Born: 1494, Kingdom of England
Died: October 6, 1536, Duchy of Brabant
Cause of death: Executed by strangling, then burnt at the stake
Education: Hertford College, Oxford, University of Oxford, University of Cambridge, Magdalen College, Oxford
以哥林多前書13章為例,廷代爾將希臘詞語「agape」譯為「love」(愛)而非「charity」(慈惠);將希臘語的教會(ekklesia)譯為「congregation」(會衆),因為常用的「church」不只是信徒的聚會,而也意味著建築物「教堂」。此外,英文「施恩座」一詞(「mercy seat」)並非翻譯自馬所拉本中的希伯來語詞彙kapporeth,也不是翻譯自七十士譯本中的希臘語詞彙hilasterion,而是由廷代爾翻譯自馬丁·路德的德語譯本中使用的德語詞彙gnadenstuhl,其字面意義為「恩典的座位」,「恩典的地方」。廷代爾也是第一個在希伯來語聖經英文譯本裏使用上帝名字耶和華的人,這個字在他的譯本出現了20多次。
William Tyndale was a scholar and theologian born in Gloucestershire at the end of the 15th century. His translation of the New Testament was the first to be printed in English.
This is one of only three copies surviving from the 3,000 or so printed in 1526 by Peter Schoeffer in the German city of Worms. Tyndale’s translation was thought to be sacrilegious in England, so his Bibles were smuggled into the country in bales of cloth. Those discovered owning them were punished. At first only the books were destroyed, but soon heretics would be burned too – including Tyndale himself in 1536.
This version of the book is unique; see it in our #BLTreasures Gallery, free and open daily