2012年12月9日 星期日

Put thousand together less bad,

A.《紅與黑》黎烈文譯 台北:文壇出版社 1965
此書收入桂冠的世界文學名著10 1994
B.《紅與黑》羅新璋譯 ,濟南:山東藝文出版社,1997
C.《紅與黑》郝運譯 上海:譯文出版社,2001之

翻譯討論: 由於筆者不懂法文 基本上 無法置喙 不過我們可以用第一章的章訓之翻譯來比較
 Put thousand together less bad, 
But the cage less gay.

 "Not only did Hobbes never say any such thing, but this English quotation is [...] as senseless to native speakers of English as to those who know no English at all. Put thousands of what together? [T]he epigraph [...] conveys no meaning except what its readers create for it."
(Realism and revolution, Sandy Petrey)
的確作者開個玩笑    不過B.的翻譯最有文彩  卻是最不清楚....
