2013年4月19日 星期五

the sclerotic perspective

  Abe seems to recognize that Japan has been squandering its greatest foreign-policy asset — its democracy. Building a foreign policy around promoting democracy — and the rights essential to it — will require overcoming the sclerotic perspective of the foreign ministry mandarins. The response to Japan’s North Korea initiative shows that much of the world will welcome Tokyo assuming such a leadership role. John Kerry should encourage that.看來安倍意識到日本沒有利用好它最強的外交財富——民主。以促進民主進程及其包含的基本權利為核心,構建外交政策,首先需要克服的是外務省官僚的僵 化思維。日本此次就朝鮮問題發起倡議所得到的反響表明,很多國家是樂見東京擔負起這方面的領導職責的。約翰·克里應該對此加以鼓勵。



 3 [U][C]遠近感, (見た目の)釣り合い, 相対関係;(物の)見方, 視点((on ...));全体的に正しく見る[把握する]能力

