2016年5月2日 星期一

台北故宮:莫名其妙的展覽名稱和翻譯......Facebook:Precious as the Morning Star. 西清續鑑 Xiqing xujian?"the Yüan-Ming Garden "国立西洋美術館;


【聖方濟各•沙勿略(1506-1552 年)聖髑與聖髑箱】陳列室:107
Treasures from Heaven-A Special Exhibition of Artifacts from the Holy See (Final call!!)
Reliquary and relic of St. Francis Xavier (1506-1552)】Gallery: 107 (Northern Branch)


【Underglazed blue and red porcelain meiping vase with peony and chrysanthemum design】

【明 正德 青花阿拉伯文番蓮七孔花插】陳列室:205
【Globular flower vase with decoration of Arabic script in underglaze blue】Gallery: 205 (Northern Branch) 這underglaze是錯字,underglazed 才對。
番蓮 沒翻譯出來

Jean Jenger 著,周嫄譯『勒•柯布西耶』上海:上海人民出版社,2006

頁153:東京:西方藝術博物館 (1959)
正名:The National Museum of Western Art (国立西洋美術館 Kokuritsu Seiyō Bijutsukan) 
 (此館是法國償還一戰時沒收日本富豪收藏品之友誼之舉,委託Le Corbusier設計,當然。)

Architectural Tours

The museum’s volunteer staff conducts tours exploring the architectural features of the museum buildings and grounds. These tours particularly focus on the Main Building and Forecourt Garden, which were designed by the French architect Le Corbusier.

------- 台北故宮:莫名其妙的展覽名稱和翻譯

【明 董其昌 臨顏真卿告身帖(軸)】陳列室:202
Synthesis and Departure in Tradition: Painting, Calligraphy, and Dong Qichang (1555-1636)

HC:這要怎樣說呢?通常說:departure from tradition.....

貴似晨星Precious as the Morning Star

貴似晨星—清宮傳世12至14世紀青瓷特展 (陳列室:203)
【南宋 官窯 青瓷三登方壺】
Precious as the Morning Star: 12th-14th Century Celadons in the Qing Court Collection (Gallery: 203)
【Stepped pot with celadon glaze】
Guan ware, Southern Song dynasty, 12th-13th century
Height 14.4 cm, w. of mouth 9 × 12.5 cm, w. of base 9.3 × 12.4 cm
  長方形,器身外鼓,三層相連,胎骨厚重,上施米色釉,釉表局部開大紋片;口沿釉薄處,現出灰色邊。本院另有典藏一件器形與之相仿的清朝製品〈清 乾隆 三絃四方瓶〉,顯露出在乾隆官窯的仿古品中,亦存在一類與御製詩瓷器相關的作品。
Website: http://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh104/Celadons/en/index.html

近日看到故宮的Facebook, 英文錯誤多:lotus 不是 lutus;金為Jin,不要跟Qing搞混。

--- 西清續鑑= Xiqing Xujian
【清 乾隆〈西清續鑑‧第十九冊〉鏡匣雕刻木蓋附關槐〈山水〉】陳列室:303
Current Exhibit: Reflections of the Emperor: The Collection and Culture of Mirrors at the Qing Court (Gallery: 303)
【Carved Wood Mirror Cover with a Landscape by Guan Huai from the Mirror Case Set Xiqing xujian (Vol. 19)】
Qing dynasty, Qianlong reign, 1735-1796
Diameter: 12.6 cm
  The wood mirror cover here is engraved with a design of paired opposing phoenixes, the other side featuring an intimate landscape painting by Guan Huai. Buildings appear here and there among the mountains and banks, the forests lush and the spatial arrangement clearly presented. The brushwork is fine and the coloring pure and bright.
Website: http://theme.npm.edu.tw/exh104/mirrors/en/en00.html

*****為何寫成" the yüan-ming Garden ", "the Yüan-Ming Garden "。"池旁" By the Water?

  This is one of 12 scrolls painted by early Ch’ing court artist. Unsigned, they show court figures in the yüan-ming Garden engaged in various activities associated with each lunar month. In the work for the 2nd month are apricot trees in full bloom. Women reside in the area above. Some are in a garden playing on a swing and others are indoors across the bridge. The area in front is where men are at leisure. Some have opened books for study and others are drinking tea in conversation. The host walks by the water in deep thought. Seen through an opening in a corner, an attendant fans the stove to brew tea as another holds a tray with tea bowls ready. On the stove is a Chai earthenware teapot and tray is ready with covered tea bowls.
