我們再談一次 the safety and security of the United States
Google 愛開玩笑:
“這是因為如果該國沿邊境每次攻擊,同時,這是一個緩慢的, 漸進的攻擊,但是它威脅美國的安全。”
"It's as if the country was being attacked along every border, simultaneously. It's a slow, gradual attack, but it threatens the safety and security of the United States."
hc:我建議將safety and security翻譯成"人身安全和國家安全"。
張華:中文的翻譯有時會有 "詞窮" 的時候。例如 sports和excercise台灣都譯 "運動",大陸則把後者譯為 "鍛鍊"。
safety和security也一樣,其實是兩個不同的安全概念,與修辭無關。safety是講人身安全(例如工人作業上的人身安全),security 則談整體的安全(例如工廠不受外人入侵的安全,現譯保安或保全)。
或可譯為 "國民與國土的安全"
"譯場(su)報告" * On Translating *
No. 18, 2008年 2月17日; 2008/1/28 創刊
BBC的 英國主要報紙頭版消息:「《每日電訊報》說,英國在對抗國內恐怖分子方面越來越軟弱無力。
報道說,研究防衛事務的英國智庫機構"皇家聯合服務研究所"(Royal United Services Institute)發表的報告指出,政府沒有能力應付拒絕融入英國社會的移民社區。
HC案:Royal United Services Institute(簡稱RUSI,有刊物:Royal United Services Institute for Defence & Security Studies Journal: The RUSI Journal)翻譯成"皇家聯合服務研究所"可討論。
因為一般the services 指「陸海空三軍」(the army, navy and/or air force),所以或許應該是「皇家三軍聯合研究所」
如下例:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, 王家三軍聯合國防研究所 ...
如下例:Royal United Services Institute for Defence Studies, 王家三軍聯合國防研究所 ...
Royal United Services Institute、王立統合防衛研究所]
(法)米歇爾.帕斯圖羅 魔鬼的面料.北京:中信出版社,2003【《魔鬼的面料》觸及到了一個核心的問題,即我們感受顏色和圖案的方式,尤其是對這些感受是來自本性還是外部環境進行了更深的研究。】
不過這本的主題是聖經 “利末記”( 肋未紀)的一段,它解釋各翻譯版本解釋重點差別頗大:
肋未紀 Leviticus Chapter 19
19Keep ye my laws. Thou shalt not make thy cattle to gender with beasts of any other kind. Thou shalt not sow thy field with different seeds. Thou shalt not wear a garment that is woven of two sorts.
欽定本英文為: …; neither shall a garment mingled of linen and woolen come upon thee.
談 Bleak House BH
後來hc:「springing of a Mine 用法,出現在牛頓的{光學 1717},描寫的是物理現象,似乎不見得與"礦場"等相關。THE HEART OF MID-LOTHIAN, Vol. 1 By Walter Scott 也用它來表示"震驚"。所以如果PR沒"手民之誤",翻譯成「地震爆炸」似乎不怎麼錯。我姑且稱之為「地蘊波振」。」--這他們都不喜歡。
PR:「「地蘊波振」: 狄老伯伯會這麼科學嗎? 雖然牛頓於他是更老的伯伯...
spring a mine under: take by surprise (引申用法)
既指a tunnel dug under an enemy emplacement to gain an avenue of attack or to lay explosives
「我回去看我那本買自舊書店的BH (真妙!某大學竟有採用它當教材的:近千頁中,只後面(提婚處。注意 他的牛收入通常為Jane Austen 主角的「數千分之一」)畫線、寫NOTES共2頁--字蹟清秀) OXFORD CLASSICS版本--了不起! 定價USD 9.95 ;哈哈, 這在台灣的翻譯本,可能要上千元。
有意思的是導言先說請讀者看完小說再讀 它末文引的我們很熟悉
'Even the winds are his messengers, and they serve him in these hours of darkness. There is not a drop of Tom's corrupted blood but propagates infection and contagion somewhere... There is not an atom of Tom's slime, not a cubic inch of any pestilential gas in which he lives, not one obscenity or degradation about him, not an ignorance, not a wickedness, not a brutality of his commiting, but shall work its retribution, through every order of society, up to the proudest of the proud, and to the highest of the high.說當時人"心/精神"中最怕怕的,就是貧富交戰....該書之注提到 Tom-All-Alone's :the rookery of St. Giles, nearOxford Street .
(第16章之插圖不是這....)這地區實際和歷史沿革:Wikipedia article "St Giles' Circus".
有意思的是導言先說請讀者看完小說再讀 它末文引的我們很熟悉
'Even the winds are his messengers, and they serve him in these hours of darkness. There is not a drop of Tom's corrupted blood but propagates infection and contagion somewhere... There is not an atom of Tom's slime, not a cubic inch of any pestilential gas in which he lives, not one obscenity or degradation about him, not an ignorance, not a wickedness, not a brutality of his commiting, but shall work its retribution, through every order of society, up to the proudest of the proud, and to the highest of the high.說當時人"心/精神"中最怕怕的,就是貧富交戰....該書之注提到 Tom-All-Alone's :the rookery of St. Giles, near
(第16章之插圖不是這....)這地區實際和歷史沿革:Wikipedia article "St Giles' Circus".