《提堂》(BRING UP THE BODIES)希拉里·曼特爾(Hilary Mantel)著。A John Macrae Book/ Henry Holt & Company出版,28美元。
本書從曼特爾上一部小說《狼廳》(Wolf Hall)結束的地方開始寫起,為亨利八世與安妮·博林(Anne Boleyn)看似古老的故事賦予了全新的魅力與懸疑色彩。故事以亨利國王的首席國務大臣托馬斯·克倫威爾(Thomas Cromwell)的視角展開,宮廷中冷酷無情的權術鬥爭很快發展為不可避免的死刑。這部小說和《狼廳》都榮獲了布克獎(Man Booker Prize)。這個三部曲系列即將推出最終卷,克倫威爾將在其中迎來自己的死亡,它會不會為曼特爾帶來第三個布克獎呢?http://cn.nytimes.com/article/culture-arts/2012/12/04/c04bestbooks/zh-hk/
我們要問: 書名的翻譯恰到好處嗎?
提堂 (Mention Hearing)提堂為刑事案件交予法庭處理的第一步,如控方已完備控罪書 (Charge Sheet) 及案情最要 (Summary of Facts),便會要求法庭聽取答辯 (Take Plea),即詢問會告人會否認罪。如認罪,法庭在聽取律師的求情陳詞後便會考慮判刑。如不認罪法官便會另定一較後日子以便進行審訊,此時法庭便要考慮是否給予被告人保釋。律師便會向法庭陳述保釋的理據及可接受的保釋條件,來給法庭考慮。基於法庭程序複雜及難明,此時最好聘有律師,代表答辯及申請保釋。 如有律師陪同,便能更進一步得到保障。http://www.crime.hk/crime-bail.htm
When any case comes before the Crown Court the first (meaningful) hearing is known as the Pleas and Case Management Hearing. If a defendant pleads 'guilty' then the matter will proceed to a sentence hearing. If 'not guilty' then a trial will need to be held and therefore various 'directions' are given by the judge for both sides to complete any necessary work before the trial date, which can often be set at this time. The aim of these hearings is to try and eliminate the need for any further court hearings before the trial is heard - however, things don't always go to plan....
You don't mention whether you're being asked to attend as a witness or a defendant - which could mean different things depending on which but....
In both cases the use of a 'mention hearing' can be to deal with all manner of things which could include (though not an exhaustive list) any outstanding issues of prosecution evidence disclosure, unexpected witness availability difficulties, having to change a trial date and/or venue, preliminary arguments over issues of law or admissability of evidence (if before the nominated trial judge): either the court, prosecution or defence can ask for a case to be listed 'for mention' if matters cannot be resolved administratively and a judge is needed to make decisions in relation to a forthcoming trial.--http://uk.answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090417001347AAe8Y1w