2015年12月15日 星期二

《每日遇見杜拉克》一段; numbers vs. statistics,The Raw Youth/The Adolescent/ 『未成年』



一名自由譯者的自言自語。與作者互動可上Facebook頁面https://www.facebook.com/victranslates 或寄 email 至 suisung@kimo.com。




In fact, it may not be too fanciful to anticipate that the acquisition and distribution of formal knowledge will come to occupy the place in politics of the knowledge society that the acquisition of property and income have occupied in the two or three centuries that we have come to call the Age of Capitalism.
(Peter F. Drucker, May 9, “The Center of the Knowledge Society,” The Daily Drucker, 2004.)......


版主HC的翻譯版本:我們下述的預期,並不會太離譜:在知識社會時代,正式知識 (案,定義詳上文脈絡)的取得和分配,它佔政治議題中的份量,將與過去兩三個世紀以來我們稱之為資本主義時代中,對"財產和收入之取得"者類似。

"Never mind a little dirt, if the goal is splendid! Afterwards it will all be washed away, smoothed over. And now it's only—breadth, it's only—life, it's only—life's truth—that's what they call it now!"
--from "The Adolescent" By Fyodor Dostoevsky

The illegitimate son of a landowner, Arkady Dolgoruky was raised by foster parents and tutors, and has scarcely ever seen his father, Versilov, and his mother, Versilov’s peasant common-law wife. Arkady goes to Petersburg to meet this “accidental family” and to confront the father who dominates his imagination and whom he both disdains and longs to impress. Having sewn into his coat a document that he believes gives him power over others, Arkady proceeds with an irrepressible youthful volatility that withstands blunders and humiliations at every turn. Dostoevsky masterfully depicts adolescence as a state of uncertainty, ignorance, and incompleteness, but also of richness and exuberance, in which everything is still possible. His tale of a youth finding his way in the disorder of Russian society in the 1870s is a high and serious comedy that borders on both farce and tragedy. This superb new translation—never before published—of one of Dostoevsky’s major novels comes from the award-winning translators Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky. READ an excerpt here:http://knopfdoubleday.com/…/4…/the-adolescent/9781400041183/

Wikipedia 的中文版,竟然沒/尚未提到此長篇小說

未成年』(みせいねん、ロシア語原題:Подросток)は、19世紀ロシアの文豪フョードル・ドストエフスキーによって書かれた長編小説1875年に雑誌『祖国の記録ロシア語版英語版』(Отечественные записки)に連載された。主人公の手記で教養小説の形式をとっている。

The Raw Youth (RussianПодростокPodrostok), also published as The Adolescent or An Accidental Family, is a novel by Russian writer Fyodor Dostoyevsky, first published in 1875.Ronald Hingley, author of Russians and Society and a specialist in Dostoyevsky's works, named this novel a bad one, whereas Richard Pevear (in the introduction to his and Larissa Volokhonsky's 2003 translation of the novel), vehemently defended its worth in spite of those who have deemed the work a failure. Originally, Dostoyevsky had created the work under the title "Discord".

Russians and Society 容易誤解

  • Russian Writers and Society in the Nineteenth Century (1977)
  • Russian Writers and Soviet Society, 1917-1978 (1979)


今天讀到:Our quote of the day is from the Roman poet Horace
"We are just statisticsborn to consume resources." - Horace quotes 

有點驚訝在古羅馬時代就有 statistics這一字眼。根據Oxford 辭典, statistic 源自德語:


Late 18th century: from German statistisch (adjective), Statistik (noun).
  • This is from the German adjective statistisch, and the noun Statistik. This German noun was used by a German writer called Aschenwall in 1748 as a name for the area of knowledge dealing with the constitutions and resources of the various states of the world. French writers of the 18th century refer to Aschenwall as having introduced the word, which then gave rise to French statistique. In English the word was first found in the phrase statistic science (a collection of numerical facts to do with economic conditions) in the late 18th century.

我想找Horace 的原文,在下文可找到:

Horace - Wikiquote


Nos numerus sumus et fruges consumere nati.

  • We are but numbers, born to consume resources.
  • Book I, epistle ii, line 27.
