2012年6月11日 星期一



According to Herodotus, Xerxes wept at the sight of his army, which was too extensive for him to scan, at the thought that a hundred years hence not one of all these would be alive. Who would not weep at the thought in looking over a big catalogue that of all these books not one will be in existence in ten years’ time?

" 據 Herodotus說, Xerxes眼看著自己的百萬雄師  想到百年之後竟沒有一個人能倖免黃土一坯的厄運....."(叔本華論文選. 陳曉南譯   台北: 志文  1975再版  頁33

Herodotus 的書中  談到百萬的地方
古人的人口不那麼多 所以"百萬雄師" 言重...
 "倖免黃土一坯的厄運." 也有點"文".....
