此新聞中沒英文 所以我先將"自由"翻譯成liberty去找原文
原來是免費的free 請自己取書.....
2012年12月26日 星期三
2012年12月18日 星期二
Umberto Eco《艾可談文學》( Sulla letteratura) 翁德明 譯
《艾可談文學‧互文反諷以及閱讀層次》台北: 皇冠文化出版 2008
「這個指涉(當然是有意的)是英譯者插進去的,老實說,英譯本的確包含這個回響,這點意味著,翻譯不只能改變互文性反諷的遊戲而且還能使它豐富。」On Literature by Umberto Eco艾可談文學頁273
胡適日記全集 5: 1928-1929
1929.7.19 頁708等為胡適為教育部擬的「高級中學國文課程標準‧第二稿」,很可參考。今只記「五‧教法要點‧(3) 練習作文‧(1) 翻譯 最可以訓練精確的作文技術。」
A. 翻譯古文為今語文
1929.7.19 頁708等為胡適為教育部擬的「高級中學國文課程標準‧第二稿」,很可參考。今只記「五‧教法要點‧(3) 練習作文‧(1) 翻譯 最可以訓練精確的作文技術。」
A. 翻譯古文為今語文
B. 翻譯今語文為古語文
C. 翻譯古韻文為今語的散文或韻文
.D. 翻譯外國短篇為中國古今體文字。
2012年12月16日 星期日
Essay on the Principles of Translation (London, 1790)
2010年,中國出版二本從英文翻譯過來的韋伯選集。 如《馬克斯‧韋伯社會論文集》 北京: 人民出版社,2010 。這是From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology, Edited by H. H.Gerth and C. Wright Mills , 1948/1991---1948 年版的英譯者前言就提出A. F. Tyler 的見解: Essay on the Principles of Translation (London, 1790)
---而Mills 等論述他們主要追求”信達”
Alexander Fraser Tytler, Lord Woodhouselee (15 October 1747 – 5 January 1813) was a Scottish lawyer, writer, and professor. Tytler was also a historian, and for some years was Professor of Universal History, and Greek and Roman Antiquities, in the University of Edinburgh.[1]
Tytler's other titles included Senator of the College of Justice, and George Commissioner of Justiciary in Scotland.[2] Tytler was a friend of Robert Burns, and prevailed upon him to remove lines from his poem "Tam o' Shanter" which were insulting to the legal and clerical professions.[3] His son was Patrick Fraser Tytler, traveller and historian.
Contents |
Tytler wrote a treatise that is important in the history of translation theory, the Essay on the Principles of Translation (London, 1790). It has been argued in a 1975 book by Gan Kechao that Yan Fu's famous translator's dictum of fidelity, clarity and elegance came from Tytler.Tytler said that translation should fully represent the 1) ideas and 2) style of the original and should 3) possess the ease of original composition.
2012年12月9日 星期日
一次覺醒: 李玉民《紀德文集‧日記卷》廣東:花城,2002,
一次覺醒: 這幾年有幾次動念翻譯:Journals 1889-1949 (André Gide): 詹宏志有一小本漢譯本(台北遠景) 也是有英文本的刪節. 前天拿到 李玉民《紀德文集‧日記卷》廣東:花城,2002,513頁 選集1888-1909,法國文學等注解不錯----今天比較英譯 發現英文本也刪掉許多
李是法國文學專家 (當然Gide很博學 李的英國文學的注解就很弱) 他說不定採全譯
這是翻譯最好不要重譯 不要假內行的一例Journals 1889-1949 (André Gide)/Henri Frédéric Ami...
李是法國文學專家 (當然Gide很博學 李的英國文學的注解就很弱) 他說不定採全譯
這是翻譯最好不要重譯 不要假內行的一例Journals 1889-1949 (André Gide)/Henri Frédéric Ami...
Put thousand together less bad,
A.《紅與黑》黎烈文譯 ,台北:文壇出版社, 1965
此書收入桂冠的世界文學名著10 , 1994
B.《紅與黑》羅新璋譯 ,濟南:山東藝文出版社,1997
C.《紅與黑》郝運譯 ,上海:譯文出版社,2001之
翻譯討論: 由於筆者不懂法文 基本上 無法置喙 不過我們可以用第一章的章訓之翻譯來比較
Put thousand together less bad,
But the cage less gay.
的確作者開個玩笑 不過B.的翻譯最有文彩 卻是最不清楚....
"Not only did Hobbes never say any such thing, but this English quotation is [...] as senseless to native speakers of English as to those who know no English at all. Put thousands of what together? [T]he epigraph [...] conveys no meaning except what its readers create for it."
(Realism and revolution, Sandy Petrey)
2012年12月8日 星期六
《提堂》(BRING UP THE BODIES)希拉里·曼特爾(Hilary Mantel)著。A John Macrae Book/ Henry Holt & Company出版,28美元。
本書從曼特爾上一部小說《狼廳》(Wolf Hall)結束的地方開始寫起,為亨利八世與安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn)看似古老的故事賦予了全新的魅力與懸疑色彩。故事以亨利國王的首席國務大臣托馬斯·克倫威爾(Thomas Cromwell)的視角展開,宮廷中冷酷無情的權術鬥爭很快發展為不可避免的死刑。這部小說和《狼廳》都榮獲了布克獎(Man Booker Prize)。這個三部曲系列即將推出最終卷,克倫威爾將在其中迎來自己的死亡,它會不會為曼特爾帶來第三個布克獎呢?http://cn.nytimes.com/article/culture-arts/2012/12/04/c04bestbooks/zh-hk/
我們要問: 書名的翻譯恰到好處嗎?
提堂 (Mention Hearing)提堂為刑事案件交予法庭處理的第一步,如控方已完備控罪書 (Charge Sheet) 及案情最要 (Summary of Facts),便會要求法庭聽取答辯 (Take Plea),即詢問會告人會否認罪。如認罪,法庭在聽取律師的求情陳詞後便會考慮判刑。如不認罪法官便會另定一較後日子以便進行審訊,此時法庭便要考慮是否給予被告人保釋。律師便會向法庭陳述保釋的理據及可接受的保釋條件,來給法庭考慮。基於法庭程序複雜及難明,此時最好聘有律師,代表答辯及申請保釋。 如有律師陪同,便能更進一步得到保障。http://www.crime.hk/crime-bail.htm
When any case comes before the Crown Court the first (meaningful) hearing is known as the Pleas and Case Management Hearing. If a defendant pleads 'guilty' then the matter will proceed to a sentence hearing. If 'not guilty' then a trial will need to be held and therefore various 'directions' are given by the judge for both sides to complete any necessary work before the trial date, which can often be set at this time. The aim of these hearings is to try and eliminate the need for any further court hearings before the trial is heard - however, things don't always go to plan....
You don't mention whether you're being asked to attend as a witness or a defendant - which could mean different things depending on which but....
In both cases the use of a 'mention hearing' can be to deal with all manner of things which could include (though not an exhaustive list) any outstanding issues of prosecution evidence disclosure, unexpected witness availability difficulties, having to change a trial date and/or venue, preliminary arguments over issues of law or admissability of evidence (if before the nominated trial judge): either the court, prosecution or defence can ask for a case to be listed 'for mention' if matters cannot be resolved administratively and a judge is needed to make decisions in relation to a forthcoming trial.--http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090417001347AAe8Y1w
2012年12月5日 星期三
---Edgar MORIN《方法:天然之天性La Methode. Tome1: la nature de lature, 1980第2版》北京大學出版社,2002,頁52
關於辜鴻銘的Wikipedia 翻譯之討論
英國作家毛姆來 中國,想見辜。招待毛姆的主人就給辜送去一張便條紙,請他來。可是等了好幾天也不見辜來。毛姆後來知道這位主人是以如此不禮貌的方式邀請辜,就自己寫了一 封非常謙遜的信交送,詢問是否可去拜訪。兩小時後,辜就回信答應。一進屋,辜就強力表達他對之前那張便條紙邀請的不滿:
(林語堂,信仰之旅 From Pagan to Christian,第二章 大旅行*的開始)當那哲學家進客廳來時,我即迅速表示我對他容許我拜會他的謝意。他指給我一張椅子,幫我倒茶。 「你想見我對我是一種奉承,」他回答,「你的國人只和苦力及買辦交易,他們以為每一個中國人如果不是這一種,就一定是那一種。」我想冒險抗議,但我尚未了 解他的真意。他把背倚在椅子上,用一種嘲弄的表情望著我。「他們以為若他們已經點頭示意,我們就一定會去。」我知道他仍然對我朋友不合宜的通知感到不滿。 我不知道應怎樣回答,喃喃地說了一些恭維話。**
* The Grand Detour Begins 大旅行讓人誤以為是grand tour
** 此段文字拙劣又不知所云云
此段也不好...... ***獨裁多用在政治上 如果此處是dictator 或可翻譯為"好下指令者"....
South Korea, Japan and Taiwan
South Korea, Japan and
Breaking Down Communication Barriers
When YouTube kicked off
as a video-sharing site in 2005, it spawned a new era of video watching
that tore down many of the geographic and commercial barriers that had
existed in traditional media markets. But despite the platform's
ground-breaking nature, language still remains the biggest obstacle
preventing non-English-language content from reaching untapped
audiences.Along with the thousands of hours of viral amateur footage that made celebrities out of anyone with a $100 digital camera, the platform also gave Web users a glimpse into the world of content from obscure television markets that had previously remained siloed by their small broadcast reach.
From Uzbek music videos to Korean drama serials to television commercials not seen since they last aired in the 1970s, the depth of the Internet's storage capacity means there is no content too fringe and no fanbase too small to find a place in the online video marketplace.
For all the ways the Internet has been able to increase productivity across national borders, however, content is still highly fragmented along linguistic lines. Throughout moving picture's modern history, content traffic between different language markets has been anything but multidirectional: While English-language content predominantly from the major U.S. production houses has a truly global reach through both subtitled and dubbed forms, so-called 'foreign' content subtitled or dubbed in English is still widely seen as niche-market stuff, despite the increasingly multilingual nature of a market such as the U.S.
And while YouTube caters to a large range of language markets, the appetite for local-language content has given rise to language- and country-specific video-hosting sites such as Youku in China, Rutube in Russia and the Iranian-focused Vidoosh.
Much less common, however, are direct translations between smaller and geographically distant language markets─Croatian to Malay, for example. Underlying this is not just a lack of distribution infrastructure linking such markets (translation being a key piece) but also a dominant assumption that there is unlikely to be an appetite for such exchanges.
Viki, a Singapore-based Internet start-up and one of 12 finalists in The Wall Street Journal's Asian Innovation Awards, is challenging that assumption. It has developed a video-hosting service that is supported by a community of subtitlers that translate television and movie clips into some 160 languages.
Razmig Hovaghimian, the 37-year-old founder of Viki, describes the site as 'Hulu for the rest of us,' given its focus on bringing non-English-language television productions out of their traditional markets.
'Right now, there's a wedge between fans and the content,' Mr. Hovaghimian says. 'I want to remove that wedge because the content is trapped there.'
The site has more than 1,000 titles─movies, television programs and music videos─and the most popular content originates from markets like South Korea, Japan and Taiwan.
For example, 'Playful Kiss,' a Korean television series, has translated subtitles in 56 languages, including Tagalog, Estonian and Greek.
And while the most widely spoken languages unsurprisingly account for most of Viki's translated subtitle words─about 250 million words at present─Romanian and Turkish have made an unexpected entrance into the top 10 'translated-into' languages, showing the surprising reach of the platform.
Viki originally was funded by Neoteny Labs, a Singapore-focused start-up fund headed by venture capitalists Joichi Ito, an early investor in Twitter, and Reid Hoffman, the co-founder and executive chairman of LinkedIn.
The website last year received a second round of funding from its original investor base and new investors BBC Worldwide─the British broadcaster's commercial arm─and SK Telecom Co.'s mobile spinoff SK Planet. It drew about 14 million unique views in August but having just launched a 'behind-the-firewall' service on Chinese social networking site RenRen, this number is expected to increase.
Mr. Ito believes Viki can both lower the costs of marketing and distribution of content and help content owners target frontier markets with much more granular information about audiences than is currently available.
'I think that high-quality content creates platforms for communities that become local advocates for new cultural interactions,' he says.
While Japanese and more recently Korean artists have established impressive followings outside their own language markets, Mr. Ito sees potential for other emerging cultures to also build bridges to new audiences as production values improve. 'In particular, I'm interested in Arab, Latin American and Indian content right now,' he says.
Viki:沖破語言藩籬 享受無邊視界
雖 然網絡有種種方法可以跨越國界提高生產力﹐但節目內容仍然因為語言的緣故而高度分散。從電影發展的現代歷史看﹐不同語種市場之間的內容從來就不是多向流動 的。雖然來自美國主要影視製作機構的英語節目內容通過添加字幕和配音的方式能夠做到在全球播出﹐但那些添加英文字幕或英文配音的外國節目內容仍然被普遍視 作利基市場──雖然美國等市場多語種程度越來越高。
Viki的創始人霍瓦吉米安(Razmig Hovaghimian)現年37歲﹐他將這個網站稱作“其他人的Hulu”﹐因為該網站專注於讓非英語電視節目走出傳統市場。
Viki 最初的投資方是Neoteny Labs。Neoteny Labs是一家專門在新加坡投資的初創基金﹐由風險投資人伊籐穰一(Joichi Ito)和霍夫曼(Reid Hoffman)負責管理。伊籐穰一是推特(Twitter)的早期投資人﹐而霍夫曼是LinkedIn的聯合創始人兼執行董事長。
去年 ﹐Viki獲得了第二輪融資﹐投資方除了第一輪的投資者還有一些新的投資者﹐包括英國廣播公司(BBC)的商業分支機構BBC Worldwide和SK電訊(SK Telecom Co. Ltd.)的移動業務子公司SK Planet。 該網站8月份的獨立訪問者數量達到了1,400萬﹐鑒於Viki剛剛在中國社交網站人人網發佈了專屬專區﹐預計這個數字還會增長。
2012年12月3日 星期一
2012年11月27日 星期二
motion study
《大美百科全書‧Gilbreth 夫婦條》第12冊頁337
為什麼把動作研究的motion (study) 翻譯成”運作” ?
2012年11月20日 星期二
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions 一段
懷念AQI 的朋友和潘老師
中原大學的AQI (一心品質學苑) 是了不起的,主要由當地的品質專業顧問師和教授們組成。我認為它極盛時期的成績,可能遠超過台北的QCRG。
譬如說,專家的演講,有知名的Kano 教授。忠樸過世前的某一年,還送我一本他們的年度作品精選集,很了不起。其實他們的顧問師,多出自鍾朝嵩老師的栽培 (忠樸的第一本書《品管拾穗》,就由該中心出版。我的一本簽有「漢清吾兄指正」的書是1984年8月,他那時的字,似乎是練過書法的)。
我錄下兩次”後忠樸”的 AQI聚會。
2006.9 中原擴大之AQI聚會:王晃三老師的退休紀念 (從略)
2003 年的8月 29日,我還回去「AQI/ 一心品質學苑」,做一次報告:「台灣品質運動健將張忠樸先生的啟示—用G. E. P. Box 之學攻錯之」
•意料之外的新發現,日積月累,積少成多,這 已證明不是科學發展的規律,即便有之,也是微乎其微的例外。 ( Cumulative acquisition of unanticipated novelties proves to be an almost non- existent exception to the rule of scientific development. (湯瑪斯 ·庫恩的《科學革命的結構》( The Structure of Scientific Revolutions) p .96)*
我們介紹 Box他們多採取「作圖法」來分析,很少用「變異數分析」。對於一組數據,可以教學生從不同的角度來分析之,譬如說採用管制圖方式作種種「組間 -組內」的分析 …..讓學生從不同的工具和其應用過程中,取得不同視野的「殊途同歸」見解,享受學習之樂。
Box 強調,在偶然的好運氣之傾向下,可以找到有趣的或有價值的出乎意料之資訊:因此,有效的經驗研究除了驗證理論之假設之外,還可能提出新的假設。
舉例來說,在收集資料的過程之中加些巧思,多思考其他可能的層別方式,所在在具多頭的機器之實驗,除了收集各頭 (HEAD)之間,還可以有日期別、材料別、班次別來層別之,甚至於因素之間的互動等都可以增加「發現」之機會。
* 美國的潘教授給我的指教
你的解讀無誤/ 但譯者不同/所使用的字詞或造句/就是有所差異
(新橋譯叢15, 遠流)
陳老師還贈兩本名家談設計和未來大趨勢:《設計是什麼》(Paul Rand: Conversations with Students) ;《21世紀三事》( The Sun, the Genome, and the
Internet by Freeman J. Dyson) –這本書介紹另外一種科學的圖示和工具觀,更有意義。
2012年11月18日 星期日
就我所知 它可能指:real time
- 音節
- réal tíme
- 発音
- ríːəl | ríəl-
1 《コンピュータ》リアルタイム;実時間.
2012年11月17日 星期六
Elias Canetti's Auto-da-Fe 一段
迷惘記:Elias Canetti's Auto-da-Fe
張隆溪在這篇正式定稿中,提出嚴厲控訴北京大學出版社 出版的史景遷《文化類同與文化利用》,1990年,附錄非法收入他著的《非我的神話》— 由於史景遷 的東西都值得一讀,所以取出翻閱。
史景遷《文化類同與文化利用》(Culture Equivalence and Culture Use),北京大學出版社,1990年 --- 這回發現史景遷演講中讚不絕口的書,很驚訝:
卡內提Elias Canetti (1905-1994) 在1935年就寫不朽的
Die Blendung・Roman
「這是一部非同尋常的小說,值得我們一遍又一遍去讀。」 (史景遷《文化類同與文化利用》(Culture Equivalence and Culture Use),北京大學出版社,1990年,p.156)
by Elias Canetti, D. V. Wedgewood (Translator) Pan Books公司的Picador
Auto- da-Fe:葡萄牙文/西班牙文 :異端判(焚)死刑、《焚 書》(1. Public announcement of the sentences imposed by the Inquisition. 2. The public execution of those sentences by secular authorities, especially by burning at the stake. ETYMOLOGY: Portuguese auto da fé : auto, act + da, of the + fé, faith.)
(開始主角 Peter Kien就談 2250年前的孟子—聰明小朋友說中國有四萬)字母
A head without a world;Headless Word;THE WORLD IN THE HEAD
Auto-da-Fe by Elias Canetti, D. V. Wedgewood (Translator)
The End of Modernism
Elias Canetti's Auto-da-Fe by William Collins Donahue
University of North Carolina Press 2001
《迷惘記》李舒 章譯,台北:遠景,1989
Day by day her angers rose a degree higher. She weighted it up to see if it would suffice for the decisive act, and found it too light. The caution with which she went to work was only equalled by her persistence. She said to herself: to-day he's too wretched (to-day I am no match for him) and immediately snapped off her anger so that she would have a piece left to start with to-morrow. (p.150)
此段中文版在208頁,我不想打太多字,所以只舉(to-day I am no match for him)。這句話是說他今天夠可憐的,我才不像他那樣慘。孝
李舒 章譯文是"我今天饒了他吧"。意思對,可是不太忠於原文的力量...
Elias Canetti 的一些主要作品
張隆溪在這篇正式定稿中,提出嚴厲控訴北京大學出版社 出版的史景遷《文化類同與文化利用》,1990年,附錄非法收入他著的《非我的神話》— 由於史景遷 的東西都值得一讀,所以取出翻閱。
史景遷《文化類同與文化利用》(Culture Equivalence and Culture Use),北京大學出版社,1990年 --- 這回發現史景遷演講中讚不絕口的書,很驚訝:
卡內提Elias Canetti (1905-1994) 在1935年就寫不朽的
Die Blendung・Roman
「這是一部非同尋常的小說,值得我們一遍又一遍去讀。」 (史景遷《文化類同與文化利用》(Culture Equivalence and Culture Use),北京大學出版社,1990年,p.156)
by Elias Canetti, D. V. Wedgewood (Translator) Pan Books公司的Picador
Auto- da-Fe:葡萄牙文/西班牙文 :異端判(焚)死刑、《焚 書》(1. Public announcement of the sentences imposed by the Inquisition. 2. The public execution of those sentences by secular authorities, especially by burning at the stake. ETYMOLOGY: Portuguese auto da fé : auto, act + da, of the + fé, faith.)
(開始主角 Peter Kien就談 2250年前的孟子—聰明小朋友說中國有四萬)字母
A head without a world;Headless Word;THE WORLD IN THE HEAD
Auto-da-Fe by Elias Canetti, D. V. Wedgewood (Translator)
The End of Modernism
Elias Canetti's Auto-da-Fe by William Collins Donahue
University of North Carolina Press 2001
《迷惘記》李舒 章譯,台北:遠景,1989
Day by day her angers rose a degree higher. She weighted it up to see if it would suffice for the decisive act, and found it too light. The caution with which she went to work was only equalled by her persistence. She said to herself: to-day he's too wretched (to-day I am no match for him) and immediately snapped off her anger so that she would have a piece left to start with to-morrow. (p.150)
此段中文版在208頁,我不想打太多字,所以只舉(to-day I am no match for him)。這句話是說他今天夠可憐的,我才不像他那樣慘。孝
李舒 章譯文是"我今天饒了他吧"。意思對,可是不太忠於原文的力量...
Elias Canetti 的一些主要作品
2012年11月12日 星期一
Stations of the Cross Order 等/天主教 英漢袖珍辭典
斯特拉霍夫修道院-神學圖書館 Strahov Monastery and Library
想一覽布拉格廣闊的全景,你可以在剛出市中心的地方沿着陡峭的路走上去,走到斯特霍夫修道院兼神學圖書館。這座近900年前由普雷蒙特雷修牧師會(Premonstratensian Order)建造的修道院,經歷了歷史的磨難。在約瑟夫二世(Joseph II)試圖剷除各大修道院的時候,它某程度上是因為對於國家來說有極大的研究價值,才被留存了下來。將近兩個世紀之後,在共產主義政權的壓制下,它又變成了博物館。
斯特拉霍夫修道院-神學圖書館 Strahov Monastery and Library
想一覽布拉格廣闊的全景,你可以在剛出市中心的地方沿着陡峭的路走上去,走到斯特霍夫修道院兼神學圖書館。這座近900年前由普雷蒙特雷修牧師會(Premonstratensian Order)建造的修道院,經歷了歷史的磨難。在約瑟夫二世(Joseph II)試圖剷除各大修道院的時候,它某程度上是因為對於國家來說有極大的研究價值,才被留存了下來。將近兩個世紀之後,在共產主義政權的壓制下,它又變成了博物館。
order : (1) 聖秩;品位;修會;秩序;命令;訓令。 (2) 勳章:羅馬教廷所頒。
pp.104-105 翻譯錯誤
The Road of the Phoebe Snow - Alvin Ailey American Dance Theater
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The Phoebe Snow
was a train of the Lackawanna Railroad Line which passed through the
mid-western section of the United States. Legend has it that its name ...
Stations of the Cross :十字架苦路;十四處苦路:在天主教教堂內(或它處)懸掛或擺設之十四處苦路像,描繪耶穌身背十字架,走向加爾瓦略山途中所經歷的事蹟。有些堂區加上第十五處-耶穌復活,為苦路的終極目標畫上了完美的句點。
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