2016年2月7日 星期日

Tesco apologises for baby clothing slogan errors; 辣妹組合(Spice Girls): 組(合)

通常複數不必翻譯, 而有時會特別處理,  譬如下兩例:  errors和girls

Tesco apologises for baby clothing slogan errors

  • 3 hours ago
  • From the sectionNorfolk
Two baby bodysuits with misspelt slogansImage copyrightBen Kendall/PA
Image captionTesco apologised for the errors after the baby's parents complained on Twitter about the slogans
Supermarket chain Tesco has said it will brush up on its spelling and grammar after making two mistakes in a single pack of baby clothes.
The parents of three-month-old Alexander Kendall, from Norwich, spotted the errors after being given a set of five bodysuits from the store.
One bore the slogan "I was born awsome", while the other read: "Daddys little man" - missing an apostrophe.
Tesco apologised after Alexander's father shared the errors on Twitter.

'More pedantic than most'

It offered a refund or exchange and said: "Sorry about this, we've made our suppliers aware of this so it can be corrected for future stock."
Mother Sophie Kendall, 28, said: "We both work as journalists so are perhaps a bit more pedantic about these things than most.
"Fortunately Alex is a long way off being able to read so we'll just use the suits and hope nobody notices."

辣妹組合(Spice Girls)於周二(11日)在倫敦西區重聚,並非開演唱會,而是參加了一部根據她們的故事改編的音樂劇首映式。 五位辣妹——運動辣妹、恐怖辣妹、寶貝辣妹、高貴辣妹和生姜辣妹都出席了音樂劇《Viva Forever!》的首映式。

 日本政坛的怪客二人组 石原慎太郎与桥下彻的结盟看起来更像是出于方便考虑,而非旨在结成长期合作关系。二人领导的日本维新会政治主张混乱,导致公众支持率相对较低。
