2015年12月13日 星期日

翻譯練習: 隆乳假體等。Woody Allen受訪一段、 coming to terms with st...organized crime/mob/money


Dr. Grotting and other investors say they aren’t going to get rich from the Ideal. They are happy to disclose their financial interest to patients. “I show women all the devices available, and explain the pros and cons of each,” he said. (Informing patients of financial interest in a product is determined on a state-by-state basis by state medical boards.)


hc譯評:devices 指隆乳假體,不是設備。(醫生向患者披露自己與某款產品的經濟利益,是各州的醫療委員會的要求)應該是(醫生向患者披露自己與某款產品的經濟利益,是隨各州的醫療委員會的決定而定)。換句話說,可能有些州沒此項要求。


 It's coming to terms with the shortcomings in one's own gift and one's own personality.

http://punchline.asia/archives/14515 :你要接受除了天賦和人格之外的缺點。


Q . Sam Frogoso:你最想被人記住的是什麼?
伍迪 · 艾倫:我快 80 歲時,總有人問我這個問題,但我不在乎,這對我來說並不重要。當然,如果我的孩子拿我所有電影到市場上傾銷的話,可以給我的孩子留一些版稅。你我都可以站在莎士比亞的墓碑前為他唱讚歌,但這有什麼意義呢?你都死了。
美國npr電台在2015年7月30日訪問79歲的導演Woody Allen  /At 79, Woody Allen Says There’s Still Time To Do His Best Work

hc的翻譯 Sam Frogoso: At the end of it all, what do you want to be remembered for? 歸根究底,你最想被人記住的是什麼?
People always ask me this now that I'm turning 80, but I don't really care. It wouldn't matter to me, aside from the royalties to my kids, if they took all my films and dumped them. You and I could be standing over [William] Shakespeare's grave, singing his praises, and it doesn't mean a thing. You're extinct.
伍迪 • 艾倫:我快 80 歲了,總有人會問我這,但我真的不在乎。又,如果我的兒女為了一些版稅,拿我的所有電影去快速套利的話,這些對我來說都不重要,。你我都可以站在莎士比亞的墓碑前,讚美他,但這毫無意義。人都死了呢。
資料來源美國npr在2015年7月30日訪問79歲的導演Woody Allen  /At 79, Woody Allen Says There’s Still Time To Do His Best Work


Quote of the week:
"We had to struggle with the old enemies of peace -- business and financial monopoly, speculation, reckless banking, class antagonism, sectionalism, war profiteering. They had begun to consider the Government of the United States as a mere appendage to their own affairs. We know now that Government by organized money is just as dangerous as Government by organized mob."
--- President Franklin D. Roosevelt, October 31, 1936
週報價:"我們不得不與和平 — — 商業和金融的壟斷、 投機、 不計後果的銀行、 階級對立、 地方主義的舊敵人鬥爭,戰爭謀取暴利。他們已經開始考慮他們自己的事務的純粹附屬物的美國政府。我們知道現在是由錢政府和政府組織暴徒一樣危險。

---總統佛蘭克林 · 羅斯福,1936 年 10 月 31 日

本週引言:"我們不得不與和平的舊敵人鬥爭 — — 商業和金融的壟斷、 投機、 不計後果的銀行、 階級對立、 地方主義,謀取戰爭暴利。他們早已認為美國政府只是他們自己的事務的純粹附屬物。我們現在知道,由黑金治國和由黑道暴徒治國都是一樣危險的。

---總統佛蘭克林 · 羅斯福,1936 年 10 月 31 日
