2016年5月21日 星期六

the liberty and freedom of the individual

In 200 years, the average world income per person has soared from about $3 to $33 a day. How did the modern world get so rich? Deirdre McCloskey says the answer, in a word, is “liberty.”

The Great Enrichment of the past two centuries has one primary source: the liberation of ordinary people to pursue their dreams of economic betterment

John Stuart Mill died on May 8th 1873. He is perhaps best known for his work "On Liberty", in which he weighs up the tyranny of government against the liberty and freedom of the individual



  1. [名詞]
  2. 1 (圧政・暴力的支配からの)自由(⇔captivity);(外国の支配からの)自由,独立(independence)
  3. 2
  4. (1)(業務・拘束・幽閉などからの)自由,解放,釈放,放免;(行動・言論・思想などの)自由,権利
    • civil liberty
    • 市民の自由
    ◆freedom を用いることもできる.
  5. (2)〔哲学〕 (運命などからの人間の行動や意志・選択の)自由.
  6. freedom
  7. [名詞]
  8. 1 (監禁・拘留されていない)自由な状態,自由
  9. 2 (外的支配・干渉・規制などからの)解除,解放.
  10. 3 (行動などの)(…する)自由((of ...;to do))(◆freedom と liberty は同じ意味に使われるが,liberty は「勝手気まま」の意が強い)
    • have freedom to do what one likes
    • 好きなことを自由にできる.
  11. 4 政治的独立,国家の独立.
  12. 5 (束縛・隷属に対して)人格的自由


Pronunciation: /ˈlɪbəti/ 

NOUN (plural liberties)

1The state of being free within society from oppressive restrictions imposed by authority on one’s behaviour or political views:compulsory retirement would interfere with individual liberty
1.1The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved:people who attacked phone boxes would lose their liberty
1.2The power or scope to act as one pleases:individuals should enjoy the liberty to pursue their own preferences
1.3Philosophy A person’s freedom from control by fate or necessity.
2[COUNT NOUN] (usually liberties) A right or privilege, especially a statutory one:the Bill of Rights was intended to secure basic civil liberties
3[COUNT NOUN] informal A presumptuous remark or action:how did he know what she was thinking?—it was a liberty!
4Nautical Shore leave granted to a sailor.


Pronunciation: /ˈfriːdəm/ 


1The power or right to act, speak, or think as one wants:we do have some freedom of choice[COUNT NOUN]: he talked of revoking some of the freedoms
1.1Absence of subjection to foreign domination or despotic government:he was a champion of Irish freedom
1.2The power of self-determination attributed to the will; the quality of being independent of fate or necessity.
2The state of not being imprisoned or enslaved:the shark thrashed its way to freedom
2.1The state of being unrestricted and able to move easily:the shorts have a side split for freedom of movement
2.2Unrestricted use of something:the dog has the freedom of the house when we are out
3(freedom from) The state of not being subject to or affected by (something undesirable):government policies to achieve freedom from want
4(the freedom of ——British A special privilege or right of access, especially that of fullcitizenship of a city granted to a public figure as an honour:he accepted the freedom of the City of Glasgow
5archaic Familiarity or openness in speech or behaviour.
