I plucked bibs and bobs of turtle from between the top shell and underbelly. It was bitter, spicy in that classically Sichuanese way, and startlingly good. It was paired with a mouth-cooling chaser, a gazpacho of coconut milk and buoyant tapioca balls.
牛津大學詞典對chaser 的定義應該是錯誤的:http://www.oxforddictionaries.com/definition/english/chaser?q=CHASER
gaz·pa·cho (gə-spä'chō, gəz-pä'-)
n., pl., -chos.
A chilled soup made with chopped tomatoes, cucumbers, onions, peppers, and herbs.
[Spanish, probably of Mozarabic origin, akin to Spanish caspicias, remainders, worthless things.]
- One that chases or pursues another: a chaser of criminals.
- A drink, as of beer or water, taken after hard liquor.
chasers something non alcoholic to drink as well as the hard liquor being consumed simultaneously.
coke = chaser to pretty much anything. coca cola and smirnoff
chaser - Wiktionary
chaser (plural chasers)
- A person or thing (ship, plane, car, etc.) that chases. [from 14th c.] [quotations ▼]
- Originally, a horse used for hunting; now, a horse trained for steeplechasing, a steeplechaser. [from 14th c.] [quotations ▼]
- (archaic) A hunter. [from 15th c.]
- Someone who chases metal; a person who decorates metal by engraving or embossing. [from 18th c.] [quotations ▼]
- A tool used for cleaning out screw threads, either as an integral part of a tap or die to remove waste material produced by the cutting tool, or as a separate tool to repair damaged threads. [from 19th c.] [quotations ▼]
- A mild drink consumed immediately after a drink of hard liquor. [from 19th c.] [quotations ▼]
- (Israel) A shot of hard liquor.
- (logging, obsolete) Someone that follows logs out of the forest in order to signal a yarder engineer to stop them if they become fouled - also called a frogger. [quotations ▼]
- (logging) one who unhooks chokers from the logs at the landing. [quotations ▼]
- One of a series of adjacent light bulbs that cycle on and off to give the illusion of movement.
- (nautical) A chase gun.
- [名]
- 1
- (1)追っ手;追跡者[物];猟師,狩猟家.
- (2)追撃機;追撃砲(chase gun);駆潜艇(submarine chaser).
- 2 ((略式))チェーサー:強い酒のあとに飲む炭酸水または軽い酒.
- 3 ((主に英))《演劇》最後の幕[曲目].
- 4 ((米俗))女たらし.
- 5 ((俗))仕事のせきたて役.
- 6 障害レース用の競走馬.
A new hangover helper called "Chaser.