2015年8月27日 星期四
the response had been inadequate響應很不充分;The Great Fall of China; 曾志傑作: 【譯界人生】陳太乙:翻譯有時候就是得耐心等待作者上身
“The crisis in Tianjin fed into the mix,” he said, referring to the deadly explosion on Aug. 12 in the port city, which killed more than 100 people. Mr. Rogoff said the explosion had undermined the credibility of the Chinese government because so many questions remained unanswered, and the response had been inadequate.
This week's cover preview
The Great Fall of China
August 29th – September 4th 2015
Read for free via: http://econ.st/1PAgMxC
標題The Great Fall是The Great Leap Forward 的相反詞。似乎有點諷刺的意思。
Great Leap Forward - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
The Great Leap Forward, also known as The Great Stride [citation needed] (simplifiedChinese: 大跃进; traditional Chinese: 大躍進; pinyin: Dà yuè jìn) of the People's Republic of China (PRC) was an economic and social campaign by the Communist Party of China (CPC) from 1958 to 1961.
作者: 曾志傑 / 2014-08-19
2015年8月26日 星期三
Dr. Deming, What a career.重譯《轉危為安》《新經濟學:產、官、學各界一體適用》:戴明博士與大學,紐約大學Stern商學院為主
Dear Jean-Marie,
Thanks for your reply. Let me give you a report of my coming speech.
In addition to some talks about translation experience, my focus is on
Dr. Deming's relationship with some American universities, particular
NYU Stern School.
As you might know that Deming's Cup is in Columbia Business School,
but his association with Columbia was shorter compare with NYU.
Dr. Deming joined NYU at 1946, with some persuasion work of Dr. Alfred
Politz (1902-1982) who run a major market research company at NY.
Please refer to
*The Politz papers : science and truth in marketing research / edited by Hugh S. Hardy ; with a foreword by Darrel B. Lucas and with additional notes by W. Edwards Deming,Chicago, Ill. : American Marketing Association, 1990
In the Foreword By Lucas, he mentioned" How could he have approached a budget-minded business college dean to bring an international statistics authority to New York University?" (p.xii) This was enriched by Hardy's note:"...He persuaded the already-eminent statistician, Dr. W. Edwards Deming, to commute from Washington to New York to teach statistics as professor in the Graduate School of Business Administration at New York University. This made it simpler for the two to consult and collaborate on sampling and other matters, including co-authoring several articles." (pp.9-10).
In the index of "Sample Design in Business Research (Wiley,1960 本書扉頁印的職銜:Consultant in Statistical Surveys and Professor of Statistics Graduate School of Business Administration New York University ), "Politz" mentioned 6 times.
In the long terms of formal relation with NYU, 1946-1976, Dr. mentioned several students' letters and paper in Out of the Crisis. Also a summary of his "Rough draft of Report of Study of Former Students, Memorandum, W. Edwards Deming to Dean William R. Dill, March 30, 1976, 9."
Dr. Deming and Dr. Drucker both taught in NYU
W. Edwards Deming, Statistician Professor, 1946–1993 Quality Expert
Peter F. Drucker, Management theorist, 1950–1972
Peter Drucker to W. Edwards Deming
May 19, 1976
Dear Ed:
I am unhappy that I cannot join all your GBA friends at this reception to honor you at your retirement. I am too far away and will not be able to attend. But I do not want to let this occasion go by without conveying to you my very warmest wishes. You already were one of the stars and leaders at GBA when I joined the faculty in 1950. And from the beginning, I looked to you and to a few of the seniors of the time for inspiration, for guidance, and above all for standards. What I have learned from your example is beyond measurement - and cannoy possible be sampled, not even unscientifically. But the example you gave all of us - in your concern for the individual student; in your kindness towards the new and young faculty mrmber; and in your complete uncompromising integrity of standards and insistence on principle - was inspiration, guidance, and a constant source of renewals for me and of pride in being privileged to be associated with you.
And so I am joining with all your friends, students and admirers today in wishing you the very best for your retirement - I know it will be an active one, a productive one, and I hope a healthy and a very long one. If only I were good enough to write a Canticle of Praise and Thanksgivings (sic) for William Edwards Deming.
In old friendship,
As always, yours, Pt (signed)
Dear Hanching,
Your coming speech will be very interesting, because it stresses a poorly known period of the Deming’s career.
As you know, I have sent the amazing Drucker’s letter to Mr. Philippe Pellerin, president of the French Deming Association, Mr. Philippe Pruvost and Ms. Danijela Zivkovic, members of the Board.
Best wishes,
2015年,中國 (北京機械工業)與台灣(台北經濟新潮) 出版的2本戴明博士著作新譯《轉危為安》( Out of the crisis, 1986: 2000平裝本) 與《新經濟學:產、官、學各界一體適用》(The New Economics for Industry, Government, and Education, 1993),它們也有許多戴明博士生平的資訊。
這兩本書,1997年台北的天下文化出版過。不過,當時大家對戴明博士的學說才開始了解,問題或錯誤相當多:由於書含蓋面極廣,文字也不簡單,所以在互聯網和搜索引擎問市之前,很不容易了解諸多專門知識和術語和內容 (我指出幾次原書之引文,有些地方有錯)。譬如說,參考:重譯 Out of the Crisis小記:CEO,plan,Saline Plant;bear ...
轉形任重道遠 必須窮數十寒暑
"When we size up the job ahead, it is obvious that a long thorny road lies ahead -- decades."
Dependence on protection by tariffs and laws to "buy American" only encourages incompetence.
It would be incorrect to leave the reader with the impression that no action is taking place.
(Deming, 1986, Preface for Out of the Crisis) 此次版本翻譯採用張華兄作品
戴明博士寫書很持平,所以抽樣學等相關的統計學者,品質運動各派的主要人物,相關著作的重要人員(最知名的是Peter Drucker)和後起之秀 (如Peter Senge和H. Thomas Johnson 等等)都會包括在內。不過,戴明博士博士與他們的交情,則必須參考"對方"的說法。
不過,原書還是有些缺失:譬如說,從人名、大學等專名及著作引用的頻率 (從英文版的索引),我們也可以知道許多其生平的交際網絡。不過,這還有許多缺陷 (譬如說《轉危為安》將"高雄"拼寫錯誤;石川馨的兒子的演講.....),更有待補充。
底下兩本戴明博士 (1900-1993) 傳記相關的書,可能是1990初版,1992年第2版。
Kilian, Cecelia S. (1992). The World of W. Edwards Deming (2nd ed.). SPC Press, Inc.
由於作者是戴明博士辦公室30~40年的唯一秘書,對傳主的公、私生活以及學術和日常生活和要求都很熟悉,所以戴明博士70年代前的3本統計書 (共超過1400頁以上)以及《轉危為安》( 1986) 與《新經濟學:產、官、學各界一體適用》等書,她的打字功夫很好。本書還有W. A. Shewhart 的幾篇論文和戴明博士的作曲和論文匯整。她跟美國產業人士一起參訪過日本,有照片.....
Andrea Gabor (著), The Man Who Discovered Quality: How W. Edwards Deming Brought the Quality Revolution to America-The Stories of Ford, Xerox, and GM, Penguin USA (P), 1992
(Andrea Gabor 新書 (2000) The Capitalist Philosophers: The Geniuses of Modern Business--Their Lives, Times, and Ideas by Andrea Gabor,此記者(US News and World Report 記者)1990出《戴明傳--發現品質的人(The Man Who Discovered Quality-How W. Edwards Deming Brought the Quality Revolution to America-The Stories of Ford, Xerox, and GM)》,有功夫;前數年出《愛因斯坦的女人們》,有中文本。這本書《資本主義哲學家們》寫的是一些管理學家(似乎想學暢銷書 The Worldly Philosophers by Robert L. Heibroner,記些經濟學家),戴明和司馬賀都名列其中。味道與我較相投。)
功不唐捐:7月30日逛書店,找不到要買的書。 發現一本管理學大師Peter Drucker的書中有封1976年寫給Dr. Deming的祝福退休信,就將它打字:2周後, 這封信讓法國戴明學會的幹部驚豔;我也在美國戴明學會留言: 貴站Timeline將紐約大學退休年定在1975是錯的... .
我更知道為什麼1946年會去NYU:寫成演說稿: NYU的緣起、終生教授:
- Dr. Deming, What a career.重譯《轉危為安》《新經濟學:產、官、
# NYU placed no. 27 in the Academic Ranking of World Universities—up from no. 32 in 2009 and no. 55 in 2003! # VioletPridehttp://bit.ly/1PlQhMl
Take a bow! According to Playbill, #NYU is the school with the most alumni currently performing on Broadway. (Not that we're surprised!)#VioletPride
最近讀了Peter Drucker (1909-2005)在 1976年寫給戴明博士的信,賀其紐約大學Stern商學院退休,它對我衝擊頗大:Petrer Drucker to W. Edwards Deming, May 19, 1976 --當然我知道他倆是同事,不過76歲時,"正式退休",有點出乎意外。在我國體制,像戴明博士,在近30年期間,只每星期一到校上課的教授,一定會受到體制的壓力。當然,他80-90年代是美國的名人,似乎還會回校演講,我看過學生排隊簽書的照片
W. Edwards Deming Statistician Professor, 1946–1993 Quality Expert
Peter F. Drucker Management theorist 1950–1972
List of NYU Stern people https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_NYU_Stern_people
1940年代紐約的氛圍,可以試讀Levi-Strauss 寫的《紐約懷舊與超前的形象》1977,收入《遙遠的目光》。
1946 長得怎樣?戰後一年,百業俱興.....
Lauren Bacall in The Big Sleep
Late 1940s, Early 1950s New York, Manhattan, in Color
New York University's Stern School of Business: A Centennial Retrospective
By Abraham L Gitlow, NYU Press, 1995 (Link:Deming博士在: New York University's Stern School of B..._)
2008年,William Scherkenbach 先生給我他70年代在紐約大學Stern商學院讀MBA的講義之檔案。
New York University's Stern School of Business: A Centennial Retrospective
By Abraham L Gitlow, NYU Press, 1995
By Abraham L Gitlow, NYU Press, 1995
非正式創校百年......大學部50~60年代動亂: 70年代之後再展雄風....
GBA 在60年代前大師雲集,財務領域:Marcus Nadler and Jules Bogen. Peter Drucker 的管理學著作為全世界產業主管所殷切期盼的讀物。Deming 的統計品管為日本戰後產業復興之主要助力。經濟學家: Lewis Haney; Ludwig van Mises 著名的維也納學派;Herman Kross 經濟史;行銷學:Darrel Lucas* and Arnold Corbin, Slomon Fabricant 全國收入分析名家。會計:Arnold W. Johnson and Michael Schriff.
*The Politz papers : science and truth in marketing research / edited by Hugh S. Hardy ; with a foreword by Darrel B. Lucas and with additional notes by W. Edwards Deming,Chicago, Ill. : American Marketing Association, 1990
Lucas 教授在Foreword 中說:How could he have approached a budget-minded business college dean to bring an international statistics authority to New York University?
過去30年雖有數百名老師進出GBA,校友印象深的只有幾位 黑體:他們在其專業實務都有很深的投入。這或許是專業學校最重要的指標。
Rough draft of Report of Study of Former Students, Memorandum, W. Edwards Deming to Dean William R. Dill, March 30, 1976, 9.
Peter Drucker 主編的書:為慶祝GBS/NYU 成立50周年
(更詳細的資料,如報告名稱和那6位老師的大名,請參考:《紐約大學Stern商學院的百年史》,在網路上讀了相關的重要的一頁:他在 New York Universit...
New York University's Stern School of Business: A Centennial Retrospective
By Abraham L Gitlow, NYU Press, 1995 (Link:Deming博士在: New York University's Stern School of B..._))
2008年我問 Bill Scherkenbach 一困擾我的問題:
Deming 博士 1978年來台講學時,沒提到他在準備一本後來取名 Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position 的書。它究竟何時成書的呢?
Bill 回信之一部分 (我看過一張 Bill 與WED 在這俱樂部內部的合照)
Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position came out of the notes he used for teaching a course at George Washington University. He probably started writing it in the late ‘70s. Before 14 Points.
As his student, and because I lived in the Washington DC area, I would meet him for lunch as his guest at the Cosmos Club and discuss his latest thoughts and questions. I helped him on QPCP by making comments on the manuscript. I think he wanted a younger person’s opinion.
這humanization 讓我想起WWS說 Dr Deming的統計教學:
這三課程是商業研究的統計方法,除了介紹各種統計方法本身之外,他更會結合它們究竟如何發展而成的故事。戴明博士有獨特方式、本領,將統計數學賦予人情味。 Dr. Deming had a way of humanizing the mathematics of statistics.
Eitan Zemel, W. Edwards Deming Professor of Quality and
Productivity, NYU Stern
喬治‧科丁(George A. Codding) 《萬國郵政連盟》(The Universal Postal Union),紐約大學出版社,1964。
喬伊斯˙奧爾西尼 (Joyce Orsini) 〈在混亂狀態下抑減產品的總檢驗和矯正成本的簡單規則〉(Simple rule to reduce total cost of inspection and correction of product in state of chaos),1982年美國紐約大學企研所博士論文。可由密西根微縮影片大學(University of Microfilm, Ann Arbor, 48106)處購得。
喬伊斯•奧爾西尼Joyce Orsini, “ Simple rule to reduce cost of inspection and correlation of product in state of chaos,” Ph. D. dissertation, Graduate School of Business Administration, New York University, 1982.,《簡單的規則,以減少混亂的狀態檢查和產品相關的成本》,博士論文,工商總局,紐約大學,1982年研究生院。
我是公司會計部門的督導員。好多次我抬頭看著辦公室,心想︰要是能請走1~2位資質平庸的員工,雇用2位頂尖人材來取代,該有多好。您在某一次講演課中說過︰要從人才庫(labor pool)中找到較佳替換人員,機會是很小的。而且,要開除某人,由人才庫中挑人來遞補划不來,因為要冒著打擊整個部門士氣的風險。
關於大將軍的影響力及天才──有這樣一則故事,恩里科•費米(Enrico Fermi)曾向萊斯利˙格羅夫斯(Leslie Groves)將軍問道︰有多少將軍可以稱之為「偉大」?格羅夫斯回答說︰大約3%。費米隨後問道︰什麼是「偉大」的條件,格羅夫斯回答說︰任何一位將軍在連續贏得5次戰役後,就可稱之為偉大。這是二次世界大戰的中期。費米說︰在考慮過大多數戰場的反抗力量,大約與攻方是相等的,這位將軍可能在2場戰役中贏1場,有1/4的機會可以連續贏2場,有1/8的機會可連續贏3場,有1/16的機會可以連續贏4場,有1/32的機會可以連續贏5場。「將軍,你是對的,大約有3% 的機會,這是數學概率,並不是天才。」(約翰‧基岡(John Keegan)著,《戰爭的面目》,維京(Viking)出版公司,1977年。)
1. 給會計人員數字以利預算編列,以後再加以修訂。
2. 清楚地讓每一位員工 (譬如說,500位) 明白:企業的目的是要讓顧客滿意,並以自己的工作為榮。
3. 每個人都要留下電話記錄。記錄上要有電話打入的時刻及談話結束時刻;並記載等候電腦顯示資料的時間,以及使用人工翻查資料的時間。我們可以用一些代碼記錄不同種類的詢問。大部份的記錄都可以自動登錄。
Peter Drucker 主編的書:為慶祝GBS/NYU 成立50周年
- 1969: Preparing Tomorrow’s Business Leaders Today (Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall)
遲來的賞識。威廉•迪爾(William R. Dill)任職紐約大學企管研究院院長時,大約在1972年,他邀請我一起進行一項研究,調查畢業5年以上的學生目前在做什麼?並詢問他們成功的要件是什麼?其中有一個問題是︰
(更詳細的資料,如報告名稱和那6位老師的大名,請參考:《紐約大學Stern商學院的百年史》,在網路上讀了相關的重要的一頁:他在 New York Universit...
New York University's Stern School of Business: A Centennial Retrospective
By Abraham L Gitlow, NYU Press, 1995 (Link:Deming博士在: New York University's Stern School of B..._))
2008年我問 Bill Scherkenbach 一困擾我的問題:
Deming 博士 1978年來台講學時,沒提到他在準備一本後來取名 Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position 的書。它究竟何時成書的呢?
Bill 回信之一部分 (我看過一張 Bill 與WED 在這俱樂部內部的合照)
Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position came out of the notes he used for teaching a course at George Washington University. He probably started writing it in the late ‘70s. Before 14 Points.
As his student, and because I lived in the Washington DC area, I would meet him for lunch as his guest at the Cosmos Club and discuss his latest thoughts and questions. I helped him on QPCP by making comments on the manuscript. I think he wanted a younger person’s opinion.
這humanization 讓我想起WWS說 Dr Deming的統計教學:
這三課程是商業研究的統計方法,除了介紹各種統計方法本身之外,他更會結合它們究竟如何發展而成的故事。戴明博士有獨特方式、本領,將統計數學賦予人情味。 Dr. Deming had a way of humanizing the mathematics of statistics.
Eitan Zemel, W. Edwards Deming Professor of Quality and
Productivity, NYU Stern
Eitan Zemel
– W. Edwards Deming Professorship in Quality and Productivity
– Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategy and Dean of Business, NYU Shanghai
– Vice Dean of Global and Executive Education, NYU Stern
The Politz papers : science and truth in marketing research / edited by Hugh S. Hardy ; with a foreword by Darrel B. Lucas and with additional notes by W. Edwards Deming,Chicago, Ill. : American Marketing Association, 1990
– Associate Vice Chancellor for Strategy and Dean of Business, NYU Shanghai
– Vice Dean of Global and Executive Education, NYU Stern
The Politz papers : science and truth in marketing research / edited by Hugh S. Hardy ; with a foreword by Darrel B. Lucas and with additional notes by W. Edwards Deming,Chicago, Ill. : American Marketing Association, 1990
2015年8月24日 星期一
對中國的德國介紹大表懷疑:Margravial Opera House Bayreuth 等
Margravial Opera House Bayreuth - UNESCO: World Heritage
1.我十來年前就對中國的德國介紹大表懷疑。原因是北京商務印書館出一本北大哲學系"主任"翻譯的"海德格爾",恰巧我手頭上有哈佛大學出版社的英譯,就中英對照,發現連數字都翻譯不正確,我就請教懂德文的,他們說德文這方面的確.....我將一些"譯評"寫在PC Home的Simon University新聞台上。隔年,北京商務出版該書新封面、新書名的版本,內文一字不易的"錯誤百出"的舊版。
2. 前一陣子,我指出某篇"德國神話"說"德國人諾貝爾獎佔全數一半"說法大謬。 (朋友似乎說此神話出自"百度"......)
3. 今天讀到某篇"德國人口8000萬,名品牌2000.....",其中說某國立歌劇院,蓋了200年才完工....被美軍炸毀,德國各行團隊從頭蓋起來.....UNESCO對其精神佩服,這也是世界遺產.....既然談它是世界遺產,為什麼不去查確實資料呢? 所以我說:過份誇大:有些說法誇大不實,譬如說 Margravial Opera House Bayreuth - UNESCO: World Heritage 從未被全(炸)毀.....很有趣的是,Wikipedia 中文採用"侯爵歌劇院",日文採用"辺境伯歌劇場",我想查一下就可知道日譯可能較合理: 辺境伯歌劇場
Margravial 意思
1. The lord or military governor of a medieval German border province. 2. Used as a hereditary title for certain princes in the Holy Roman Empire.
2015年8月19日 星期三
Yale’s motto and John 8:32/ John Pierpont, Yale Class of 1804 家族
John 8:32
31於是,耶穌對那些信他的猶太人說:「你們如果固守我的話,就確是我的門徒, 32也會認識真理,而真理必會使你們獲得自由。」
John 8:32New International Version (NIV)32 Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.”John 8:32King James Version (KJV)32 And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.
Motto אורים ותמים (Hebrew) (Urim V'Thummim)
Lux et veritas (Latin) Motto in EnglishLight and truth
Yale Alumni Magazine 在 The Daily Snap 相簿中新增了 1 張相片。
When you roam the campus looking for a new picture every day, your eye might fall on an inscription you’d never really processed before, like this one on the side of Branford College at the bottom of a beautiful bow window facing Library Walk: “Thy light and truth shall set me free.” Sounds familiar . . . shades of Yale’s motto and John 8:32. But it’s not exactly either one.
When you get back to the office and start googling, it’s not long before you’re deep in a rabbit hole of surprising facts:
• The line is from an 1840 abolitionist poem called “The Fugitive Slave’s Apostrophe* to the North Star.”
Google 機械翻譯
*an exclamatory passage in a speech or poem addressed to a person (typically one who is dead or absent) or thing (typically one that is personified).
• That poem’s author was John Pierpont, Yale Class of 1804, great-grandson of one of the ministers that founded Yale and a minister himself whose anti-slavery activism cost him his pulpit even in abolitionist Boston.
• Pierpont’s grandson would grow up to be the famous financier John Pierpont Morgan.
• And finally, Pierpont’s son James Lord Pierpont would, improbably, end up living in Savannah, Georgia, and serving in the Confederate cavalry in the Civil War. And, even more improbably, the younger Pierpont would make his mark on American culture by writing “Jingle Bells” in 1857.
That’s a long way to go from eight words beneath a window. But given Yale’s fraught relationship with its role in slavery, you might remember when you pass by those words that they immortalize a Yale man’s zeal for the abolitionist cause.
Flowers in the Mirror By Ruzhen Li, Tai-yi Lin
Tai-yi Lin (Chinese: 林太乙; April 1, 1926[1] – July 2003)[2] was a Chinese-American writer and translator. She was also known as Anor Lin or Lin Wu-Shuang.[3]
- "Obituary" (PDF). Bulletin of the Hong Kong Translation Society (42): 11. 2003.
一九六五年(39歲) 應聘出任《讀者文摘》中文版總編輯。
Title | Flowers in the Mirror Federal Asian library |
Authors | Ruzhen Li, Tai-yi Lin |
Publisher | BERKELEY 1965/Federal Publications, 1983 |
Her sister Adet Lin was also a writer. The two sisters translated Girl Rebel, the autobiography of Xie Bingying.[1]謝冰瑩
Unsuspecting Firefighters......紐約時報的試譯機會 do someone in。林語堂先生眾多英文著作非譯著
漢譯中缺消防員的形容詞:unsuspecting 無化學品滅火知識和資源,不疑有他,用水滅火的......
In Tianjin Blasts, a Heavy Toll for Unsuspecting Firefighters
By ANDREW JACOBS August 18, 2015
杰安迪 2015年8月18日
There was a great Marxist called Lenin
Who did two or three million men in
That’s a lot to have done in,
But where he did one in
That grand Marxist Stalin did ten in
THE intellectual history of the West in the 20th century was dominated by arguments over totalitarianism: its causes, effects—and possible justification. Even...
do someone in
"譯著《東坡詩文選》《浮生六記》等"是錯誤,這只是林語堂先生眾多英文著作 (含小說)之2本。
2015-08-10 《中國慈善家》
2015年8月18日 星期二
Pablo Neruda and translation's losses
It seems fair enough that some licence is granted when rendering poems in a different language, but dropping entire cantos is surely taking things too far
Perhaps it’s down to his wonderfully refreshing manifesto for “an impure poetry”or maybe (whisper it not) it’s due to the seduction of David Soul, whose one-man show featured gloriously on the books podcast, but I’ve become more than usually obsessed with Chile’s Nobel laureate Pablo Neruda. What’s not to love about a poet who wrote odes to artichokes and laundry and argued for “a poetry impure as the clothing we wear, or our bodies, soup-stained, soiled with our shameful behaviour, our wrinkles and vigils and dreams, observations and prophecies, declarations of loathing and love, idylls and beasts, the shocks of encounter, political loyalties, denials and doubts, affirmations and taxes.”
So it was great to learn that a tiny US press is to publish an English translation of 20 lost poems that were discovered last year. Then Come Back: The Lost Nerudawill be out from Copper Canyon Press in April 2016 in a translation by Forrest Gander.
I’m not familiar with the work of Forrest Gander, so I wait with some trepidation to see what he will make of lines such as: “Reposa tu pura cadera y el arco de flechas mojadas/extiende en la noche los pétalos que forman tu forma”. I hope he will bathe them in a lyricism of a higher order than the literal translation provided by the Neruda Foundation when the discovery was announced: “Rest your pure hip and the bow of wet arrows/Extend into the night the petals which make up your form.”
The reason for my anxiety is that I’ve done battle over the years with some pretty ropey translations – most recently with Ben Bellitt’s 1974 collection, Five Decades: Poems 1925-1970, which I picked up in a London bookshop because it carried a parallel text in the original Spanish and that felt like a necessary prop in making the case for Neruda as a canonical poet to a roomful of sceptics who thought he was far too impure to be good.
As far as clunky lines go, this edition’s final lines to the poem Dream Horse take some beating: “I need but a spark of that perduring brightness/my jubilant kindred to claim my inheritance”. (Belitt is fond of perdurance – it reappears in the Ode to the Elephant, that “blessed beast of the perduring forests.”)
It’s unkind to to quote out of context, and particularly from a version that is more than 40 years old, but at the book group I encountered a bigger problem, which raised issues about poetry translation that go far beyond Neruda.
There were five of us in the room reading from three different editions. One of the sceptics announced that she had found a poem she had liked, The Heights of Macchu Picchu, a 12-poem sequence inspired by a visit to the ancient Inca city after which it’s named and published as part of Neruda’s 1950 collection Canto General. She was particularly keen on the majestic sixth canto, she said. We all turned eagerly to the poem, only to find that one edition had lopped off the final two lines, while another had omitted the sixth canto altogether.
It’s one thing to translate a poem badly but it’s quite another to translate selectively, and the discovery threw me into a crisis about the possibility of reading any poetry in translation at all. It was a perfect illustration of the fact that all translators create their own reality, which may or may not reflect the intentions of the writer. After all, if you make the decision to cut out six cantos in a 12-canto series (as my edition did), to what extent are you even trying to keep faith with with the original work?
I found some sort of an answer in Neruda’s own argument for an impure poetry - in his championship of “the used surfaces of things, the wear that the hands give to things”.
In them, he wrote, “one sees the confused impurity of the human condition, the massing of things, the use and disuse of substance, footprints and fingerprints, the abiding presence of the human engulfing all artefacts, inside and out.” What is translation, after all, but another set of fingerprints?
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