2008年4月6日 星期日

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *No.62, 2008年4月7日

"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No.62, 2008
47日; 2008/1/28 創刊

Why would a parent want to kill their child?


--The Asahi Shimbun, April 3(IHT/Asahi: April 4,2008)

這一篇讀起來心情相當沉重。 由於它有英文翻譯,讓我更了解練習翻譯者的”了解之問題”—譬如說文末說作者又拿起死者的日文詩來讀—因為英文-中文等翻譯,都無法將其”聲韻”道出。 Her belly is so bouncy that if a dwarf used it for a trampoline 處翻譯也有些問題....




『荒城の月』の詩人、土井晩翠(どい ばんすい)が生まれた仙台市は毎年、東北を中心に小学生の詩を募る。「晩翠わかば賞」である。昨秋の第48回で佳作となった作品に「おかあさん」がある



Every year, the city of Sendai holds a poetry contest for elementary school children in the Tohoku region and elsewhere.

The contest is named Bansui Wakaba (Young leaves) Award in honor of a native son, poet Doi Bansui (1871-1952) known for writing the lyrics to the song "Kojo no Tsuki" (Moon over a desolate castle).

A poem titled "Okasan" (Mother) was among the works that received an honorable mention at the 48th contest, held last fall.

〈おかあさんは/どこでもふわふわ/ほっぺはぷにょぷにょ/ふくらはぎはぽよぽよ/ふとももはぼよん/うではもちもち/おなかは小人さんが/トランポリ ンをしたら/とおくへとんでいくくらい/はずんでいる/おかあさんは/とってもやわらかい/ぼくがさわったら/あたたかい気もちいい/ベッドになってくれ る〉
"Mother is soft all over/ Her cheeks are supple/ Her calves are plumpish/ Her thighs are tubby/ Her arms are soft like rice cake/ Her belly is so bouncy that if a dwarf used it for a trampoline/ He would fly far away/ Mother is very soft/ When I touch her/ She is warm and makes me feel good/ She offers to serve as my bed."




Reading the poem, I can picture the kind, smiling face of the child's mother, who must be rather plump.

Takumi Nishiyama, who wrote the poem, was murdered Tuesday at his home in Hachinohe, Aomori Prefecture. He was 9. His mother, 30, who admitted to strangling him with an electric cord, was arrested.



Her "soft like rice cake" arms must have hugged the boy many times. But that morning, those arms turned into weapons. Apparently, the boy, who died in his pajamas, had no time to question, "Why, mom?"

I am speechless when I think about the gap between what she did and the close physical affection the boy described in the poem.



According to a witness, the mother and son were seen going home together from school, chatting happily after the academic year's closing ceremony last month.

What went through the mother's mind when she strangled her son? In the end, couldn't she recall her son's "memories of physical contact" that he wrote about with so much affection? I feel tightness in my chest thinking about what went wrong.




Takumi is not the only child to have been exposed to such a harsh reality. It is so unimaginably removed from the soft touch of parents.

If the last image children have before their young lives are taken away is that of the murderous look of those they love more than anyone else, nothing can be sadder.

Mother, father, please do not kill your child. Offering my prayers, I find myself once again going over the poem written in hiragana.
