2007年10月22日 星期一

"市本" "詞枝"

周作人將 chapbook 翻譯成"市本"
傅斯年將 figure of speech (修辞, ことばのあや, 比喩; 誇張.) 翻譯成 "詞枝" 等等

chapbook, the name given since the 19th century to a kind of small, cheaply printed book or pamphlet hawked by chapmen (i.e. pedlars) from the 16th century to the early 19th century, and containing ballads, fairy‐tales, old romances, accounts of famous criminals, and other popular entertainments.

━━ n. 【史】(物語や歌の)呼売り本 ((昔,行商人が売り歩いた)); 小冊子, (しばしば詩の)パンフレット.
