翻譯較難的是文化背景(1):Another Part of the Wood by Kenneth Clark, p.85
The news of this success was greeted at
Another Part of the Wood by Kenneth Clark, p.85
內容是傳主在Winchester”學校” (College)時,水準”了了”,可是竟然考上牛津大學的獎學金,讓許多師長驚訝…….。我覺得它的翻譯,可能是挑戰,因為這要了解英國著名私立住宿學校(如Winchester和 Eaton)制的許多事情,譬如說,文中的 housemaster,辭典上或說:house・master 舎[寮]監.。然而,這牽涉到他們寄宿學校的組成。 譬如說 ,housemaster的無比權威地位,他們在社會中的地位,可能遠勝於著名大學中的院長。譬如說,近日過世的名人Jazz legend Lyttelton dies at 86,某訃聞這樣寫:He was the unlikeliest of jazzmen. Born with a silver spoon in his mouth, he was schooled at
文中指的法朗士(這姓名的翻譯,中文界因歷史原因,只好將錯就錯)的書,乃是名著(企鵝島}( Penguin Island, L'Île des Pingouins)。約40年前 ,hc在台中讀過商務出版的大陸(黎烈文)翻譯本。不過,內容已不復記憶。借助現在網路資訊,我們可以了解(企鵝島}因為送諸企鵝上天國的是近視眼,經常出錯:Morals, customs and laws are satirised within the context of the fictional
現在比較難理解的剩下My housemaster was almost indignant, but consoled himself by thinking that