2016年6月2日 星期四

mouton, major in Chinese Linguistics and Philosophy

“Yes, you have a language, but if you want mass literacy, this thing is a disaster,” said Mr. Moser, who is the academic director at CET, a Chinese language program in Beijing, has a Ph.D. in psycholinguistics and Chinese, and has lived in China for more than 30 years. “The written symbols are fantastically hard to master.”

China File
David Moser holds a Master’s and a Ph.D. in Chinese Studies from the University of Michigan, with a major in Chinese Linguistics and Philosophy.

紀德A. Gide {如果麥子不死}孟祥森譯,台北:志文,1979,頁19 (此書原文法文,孟先生翻譯時可能根據英文本,不過 mouton 在英文是1950年代的"羊皮京特殊毛皮處理法.......))
我們平常都叫他羊仔(Mouton ),也許是因為他那件小白羊毛外套而得名的吧。


Pronunciation: /ˈmuːtɒn/ 


Sheepskin cut and dyed to resemble beaver fur or sealskin.

  • There are also some brilliant-looking mouton and coyote-leather/fur boots.
  • My mom had a mouton fur coat that was put away in the attic.
  • I can make a parka, mouton mittens, and sew a fur ruff to finish it all off.


1950s: from French, literally 'sheep'.
  1. 名詞] ムートン:アザラシ,ビーバーなどの毛皮に似せて加工した羊の毛皮.
  2. [語源]
  1. 中期英語 moton 羊<古期フランス語<ケルト語
  2. Mutton
  3. [名詞]
  4. 1 (食用の)羊の肉,マトン,(特に lamb と区別して)成長した羊の肉
    • roast mutton
    • ローストマトン
    • leg of mutton
    • 羊の足肉.
  5. 2 ((おどけて)) 羊.
