is leading,
Not quite certain of succeeding.

They march on, by day, by night,
And they soon are weary, quite.
Czar Dadon, in some vexation,
Vainly seeks an indication
Or a fight: battle-ground,
Or a camp, or funeral-mound.
Strange! But as the eigth day's ending,
We find Czar Dadon ascending
Hilly pathways, with his men -
What does his gaze light on then?
Twixt two mountain-peaks commanding
Lo! A silken tent is standing.
Wondrous silence rules the scene,
And behold, in a ravile
Lies the slaughtered army! Chastened
By the sight, the old Czar hastened
To the tent... Alas, Dadon!
Younger son and elder son
Lie unhelmed, and either brother
Has his sword stuck in the other.
In the field, alackaday,
Masterless, their coursers stray,
On the trampled grass and muddy,
On the silken grass now bloody...
Czar Dadon howled fearfully:
"Children, children! Woe is me!
Both our falcons have been taken
In the nets! I am farsaken!"
All his army howled and moaned
Till the very valleys groaned -
From the shaken mountains darted
Echoes. Then the tent-flaps parted...
Suddenly upon the scene stood the young Shamakhan queen!
Bright as dawn, with gentle greeting
She acknowledged this first meeting
With the Czar, and old Dadon,
Like a night-bird in the sun,
Stood stock still and kept on blinking
At the maid, no longer thinking
Of his sons, the dead and gone.
And she smiled at Czar Dadon-
Bowing, took his hand and led him
Straight into her tent, and fed him
Royally, and then her guest
Tenderly she laid to rest
On a couch with gold brocaded,
By her silken curtains shaded.
Seven days and seven nights
Czar Dadon knew these delights,
And, of every scruple ridden,
Did, bewitched, what he was bidden.

Long enough he had delayed -
To his army, to the maid,
Czar Dadon was now declaring
That they must be homeward faring.

Faster than Dadon there flies
Rumor, spreading truth and lies.
And the populace have straightway
Come to meet them at he gateway.
Now behind the coach they run,
Hail the queen and hail Dadon,
And most affable they find him...
Lo! There in the crowd behind him
Who should follow Czar Dadon,
Hair and beard white as a swan,
And a Moorish hat to top him,
But the mage? There's none to stop him;
Up he come: "My greetings, Sire."
Says the Czar: "What's thy desire?
Pray, come closer. What's thy mission?"
"Czar," responded the magician,
"We have our accounts to square;
Thou hast sworn, thou art aware,
For the help that I accorded,
Anything thy realm afforded
Thou wouldst grant me: my desire,
As thy own, fulfilling, Sire.
Tis this maiden I am craving:
The Shamakhan queen." "Thou'rt raving!"
Shrieked Dadon forthwith, amazed,
While his eyes with anger blazed.
"Gracious! Hast thou lost thy senses?
Who'd have dreamed such consequences
From the words that once I said!"
Cried the Czar. "What's in thy head?
Yes, I promised, but what of it?
There are limits, and I'll prove it.
What is any maid to thee?
How dare thou thus speak to Me?
Other favors I am able
To bestow: take from my stable
My best horse, or, better far,
Henceforth rank as a boyar;
Gold I'll give thee willingly -
Half my czardom is for thee."
"Naught is offered worth desiring,"
Said the mage. "I am requiring
But one gift of thee. I mean,
Namely, the Shamakhan queen."
Then the Czar, with anger spitting,
Crie: "The devil! Tis not fitting
That I listen to such stuff.
Thou'lt have nothing. That's enough!
To thy cost thou hast been sinning -
Reckoned wrong from the beginning.
Now be off while thou'rt yet whole!
Take him out, God bless my soul!"
The enchanter, ere they caught him,
Would have argued, but bethought him
That with certain mighty folk
Quarreling is not a joke,
And there was no word in answer
From the white-haired necromancer.
With his sceptre the Czar straight
Rapped the eunuch on his pate;
He fell forward: life departed.
Forthwith the whole city started
Quaking - but the maiden, ah!
Hee-hee-hee! And Ha-ha-ha!
Feared no sin and was not queasy.
Czar Dadon, though quite uneasy,
Gave the queen a tender smile
And rode forward in fine style.
Suddenly there is tinkling
Little noise, and in a twinkling,
While all stood and stared anew,
From his perch the cockerel flew
To the royal coach, and lighted
On the pate of the affrighted
Czar Dadon, and there, elate,
Flapped his wings, and pecked the pate,
And soared off... and as it flitted,
Czar Dadon his carriage quitted:
Down he fell, and groaned at most
Once, and then gave up the ghost.
And the queen no more was seen there;
Twas as though she'd never been there
Fairy-tales, though far from true,
Teach good lads a thing or two.

“Glue & Lacquer”


37man's "appropriate activity 翻譯為"男與女"---這該討論

書中所選的Eric Gill多為{醒世恆言}英譯本 Glue & Lacquer”之插畫 ...

90 ギル画 「にかわと漆」


Four Cautionary Tales. translated from the Chinese by Harold Acton & Lee Yi-Hsieh. preface by Arthur Waley.

during the last werk of Gill's life. Golden Cockerel,1941.Limited to 350 copies.

frontis and four other illustrations from copper engravings executed by Denis Tegetmeier from 6 & drawings prepared by Eric Gill, they being Gill's. last work before his death, .

glue环氧树脂胶 ethyl cellulose lacquer乙基纤维素喷漆 ...


1 こうしつ koushitsu (n) glue and lacquer, great intimacy,

こうしつ かう0 膠漆】



People 人物: Eric Gill

2007年11月29日 星期四

Fellow 知多少

"台大刊物誇說他們有20幾位IEEE Fellow
電機系| 首頁 賀本系…….教授榮膺2008年~......."
想起2周前simon university的朋友的一番說法:


“觀察報答: 半英國 (香港) 所言的院士之稱, 似乎蠻合適的...”

我的感覺:譯成「院士」只表達是某種職位,但不能表達該名稱所代表的含義,例如權益等,這是新創譯名常有的問題。……Edward Dering,為劍橋大學基督學院的駐院榮譽院士〔Fellow〕).”

“Wikipedia article "Fellow". 這問題之麻煩 要讀英美(哈佛大學)等之精英傳記時 才了解甚微妙....

(【英大学】(大学の)評議員[特別研究員]; (F-) (学会の)特別会員.)”




"去年(2005)七月SU討論過『溫故知新:淺談「姿」、「窗」之翻譯』At the first gesture of morning, flies began stirring.---(《冷山》于而彥譯,台北:輕舟出版社2000年)vs 冷山》周玉軍、潘源譯,上海:譯文出版社,2004年)

熱門電影《冷山》(Cold Mountain)放映時,她引述原著扉頁裡寒山的兩句詩:「人問寒山道,寒山路不通。」指出小說作者其實是熟讀中國唐代詩人寒山詩的美國學者,原著及電影在在反映著寒山詩的意境,因此中譯應為《寒山》而非《冷山》。


黑山共和國本名蒙特內哥羅意即黑色的山( mount negro ); 1991年原南斯拉夫解體; 1992年黑山與塞爾維亞組成南斯拉夫聯盟共和國; 2006521 黑山經公投(投票率87% 55.5%贊成)宣佈 ...”

我查一下 竟然連中國都翻譯中国驻塞尔维亚和黑山大使馆经济商务参赞处


(国名のモンテネグロ (Montenegro) とは「黒い山」の意味だそうで、英語で書けば Mount Negro でなるほどとうなづけます。…..)


我在 a table showing the diet of children " 說明"19世紀(初中期)英國某貧苦幼童(2-3歲)收養院的"三餐"之伙食圖表給的資訊是寶貴的

現在我們可以進一步討論一下如何"幫忙"讀者 讓他更容易進入狀況


我請教simon university的朋友

"特地問這些西點 which is which和中文名

鍾 漢清 Hanching Chung (or HC/ hc) "



Howard:" 混合了杏仁和蜂蜜的酥饼("Cornes de gazelle-羚羊角"......希臘點心,一層層酥皮的樣子,看起來好誘人,不顧熱量的買了一小盒,上網查了一下,應該是叫做Baklava,是傳統的希臘甜點,"

Bourbon’s Shot at the Big Time


━━ n. (フランスの)ブルボン王家の人; 〔米〕 頑固な保守主義者; (b-) バーボンウイスキー (Bourbon whiskey).

History remembers the queen for her wastrel ways, indifference to human suffering ("Let them eat cake") and death by guillotine, but Ms. Coppola's period film, which is playing in competition, conceives of her as something of a poor little rich girl, a kind of Paris Hilton of the House of Bourbon.

Ed Alcock for The New York Times

A plate of sugar-dusted cornes de gazelles, baklava and dziriate at Le Miyanis, an Algerian shop.

Nearly ready to abandon dziriate in favor of a bourbon and four aspirin, I did an online search that led me to a blog about Algerian cuisine by Farid Zadi ( chefzadi.com), a chef who teaches at the California School of Culinary Arts.



它們應該有其"形容詞" 稍微讓讀者進入文本的時空

譬如說19世紀英國小說的一種稱為 gruel 的

Mr. Woodhouse's Thin Gruel

gruel Show phonetics
noun [U]
a cheap simple food made especially in the past by boiling oats with water or milk.

Thin porridge made from oatmeal, barley, or other cereal.

A mixture made of ground feed mixed with water.

(ground━━ a. 粉にひいた; みがいた, ()った.

feed━━ n. 食料を与えること; 飼料; 〔話〕 食事; おまんま; (原料の)供給(装置); 供給材料; 【機】送り; 【コンピュータ】送り込み, 供給装置; 〔話〕 【劇】相手役にせりふのきっかけを与える人.)

A thin watery porridge. //Chiefly British. Severe punishment.


n. (名詞 noun) (有時指病人用的)稀(麥/米….) 粥

vt. (及物動詞 transitive verb) 累垮,使極度疲勞


━━ n. 薄い粥(かゆ); 〔英〕 厳罰.
get one's gruel 大目玉を食う.
gruel(l)ing ━━ a., n. つらい(思い), へとへとにする; 厳罰.

Porridge is a simple dish made by boiling oats (normally crushed oats, occasionally oatmeal) or another cereal in water, milk or both. Oat and semolina porridge are the most popular varieties in many countries. Some other cereals used for porridge include rice, wheat, peasemeal ...



近年来,德国城市的中心地带出现了不少华丽的、大部分为玻璃建筑的购物中心,被人们称为消费天堂。它们外表看去奢华,里面也奢华。无论是在慕尼黑还是杜塞尔多夫,抑或是在汉堡、柏林,国际著名品牌纷纷进驻市中心的黄金地段,与普通店户争抢地盘。 纵观黄金地段如慕尼黑的考芬格大街现今的店面租金,确实有些令人晕眩,德国知名房地产商肯珀 也如此表示。去年,他的公司经手的房地产价值就高达80亿欧元。他介绍说:“慕尼黑市中心不含增值税和水电暖等杂费的店面租金每平米大约 260欧元。与此相比,巴黎是750欧元,伦敦差不多500欧元。德国最贵的是慕尼黑,其次是法兰克福,每平米约225欧元,杜塞尔多夫和柏林紧随其后, 约200欧元,然后是汉堡,195欧元。” 也就是说,巴黎的店面租金是欧洲之最,这倒并不令人惊奇:香榭丽舍大街历来就是世界上最负盛名的购物大街,只有纽约的第五大道和香港的铜锣湾比其金贵,每平米店面租金分别为999欧元和807欧元。 德国零售业的选址观念近年来发生了彻底转变,市中心又开始深具吸引力,无论是市政府还是商家都大举投资。肯珀说:“多年前,德国盛行在郊区甚至是在荒野兴建购物中心,但近年来,购物中心又重返市区,而且是明显地集中在市中心地带。” 实际情况表明,新的购物天堂非常吸引顾客。在杜塞尔多夫奢侈品店面云集的国王大道上开店代理一家全球著名首饰设计师的 库尔茨认为,进驻黄金地段的理由很多。他说:“来我们这儿的顾客各色各样。对我们来说,在杜塞尔多夫找到一个地处中心、在市民中口碑很好、外国顾客也 很容易找到的漂亮店址非常重要。国王大道就很合适。” 在肯珀看来,消费天堂日趋走红也和其商店的高品质有关。显然,曾在德国风行一时的“吝啬即酷”的消费理念已告结束, 商家对此深表欢迎。毕竟,昂贵的租金还得靠一笔笔买卖赚出来才行。肯珀介绍说:“一家商店开张,短期内可以有所亏损,但在中、长期内必须有盈利才行,而这 些店也确实做得到有盈余。毕竟,黄金地段的生意兴隆,每平方米店面的营业额是很高、很高的,我估计大概在8000欧元到2万欧元之间,那么租金高也赚得回 来。” 肯珀表示,继多年疲软后,德国的消费情况开始火红,原因也在于德国经济近年发展不错,较为景气,失业率降低,使人们又敢花钱了。




纵观黄金地段如慕尼黑的考芬格大街(Kaufingerstrasse)现今的店面租金,确实有些令人晕眩,德国知名房地产商肯珀 (Gerhardt Kemper)也如此表示。去年,他的公司经手的房地产价值就高达80亿欧元。他介绍说:“慕尼黑市中心不含增值税和水电暖等杂费的店面租金每平米大约 260欧元。与此相比,巴黎是750欧元,伦敦差不多500欧元。德国最贵的是慕尼黑,其次是法兰克福,每平米约225欧元,杜塞尔多夫和柏林紧随其后, 约200欧元,然后是汉堡,195欧元。”



实际情况表明,新的购物天堂非常吸引顾客。在杜塞尔多夫奢侈品店面云集的国王大道(Koenigsallee)上开店代理一家全球著名首饰设计师的 库尔茨(Martin Kurz)认为,进驻黄金地段的理由很多。他说:“来我们这儿的顾客各色各样。对我们来说,在杜塞尔多夫找到一个地处中心、在市民中口碑很好、外国顾客也 很容易找到的漂亮店址非常重要。国王大道就很合适。”

在肯珀看来,消费天堂日趋走红也和其商店的高品质有关。显然,曾在德国风行一时的“吝啬即酷”(Geiz-ist-geil)的消费理念已告结束, 商家对此深表欢迎。毕竟,昂贵的租金还得靠一笔笔买卖赚出来才行。肯珀介绍说:“一家商店开张,短期内可以有所亏损,但在中、长期内必须有盈利才行,而这 些店也确实做得到有盈余。毕竟,黄金地段的生意兴隆,每平方米店面的营业额是很高、很高的,我估计大概在8000欧元到2万欧元之间,那么租金高也赚得回 来。”


Monika Lohmueller

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2007年11月28日 星期三


施蟄存先生 很令人欽佩
著作等身 翻譯作品可能破200萬字
譬如說 日本人稱為"支那"
(英國)美國的China Town 根本不是"中國城" 因為當時"中國"還沒成立 (所以用漢人唐人街等等......)
俄國仍稱China為"契丹" 法國發音我忘....

2007年11月23日 星期五



Two research teams in the US and Japan have made embryonic stem cells – or something very like them – directly from human skin cells, without having to destroy an embryo in the process.

Their achievement, published yesterday in the journals Science and Cell, promises to overcome the ethical and political barriers that could impede the application of stem cell biology to regenerative medicine.

Many chronic and degenerative diseases, from diabetes to Parkinson's, might then be treated by implanting stem cells, which would grow and repair damaged tissues.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

degenerative diseases 退变性疾病

━━ vi. 悪くなる; 退歩[堕落]する; 【生物】退化する.
━━ a., n. 退歩[退化]した(もの), 堕落した(人); 性的倒錯者.
de・gen・er・a・cy ━━ n. 退歩; 堕落; 【生物】退化; 性的倒錯.
degenerate semiconductor 【物】縮退型半導体.
de・gen・er・a・tion ━━ n. 退歩, 堕落, 悪化; 【生物】退化; 【医】(細胞・組織などの)変質.
 ━━ a.

regenerative medicine 再生医学

━━ v. 再生[改心,更生]させる[する]; 刷新する; 【生物】(器官を)再生する.
━━ a. 改心[更生]した, 刷新された.
re・gen・er・a・cy ━━ n.
re・gen・er・a・tion ━━ n. 【生物】再生.
re・gen・er・a・tive ━━ a.
re・gen・er・a・tor ━━ n. 更生[改革]者; 熱交換器.


这项昨日发表在《科学》与《细胞》(Science and Cell)期刊上的成果,承诺将克服伦理和政治方面的障碍。这些障碍可能会阻止干细胞生物学应用在再生医学方面。从糖尿病到帕金森症等许多慢性和退变性疾病,今后都有可能通过植入干细胞而治愈,这些细胞将促进受损组织的生长和修复。译者/何黎 英国《金融时报》

这项昨日发表在《科学》与《细胞》(Science and Cell)期刊


这项昨日(分別) 发表在《科学》(Science)与《细胞》( Cell)期刊