2013年4月15日 星期一

feel shopworn in the retelling. Shopworn or just divested of emotional content.

紐約時報這段翻譯可以. 小缺點是它改寫下文兩句(黑體字)成一句:

That old dictum, write what you know? I’ve always thought that was terrible advice. Most of us don’t know much. And what we do know can feel shopworn in the retelling. Shopworn or just divested of emotional content. Sometimes, the things we’re closest to — our lives, for instance — are the very things we least want to examine with rigor.



(shŏp'wôrn', -wōrn') pronunciation

  1. Tarnished, frayed, faded, or otherwise defective from being on display in a store.
  2. Worn-out, as from overuse; trite: shopworn anecdotes.

1 〈商品などが〉棚ざらしの(((英))shopsoiled);〈人が〉いつまでも芽が出ない.
2 つまらない, 単調な;陳腐な.



(of an article) made dirty or imperfect by being displayed or handled in a shop: he is selling second-hand or shop-soiled goods  
figurative   his subject—the nature of the artist in relation to his society—is pretty shop-soiled
