2008年4月27日 星期日

翻譯較難的是文化背景(2):The Decorative Art of Today by Le Corbusier 之Eugène Samuel Grasset

翻譯較難的是文化背景(2):The Decorative Art of Today by Le Corbusier Eugène Samuel Grasset

"Grasset was the geometrician and algebraist of flowers. With him we had to extend our admiration for all flowers as far as the secret of their structure, to love them so much that there was no alternative but to scatter them over all the works that we would like to have undertaken. Our childhood was illuminated by the miracles of nature. Our hours of study were spent hunched over a thousand flowers and insects. Trees, clouds and birds were the field of our research; we tried to understand their life-cure, and concluded that only nature was beautiful and that we could be no more than humble imitator of here forms and here wonderful materials."---
Le Corbusier , The Decorative Art of Today

這本1925的法文書很早就有日本翻譯本; 1965年修正版。如果MIT出版社說的沒錯,英文翻譯是1986/7年的事。 初淺的Eugène Samuel Grasset 介紹,還是對他們之間的關係了解有限。我是透過Le Corbusier's formative years by Brooks, H. Allen...的索引來了解他們的奇遇(Le Corbusier在電話步上看到他在學校讀書看過的Grasset的電話號碼,後者給他2小時之「先知般的教誨」:巴黎建築為頹壞之流無法落實19世紀新材料之承諾、頁364有裝飾圖案之分解的習作學習...
