2014 0803
我又來開新的戰線了﹐p143 (轉危為安 在 p.154)
Failure to understand variation in tests delayed some years the science of genetics. Ratios of (e.g) tall and dwarf peas varied wildly below and above nature's average value 1:4. This variation bothered everyone, including the monk Gregor Mendel, discoverer of the simple dominant gene.
Best rgds
Legend Tai says goodbye to All England for last time
Tai Tzu Ying, one of YONEX All England Open’s all-time greats departed the
作者: 潘震澤
主編:鍾漢清 (hanching chung) 時間: 2007/04/1 2
譯人故事(二十二):葉維廉( 2004))
讀葉維廉<董陽孜的逍遙世界 ---墨舞舞人>( 2004.10.14中國時報)作者說明為「一九三七年生,
2007/4/13 今天葉先生在台大開始三次演講。談『翻譯: 神思的機遇』。它其實是自傳。
據主辦人說, 演講稿會整理發表在 " 台灣文學研究..." 。
我是唯一的提問者。問他大陸全集之反應。他說他是以 "理論家" 之身份為他們所接受。
******---- 林南(Nan Lin)演講「從全球脈絡看中國的資本主義」(大約)。
---- Re :實驗以驗實?
如果可能,我建議你在文章內建 key words【多向文本,這是第二代 Simon U的「小讀者」對 HYPERTEXT的翻譯】,方便(未來)讀者。
而且盡量附英文,方便有心進修的朋友。 -----
當然我是指像你這樣的專家】。 我想你或許可以推薦其他可進一步參考的書籍。 Jean Piaget 在日內瓦大學作了許多「發生認識論」領域的實驗。
十來本翻譯的中文書,或許可以管窺其實驗方法。 還有相關的方法論和統計問題。譬如說, 過去七八十年對於「抽煙」相關實驗之推論。 Statistical methods and scientific inference by RA Fisher - 1956 – London
國立編譯館 學術名詞資訊網」,發現與 experiment 相關多詞約七百多條。(我猜)其中至少八成用「實驗」,二成用「 試驗」。 hc 於 2007/4/12 12:54 回應
HC :
至於建立「關鍵詞」,並使用 hypertext,則要多花些時間,只能一點一點來。 從事實驗工作者,多是從學徒開始做 bench work,然後一點點學習實驗設計、結果分析、報告撰寫等週邊「
技術」;實驗理論,一般是不大涉獵的。只有到了一定年紀, 視茫手抖,不能從事第一線的實驗工作時,才會多想想所謂「 哲學性」 (philosophical) 問題。你要我多談點理論,只怕力不從心。 Experiment 的一般譯法是「動物實驗」及「人體試驗」,大概是想避免引起「
在人身上做實驗」的不良聯想。近代以人為對象進行有違倫理、 甚至殘酷的實驗,首推二次世界大戰期間, 某些德國及日本醫生在猶太人及中國人身上的作為; 就連美國也有以黑人梅毒患者進行的觀察性實驗。由於「人體實驗」 有過這段黑暗歷史,也才有目前三階段的「人體試驗」準則出現。 幾年前我與人合譯過一本談自體實驗的書:「誰先來?」 (Who Goes First?),由天下文化出版,可以參考。 震澤 於 2007/4/12 21:03 回應
英國科學家在《科學期刊》發表的報告指出,一個 FTO基因變異導致體重增加 1.2公斤﹔有兩個FTO 變異增加三公斤。 《泰晤士報》指出,科學界早已知道肥胖與遺傳有關,
**** 蔡筱雯╱綜合外電報導
美國德州大學西南醫學中心的學者懷特( Michael White)表示,
去年諾貝爾醫學獎得主、美國學者費爾( Andrew Z. Fire)與梅洛( Craig C. Mello),就是因發現核醣核酸干擾機制,
懷特表示,未來數年將致力於其他化療藥物的反應研究,希望能在 10年內研發效果更強的新藥,其他學者則認為,
World Bank mulls Wolfowitz's fate
Wolfowitz's apology
The board of the World Bank has adjourned a meeting to discuss the fate of its president, Paul Wolfowitz.
Mr Wolfowitz has faced calls for his resignation over the promotion and pay of his Libyan-born partner, Shaha Riza.
He has apologised for his involvement in the negotiations and said he will accept any decision taken by the board.
Earlier, the board said it never gave its approval for the wage rise for Ms Riza ordered by Mr Wolfowitz, despite claims to the contrary by his aides.
The board said the World Bank's ethics committee "had not been involved in the discussions with the concerned member of staff".
Ms Riza's promotion and pay rise has attracted strong criticism from staff within the Bank.
It has weakened Mr Wolfowitz at a time when he is facing controversy over his anti-corruption drive that has led him to suspend aid to some countries.
Ms Riza was moved to the state department on secondment when he took the World Bank's top job in 2005, but her salary was still paid by the Bank.
'Uncharted waters'
Mr Wolfowitz at first had denied that he was involved in the decision about her salary.
"In hindsight, I wish I had trusted my original instincts and kept myself out of the negotiations. I made a mistake, for which I am sorry," Mr Wolfowitz said on Thursday.
He said he had been in "uncharted waters" in his new job and would follow the recommendations proposed by the board.
"I will accept any remedies they propose," he said.
The Bank's staff association says the pay rises and promotions Ms Riza received were "grossly out of line" with the World Bank's staff rules.
"The president must acknowledge that his conduct has compromised the integrity and effectiveness of the World Bank Group," staff association representative Alison Cave said in remarks presented during a staff meeting on the matter.
She added that his actions had destroyed the staff's trust in his leadership.
The controversy comes ahead of joint World Bank and IMF spring meetings.
Mr Wolfowitz - formerly US deputy secretary of defence - has adopted a fiercely anti-corruption stance.
The latest furore threatens to undermine his personal campaign to combat corruption and poor governance.
Ms Riza had been a high-ranking communications employee at the bank working in the Middle East section.
When Mr Wolfowitz took over at the Bank in mid-2005, Ms Riza - then a World Bank employee for eight years - was transferred to work for the US state department, to avoid any conflict of interest.
But rapid rises in her tax-free World Bank salary to about $193,000 - more than the $186,000 Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice receives before tax - have aroused ire among other Bank employees.
While facing press questions about the case, Mr Wolfowitz has tried to shift focus back to the bank's remit of fighting global poverty.
He said the world's richest nations had given 5% less aid over the past 12 months.
"We have yet to see evidence of significant new flows translate into real resources for development programmes on the ground," he said.
Ministers and trade leaders from the 185-nation organisation are to meet on Saturday and Sunday in Washington.
The agenda will include issues including fighting diseases and the state of the world economy.
Sony and Toshiba lock horns over 'organic' flat-screen TVs
General Contractors (Japanese )
learning curve noun [C] 學習曲線(裝配飛機等等,越來越駕輕就熟、更快;將數量 VS速度 等作圖就是學習曲線。陡斜率代表快速進入狀況,學習壓力大。)
the rate of someone's progress in learning a new skill:
It's a pretty steep learning curve when you're thrown into a job with no prior experience.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
In the deep end?
Steep learning curve for new UN chief's first 100 days
brush (BUSHES) noun [U] US
small low bushes or the rough land they grow on, or brushwood:
We spotted a jackrabbit hidden in the brush.
The dry weather has increased the risk of brush fires.
(from Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary)
Behind the Fall of Imus,
A Digital Brush Fire
In a Blur, Watchdogs, Blogs, Email, Spur Radio Host's Firing
CBS canceled the "Imus in the Morning Show" amid an escalating outcry over his remark about the Rutgers women's basketball team. Watchdogs, blogs and emails helped spur the firing
《獨立報》以 "血腥的信息:無處安全" 的標題來形容伊拉克目前的情況。
伊拉克議會大樓位於巴格達的 "綠區 ",即保安最嚴密的伊拉克地方,
伊拉克巴格達國會大樓昨天驚傳自殺炸彈攻擊,造成 8死 20傷,其中至少兩名死者為國會議員。此外昨天稍早,