2015年8月14日 星期五

翻譯日記: 95 percent likely ;成功度、 Affordability and Productivity。 Erotic Life of Property


其中有一個展覽讓他印象之深,這個展覽其中一項展品的靈感源於美國文化評論家路易斯.海德(Lewis Hyde)的著作《禮物.詩的想像和物欲生活》(The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property),書中提到的「禮物交換」讓創作者深感興趣,因而產生作品。來觀展的人,可免費取下一朵花,在前往下一個目的地中,將花送給一位有緣的陌生人,間接瞭解「施與受」意義;另外還有一件作品,是藝術家照顧其母親術後休養期間,因聆聽舒伯特樂曲而得到莫大力量,猶如這些曲子是一份意外禮物般。
The Gift: Imagination and the Erotic Life of Property is a 1983 book by Lewis Hyde in which he examines the importance of gifts, their flow and movement and the impact that the modern market place has had on the circulation of gifts.[1]
Part of part I, "A Theory of Gifts", was originally published as "The Gift Must Always Move" in Co-Evolution Quarterly No. 35 in fall 1982.
The book was re-published with the alternate subtitle: "Creativity and the Artist in the Modern World" in 2007.

The Life of Property. House, Family and Inheritance in Béarn, South-West France. Timothy Jenkins. 208 pages, 

erotic 意思都跟"強烈的性慾"相關。將 Erotic Life of Property翻譯成"物慾"還不夠準確。或許:禮物擁有慾望橫流的生活。


 Affordability and Productivity 此處指大學要讓學生讀得起,學習的效率要高:http://centerforcollegeaffordability.org/

2015年版「美國最佳大學」(America’s Top Colleges)排名是富比世雜誌與總部位於華府的「大學可負擔和產值中心」(Center for College Affordability and Productivity)合作,根據教育品質、畢業後成功度、學生滿意度、學生貸款債務、學業成就、畢業率等多項標準進行評比。(新聞來源:世界日報)


這篇的譯者很可能沒讀過統計學,所以 range 翻譯成"範圍",術語稱之為"極差"或"全距"。
更重要的是,文中採用統計區間說法,所以會有" 95 percent likely"  (95% 可能落於x區間之內),漏譯,只這樣說:論文作者估計,中國每年死於空氣污染相關疾病的人數可能在70萬至220萬之間。


The Berkeley Earth paper's findings present data saying that air pollution contributes to 17 percent of all deaths in the nation each year. The group says its mortality estimates are based on a World Health Organization framework for projecting death rates from five diseases known to be associated with exposure to various levels of fine-particulate pollution. The authors calculate that the annual toll is 95 percent likely to fall between 700,000 and 2.2 million deaths, and their estimate of 1.6 million a year is the midpoint of that range.
伯克利地球的研究結果提供的數據顯示,中國每年17%的死亡案例中,空氣污染是原因之一。該組織表示,他們的死亡率估算是根據世界衛生組織(World Health Organization)推算五種相關疾病的死亡率的框架做出的,這些疾病與暴露在各種水平的細顆粒物污染有關。論文作者估計,中國每年死於空氣污染相關疾病的人數可能在70萬至220萬之間。他們的估算每年160萬人,是這一範圍的中點。
