2016年2月28日 星期日

President-Elect; The New York Times, shed light on the mysteries of cancer.

When Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died in July, there was not much notice. He did not get an obituary in The New York Times or in most other major media outlets.
 去年7月,尼古拉斯·岡薩雷斯(Nicholas Gonzalez)博士去世,沒有引起多少矚目。《紐約時報》雜誌(The New York Times)和其他大多數主流媒體都沒有為他發布訃告。

Yet Dr. Gonzalez, whom I interviewed in 2003, was a fascinating figure in the world of cancer, walking a tenuous boundary between orthodox oncology and alternative medicine — or what is now called complementary medicine. Though his beliefs and treatments have fierce critics, his insights shed light on the mysteries of cancer.
然而岡薩雷斯博士在癌症界卻因其遊走於正統腫瘤學和替代醫學(alternative medicine,現在稱為補充醫學[complementary medicine])之間的微妙邊界上而十分引人注目。我曾在2003年採訪過他。儘管他的觀念和治療方法飽受批評,但他的見解從一定程度上揭開了癌症的一角神秘面紗。


The New York Times 是《紐約時報》,而《紐約時報 雜誌》是周日版《紐約時報》和附的雜誌。



昨天我和AIT高雄分處處長杜維浩都帶著太太,到台南參加為206震災罹難者所舉辦的追思會,馬總統、蔡總統當選人、賴市長都致詞表達慰問。儀式一開始有段影片是親友們訴說對罹難者的思念,令人心痛不捨。我謹代表美國在台協會,向所有罹難者的家屬和朋友表達我們最誠摯的哀悼。--- 梅健華 ‪#‎FromAITDirector‬
My wife and I went to Tainan yesterday along with the AIT Kaohsiung principal officer and his wife to attend a ceremony honoring those who lost their lives in the February 6 earthquake. President Ma, President-Elect Tsai, and Mayor Lai provided words of comfort and hope. It was heartbreaking to read the words of remembrance from loved ones during the video montage at the beginning of the program. On behalf of AIT, I extend our deepest condolences to all of the friends and family members of the earthquake victims...km

----德国之声 | 28.02.2016, 22:00 UTC
