2016年6月19日 星期日

scooped him up; zombies, ghost story, “You’re stir-fried squid”

Communist Party bosses and city mayors compete for votes live on television. It provides a rare chance to say “You’re stir-fried squid” 你被炒魷魚 and send them packing

(That's “you’re fired” in Chinese)

* 表示我的說法

“They used an excavator. Scooped* him up. He was heavy.” She made it clear she did not want to talk further. Her friends, too, turned their backs to me.



Not so in Russia under President Vladimir V. Putin. With ever-increasing enthusiasm, Russia claims to be the heir to the Soviet Union, and attacks on bronze, granite and plaster Lenins in Ukraine have generally been interpreted here as anti-Russian. The Russian Foreign Ministry spokeswoman, Maria Zakharova,reacted to a recent Ukrainian law on “de-Communization,” which mandates changing Soviet-era city and street names and removing Soviet-era monuments, by calling the members of Ukraine’s Parliament “ignorant zombies*.”
弗拉基米爾·V·普丁(Vladimir V. Putin)總統治下的俄羅斯則不然。它正在以越來越高漲的熱情,宣告自己是蘇聯的繼承者,烏克蘭對那些青銅、花崗岩、石膏列寧發起的攻擊,通常會被解讀為反俄行為。烏克蘭近日制定了一部「去共產主義化」法律,要求更改蘇聯時代的城市和街道名稱,拆除蘇聯時代的紀念物,對此俄羅斯外交部發言人瑪利亞·扎哈羅娃(Maria Zakharova)予以回應,稱烏克蘭的議員是一群「愚昧的殭屍」。

* 復活的死屍,日常用語為"行屍走肉"的人,了無生氣的人。
"......如此日益壯大的退休族群,如果被認定為喪屍(Zombies電影取材於此?)實屬可怕,他們亦不應被看作有待「循環再用」的廢物。......"---超老齡主義/文潔華,《信報》副刊 2016.6.21

On 17th June 1816, on a stormy summer evening, 18 year old Mary Godwin (soon to be Mary Shelley) told the ghost story that became Frankenstein

ghost story 不是"鬼故事"。



查林語堂中英辭典的 ghost,很有意思

