2016年10月5日 星期三

美國知名大學出版認知科學的英譯作品; Mount Auburn Hospital "黃山醫院" ?

沒把握自己是否有本事和心情讀這本書The Good, the True, and the Beautiful: A Neuronal Approach By Jean-Pierre Changeux。不過,對於"翻譯者兼修訂者" (Translated and Revised by Laurence Garey)、知名大學出版認知科學的翻譯作品--Laurence Garey以將德文、法文的這一專業領域的作品英譯出名。我對此等出版和翻譯現象,同樣感興趣。

Copyright Date: 2012
Published by: Yale University Press
Pages: 352

The Good, the True, and the Beautiful

A Neuronal Approach

Jean-Pierre Changeux; Translated and Revised by Laurence Garey

《董浩雲的世界》中將趙如蘭教授報告趙元任先生過世的醫驗院Mount Auburn Hospital is a vibrant regional teaching hospital closely affiliated with the Harvard Medical School. Our caregivers have been valued members of the community for well over a century.
翻譯成 "黃山醫院" ,不知有什麼典故?
C. Y. TUNG,《董浩雲日記》與《董浩雲的世界》

2016.10 查不出為何改名Mount Auburn Hospital:

The Birth of a Medical Institution

Mount Auburn Hospital’s history is made up of people who cared about healthcare in this community and stood behind the hospital’s mission to improve the health of the residents of Cambridge and its surrounding towns. Originally founded by Emily Parsons in 1871, the hospital was then known as The Cambridge Hospital. After being forced to close its doors for a time, the hospital reopened at its current location in 1886, after fundraising efforts culminated by Ms. Parsons.
