2016年5月8日 星期日

《官僚機構──政府機構的作為及其原因》 翻譯評論 philosopher's stone及China Lake兩難:附原文 Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake

 作者在Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why T...新版序言一段界定:

...  creating reorganization task forces that were chiefly devoted to expanding accountability, increasing efficiency, and enlarging presidential authority ( By accountability I mean increasing  policy implementers' responsiveness to higher officials who must take responsibility for that policy.) ......曾建立重組工作的課題組主要致力於拓展責任感提高效率和擴大總統權力


"敏感性"固然可表示對人的RESPONSIVENESS ,不過它已有負面的意思。
James QWilson《官僚機構──政府機構的作為及其原因》(Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do It) 孫艷譯,北京三聯2,006,頁363 "談協調"。
將"點金石" philosopher's stone 翻譯成"哲學家的墓石"。


《官僚機構──政府機構的作為及其原因》 (Bureaucracy: What Government Agencies Do and Why They Do it)
譯者 孫艷
出版社 三聯書店(北京),2006,頁7,  China Lake Naval Air Station
China Lake 翻譯成 柴納湖

Naval Air Weapons S tation China Lake


Google translate

Origin of name[edit]

Chinese men harvested borax from the dry lake bed approximately 1.5 miles south of Paxton Ranch. The operation was known locally as “The Little Chinese Borax Works’’
Google translate
