"And Every Lad May Be Aladdin (Crackers in Bed)" by Norman Rockwell from an Edison Mazda Lamp advertisement (1920) in theSaturday Evening Post.
查Wikipedia 馬茲達Mazda (燈泡)
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- 當代散文家埃爾文·布魯克斯·懷特(Elwyn Brooks White)曾在《這裡是紐約》(Here is New York)寫道:「...he buys a bunch of pussy willows, a Mazda bulb, a drink, a shine – all between the corner where he steps off the bus and his apartment」(他買了一堆 (sic,應是一把) 貓柳、馬茲達燈泡、飲料、一道光線* - 由他自公車下車處至公寓間的街角)。
謝道韞留下來的事蹟不多,其中最著名的故事,記載在《世說新語》中:謝安在一個雪天和子姪們討論可用何物比喻飛雪。謝安的姪子謝朗說道「撒鹽空中差可擬」,謝道韞則說:「未若柳絮因風起」,因其比喻精妙而受到眾人的稱許。* a shine 應指鞋油:A shortened term for shoeshine
房龍(Hendrik Van Loon)這句話說得很妙啊。
「任何對無知所展開的攻擊註定會失敗,因為大眾總是做了準備,不讓他們最寶貴的財產--他們的無知--受到攻擊。」(Any formal attack on ignorance is bound to fail because the masses are always ready to defend their most precious possession – their ignorance.)
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上述譯文沒把formal attack的 formal (正式的v 突擊等)翻譯出來;又,將defend 也弄成"不受到攻擊",不好。
Watch this road-rage incident escalate to a #StarWars-style fighthttp://cnn.it/1Sbdw0X
Audio Slide Show: The Whole Hog
Scott’s Variety Store and Bar-B-Q in Hemingway, S.C., offers all the rural tropes of a signal American barbecue joint.
road rage:片語,指開車時態度囂張,罔顧交通規定,或對其他駕駛人和行人造成威脅的行為。
sudden violent anger provoked in a motorist by the actions of another driver.