2016年6月27日 星期一

翻譯討論 Tony Blair: Brexit’s Stunning Coup


By TONY BLAIR June 27, 2016

托尼·布萊爾 2016年6月27日

THE decision of British voters in Thursday’s referendum to leave the European Union will have vast consequences for Britain, for Europe and for the world. For a day, the British people were the government, and by 52 percent to 48 percent, they took the decision to go.


I was a British prime minister who believed completely that Britain’s future lay in Europe. I was the prime minister responsible for legislating substantial self-rule in Scotland so that it would remain part of the United Kingdom. I negotiated the Good Friday Agreement so that Northern Ireland could be at peace within Britain. Because the result of the referendum has put so much of this at risk, Friday became a day of great personal, as well as political, sadness.

擔任英國首相時,我深信英國的未來在於歐洲。我推動通過立法,賦予蘇格蘭大量自治權,以便讓其留在聯合王國內。我促成了《耶穌受難日協議》(Good Friday Agreement),使北愛爾蘭能夠安心留在英國。公投的結果可能將這許多的努力毀於一旦,因此,週五成了悲哀的一天,不僅在政治上,也是對我個人而言。

The immediate impact of the Brexit vote is economic. The fallout has been as swift as it was predictable. At one point on Friday, the pound hit a 30-year low against the dollar, and a leading British stock index had dropped more than 8 percent. The nation’s credit rating is under threat.


Ben Stansall/Agence France-Presse — Getty Images


The lasting effect, however, may be political, and with global implications. If the economic shocks continue, then the British experiment will serve as a warning. But if they abate, then populist movements in other countries will gain momentum.


How did this happen? The right in British politics found an issue that’s causing palpitations in the body politic the world over: immigration. Part of the Conservative Party, allied with the far-right U.K. Independence Party, took this issue and focused its campaign to leave Europe on it. This strategy could not have succeeded, though, without finding common cause with a significant segment of Labour voters.

這一切是怎麼發生的?英國政界的右翼發現了一個令全世界人民心悸的問題:移民。部分保守黨(Conservative Party),連同極右翼的英國獨立黨(U.K. Independence Party),抓住了這個問題,把它作為脫離歐洲運動的核心。但這項戰略本不會成功,因為工黨(Labour)的大批選民並不認同。

How did this happen? The right in British politics found an issue that’s causing palpitations in the body politic the world over: immigration. Part of the Conservative Party, allied with the far-right U.K. Independence Party, took this issue and focused its campaign to leave Europe on it. This strategy could not have succeeded, though, without finding common cause with a significant segment of Labour voters.

"全世界人民"  改為"全世界各國的總體人民"
這一切是怎麼發生的?英國政界的右翼發現了一個令全世界人民心悸的問題:移民。部分保守黨(Conservative Party),連同極右翼的英國獨立黨(U.K. Independence Party),抓住了這個問題,把它作為脫離歐洲運動的核心。但這項戰略本不會成功,因為工黨(Labour)的大批選民並不認同


body politic 



(usually the body politic)
The people of a nation, state, or society considered collectively as an organized group ofcitizens:

[名詞] (pl. bodies politic)
  1. 1((the body politic)) 〔政治〕 政(治)体,統治体,国家:政治的に組織された国民の総体.
  2. 2((古)) 法人(corporation).

These Labour supporters did not get a clear message from their own party, whose leader, Jeremy Corbyn, was lukewarm about remaining in the union. They were drawn by the Leavers’ promise that Brexit would bring an end to the country’s perceived immigration problems. And, worried about their flatlining incomes and cuts in public spending, these Labour voters saw this vote as an opportunity to register an anti-government protest.

這些工黨的支持者未從自己的政黨那裡得到明確的訊息。工黨領袖傑裡米·科爾賓(Jeremy Corbyn)對留在歐盟不熱心。他們被退出派的承諾,即英國退出歐盟會結束英國所謂的移民問題所吸引。同時,因為對收入越來越少以及支出削減的擔心,這些工黨選民認為這場投票是一個提出反政府抗議的機會。

The strains within Britain that led to this referendum result are universal, at least in the West. Insurgent movements of left and right, posing as standard-bearers of a popular revolt against the political establishment, can spread and grow at scale and speed. Today’s polarized and fragmented news coverage only encourages such insurgencies — an effect magnified many times by the social media revolution.


It was already clear before the Brexit vote that modern populist movements could take control of political parties. What wasn’t clear was whether they could take over a country like Britain. Now we know they can.


Those in the political center were demonized as out-of-touch elites, as though the people leading the insurgency were ordinary folks — which, in the case of the Brexit campaign, is a laughable proposition. The campaign made the word “expert” virtually a term of abuse, and when experts warned of the economic harm that would follow Brexit, they were castigated as “scaremongers.” Immigrants were described as a bunch of scroungers coming to grab Britons’ jobs and benefits when, in reality, the recent migrants from Eastern Europe contribute far more in taxes than they take in welfare payments. And besides, immigration to Britain from outside the European Union will not be affected by the referendum decision.


The political center has lost its power to persuade and its essential means of connection to the people it seeks to represent. Instead, we are seeing a convergence of the far left and far right. The right attacks immigrants while the left rails at bankers, but the spirit of insurgency, the venting of anger at those in power and the addiction to simple, demagogic answers to complex problems are the same for both extremes. Underlying it all is a shared hostility to globalization.


Britain and Europe now face a protracted period of economic and political uncertainty, as the British government tries to negotiate a future outside the single market where half of Britain’s goods and services are traded. These new arrangements — to be clear about the scale of the challenge — must be negotiated with all the other 27 countries, their individual parliaments and the European Parliament. Some governments may be cooperative; others won’t want to make leaving easy for Britain, in order to discourage similar movements.

英國一半商品和服務的交易是在歐盟這個市場中完成的。現在,該國政府試圖就自己在這個單一市場之外的未來展開談判。與此同時,英國和歐洲都面臨一個漫長的經濟與政治不確定期。這項挑戰的規模相當清楚,英國必須就這些新安排同其他27個國家、它們各自的議會和歐洲議會(European Parliament)進行協商。一些政府可能願意合作,但為了阻止類似的運動,其他國家不會讓英國輕鬆退出。

Britain is a strong country, with a resilient people and energy and creativity in abundance. I don’t doubt Britons’ capacity to come through, whatever the cost. But the stress on the United Kingdom is already apparent.


Voters in Scotland chose by a large margin to remain in Europe, with the result that there are renewed calls for another referendum on Scottish independence. Northern Ireland has benefited from virtually open borders with the Republic of Ireland. That freedom is at risk because the North’s border with the South now becomes the European Union’s border, a potential threat to the Northern Ireland peace process.


If the people — usually a repository of common sense and practicality — do something that appears neither sensible nor practical, then it forces a period of long and hard reflection. My own politics is waking to this new political landscape. The same dangerous impulses are visible, too, in American politics, but the challenges of globalization cannot be met by isolationism or shutting borders.


The center must regain its political traction, rediscover its capacity to analyze the problems we all face and find solutions that rise above the populist anger. If we do not succeed in beating back the far left and far right before they take the nations of Europe on this reckless experiment, it will end the way such rash action always does in history: at best, in disillusion; at worst, in rancorous division. The center must hold.



Copyright © 2016 The New York Times Company. All rights reserved.

探索 government 的翻譯: 政權、政府、統治、政治、內閣.....Tony Blair: Brexit’s Stunning Coup "政變"

  • Tony Blair: Brexit’s Stunning Coup 一文內:
For a day, the British people were the government, and by 52 percent to 48 percent, they took the decision to go
hc: 意思是:當天英國人民當家 (統治者) ,來決定歐盟的去留


 government 的翻譯值得探索。

1.就 "government of the peopleby the peoplefor the peopleA.Lincoln:the Gettysburg Address

 government ,有的稱為:政府、政權、政治.......
  • 值得一讀:日本goo-辭典 的翻譯 http://dictionary.goo.ne.jp/ej/36815/meaning/m0u/GOVERNMENT/
  • 人民の,人民による,人民のための政治  ( hc:此"政治"有"治",是govern本意。)

hc:government 的主要意思:有權威統治某國或某州政體;在位的內閣。
The group of people with the authority to govern a country or state; a particular ministry in office


****** government 的翻譯兩例
馮象: Gettysburg Address 的末句翻譯和註解:二〇一六年勞動節於清華園,原載《東方早報·上海書評》2016.6.12

and that government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

紐約時報中文網---此篇標題的" Stunning Coup" (hc:驚人"政變"的) 也該討論,不過由他文處理。http://cn.nytimes.com/opinion/20160627/tony-blair-brexits-stunning-coup/dual/

Tony Blair: Brexit’s Stunning Coup



THE decision of British voters in Thursday’s referendum to leave the European Union will have vast consequences for Britain, for Europe and for the world. For a day, the British people were the government, and by 52 percent to 48 percent, they took the decision to go.

2016年6月26日 星期日

"哲"學的"字源之謬"筆記 ;訪翻譯家柴田元幸

"hc:關教授應該知道:哲學是日本人翻譯 philosophy,即 "愛智知學"。問題是,希臘、中國此處的"智",可能很不相同。"

nippon.com 繁體字


柴田 藝術節期間還召開了有關翻譯工作的會議,是由我負責主持的,前來參加的有小野正嗣先生、艾美利克(Michael Emmerich)先生等。小野先生既是作家,也是克里奧爾法語

柴田 其實即便不是翻譯,也存在著對作者的意旨理解到何種程度的問題,或者讀者(憑藉自己的想像)從文章中讀出一些作者意旨之外的東西,這也可以說是文學作品的有趣之處。不過這一點暫且不論,因為翻譯,肯定是傳遞了些什麼,但有些東西確實是失去了。這是譯者時常思考的,是譯作中傳達了什麼、又失去了什麼。詩歌的翻譯,往往失去的比較多。不過如果是小說的話,一般譯者都相信在翻譯時能把重要內容大致轉達出來。

柴田 例如「古池や蛙とびこむ水の音(幽寂古池旁,青蛙跳進水中央,水聲撲通響)」這首詩。日語中青蛙(蛙「ka wa zu」)是3個音,跳進(飛び込む「to bi ko mu」)是4個音,水聲(水の音「mi zu no o to」)是5個音,通過3、4、5的音節傳達出水波蕩漾的情景。而且最後一句「mi zu no o to」中的「no o to」3個音,用了同一個元音o,它是元音中最具穿透力的一個音,由此給人帶來餘音繚繞之感。但如果要翻譯,那麼這種餘韻就蕩然無存,真的是無法可施。若是小說那樣的長篇文章,那麼即便某處稍有缺失,也可在其他地方彌補,所以關係不大,但表現17字的短詩,就不可能這樣處理了。也就是說,小說是以冗長為特點的媒介體,因此即使有部分缺失也無妨。

柴田 啊,是一種文字遊戲、玩樂(笑)。沒有什麼能比它更令人快樂了。自己做起來有意思,又能讓讀者高興,還會得到作者的感謝。對作家來說,評論家既是敵人也是朋友,但他們會把譯者百分之百地當作朋友的。......

bottleneck ; China's Propaganda Department calls itself the Publicity Department.

 Propaganda vs Publicity



Propaganda  的第一義,是20世紀初蘇聯用語:


1[MASS NOUN] Information, especially of a biased or misleading nature, used to promote a political cause or point of view:he was charged with distributing enemy propaganda

  1. (個人・団体・運動・制度・国民などの弁護または誹謗ひぼうの目的で)流布された情報;((話)) デマ,うわさ,偽りのニュース
  2. 2(1のような情報・うわさを)故意に流すこと,(組織的な)宣伝(活動),プロパガンダ

The Economist

In English, China's Propaganda Department calls itself the Publicity Department. It adopted this translation in the 1990s, realising how bad the literal one sounded

Xi Jinping sends his spin doctors spinning
China’s embattled Publicity Department is fighting its corner




The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China, or CCPPD, is an internal division of the Communist Party of China in charge of ideology-related work, as well as itsinformation dissemination system.[1] 


The CCPPD has several Chinese names with various different English translations, it is officially the Zhōngguó Gòngchăndǎng Zhōngyāng Wěiyuánhuì Xuānchuánbù "Chinese Communist Party Central Committee Propaganda Department" or Zhōnggòng Zhōngyāng Xuānchuánbù "Chinese Communist Party Central Propaganda Department" or "Central Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China", colloquially abbreviated as theZhōnggòng Xuānchuánbù "Chinese Communist Party Propaganda Department" or "Propaganda Department of the Communist Party of China", or simply Zhōng xuānbù 中宣部.
The term xuanchuan (宣传 "propaganda; publicity") can have either a neutral connotation in official government contexts or a pejorative connotation in informal contexts.[5]  Some xuanchuan collocations usually refer to "propaganda" (e.g., xuānchuánzhàn 宣传战 "propaganda war"), others to "publicity" (xuānchuán méijiè 宣传媒介 "mass media; means of publicity"), and still others are ambiguous (xuānchuányuán 宣传员 "propagandist; publicist").[6

bottleneck 是1896年新字,中文一般翻譯成瓶頸。注意下邊香港的翻譯:

100 % 使用再生能源是不少環保人士的夢。奧巴馬經濟顧問團發表報告《Incorporatin...

它一般指"阻礙進展的事物。" 如下3.
  1. 1瓶の首.
  2. 2狭い入り口,狭い通路.
  3. 3隘路あいろ,障害,「ネック」;交通渋滞が生じる地点.

2016年6月22日 星期三

A Publisher in Exile Gets the Big Scoops on China’s Elite; On a Certain Epigram by Anna Akhmatova

字眼或東西的反應,都跟我們的經驗有關。昨天是英國的草莓季滿月Strawberry moon,我1977-78年還沒種草莓、進口葡萄柚....

昨天我們討論紐約時報"又何必找那個麻煩呢?如今的法拉盛已經越來越像中國了。何頻把碰面地點選在古典玫瑰園(Rose House)。....."一段的翻譯。
這Rose House 的主人*是東海的學弟。我2010年回校演講,許達然教授在晚上帶我去理想城店大聊。
*2015年我資助鄧學長"傑出校友影片" 20位,他是唯一要求自製影片的。


And why bother? Flushing these days feels more and more like China. Mr. Ho chose to meet at the Rose House, a faux English tearoom with overstuffed red leather sofas, chandeliers and loud floral wallpaper, a kind of Laura Ashley-gone-rogue style common in Beijing and Shanghai. Needless to say, the lingua franca among its customers and staff is Mandarin Chinese.
又何必找那個麻煩呢?如今的法拉盛已經越來越像中國了。何頻把碰面地點選在古典玫瑰園(Rose House)。這家英國茶室充斥着鬆軟的紅色皮沙發、吊燈以及奪目的花卉壁紙,基本是在北京和上海頗為常見的那種羅蘭愛思(Laura Ashley)跑偏風格。不用說,茶室裡的員工和顧客之間都用漢語交流。



The Paris Review
It’s not true that all rhyming epigrams lose their feathers if translated without rhyme.

It’s not true that all rhyming epigrams lose their feathers if translated without rhyme.