2019年1月21日 星期一

Can a Translation Be a Masterpiece, Too? Mighty Aphrodite

TingShan Tsai 當年我們發行伍迪艾倫的《強力春藥》,片名居然不通過 ,吵了好久,後來我改成《非強力春藥》,居然通過了。數周來新聞炒熱了,此外成為創下伍迪艾倫影片在台的高票房紀錄,還得拜這些豬隊友之賜,今逢今豬年,祝大家諸事吉祥!

非強力春藥Mighty Aphrodite - CatchPlay - 強檔院線電影

The New York Review of Books

Tim Parks writes, "Can we say that translators are creative artists in their own right, co-authoring the text they translate, a fine translation being as unique and important as the original work?"


Can a Translation Be a Masterpiece, Too?
