2008年1月12日 星期六

David Copperfield 一段

遇到昔日Simon University 朋友討論一段就轉錄於此

The old-fashioned brass knocker on the low arched door, ornamented with carved garlands of fruit and flowers, twinkled like a star; the two stone steps descending to the door were as white as if they had been covered with fair linen; and all the angles and corners, and carvings and mouldings, and quaint little panes of glass, and quainter little windows, though as old as the hills, were as pure as any snow that ever fell upon the hills.

Source: Charles Dickens: « David Copperfield » Chapter 15

低矮的拱門上裝了老式的銅門槌,槌上雕了花果的環,閃耀如星。兩磴下通大門的石頭臺階潔白得好像上面蓋了乾淨的細麻布。所有凸角、凹角、雕鏤、模塑,別致的小玻璃板,別致的小窗,雖然跟群山一樣古老,卻跟山上任何一次落過的雪一樣的潔白。 (思果譯)



:「別致的…. 別致的」 vs. 「稀奇的 ……古怪的」:quainter 的比較格,似乎都沒翻譯出來。思果將ever翻出,讀起來卻有點奇怪。

"and all the angles and corners, and carvings and mouldings, and quaint little panes of glass, and quainter little windows," 莊的文句比較傳神。


twinkle: to shine with slight, intermittent gleams, as distant lights or stars.

