2016年2月28日 星期日

President-Elect; The New York Times, shed light on the mysteries of cancer.

When Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez died in July, there was not much notice. He did not get an obituary in The New York Times or in most other major media outlets.
 去年7月,尼古拉斯·岡薩雷斯(Nicholas Gonzalez)博士去世,沒有引起多少矚目。《紐約時報》雜誌(The New York Times)和其他大多數主流媒體都沒有為他發布訃告。

Yet Dr. Gonzalez, whom I interviewed in 2003, was a fascinating figure in the world of cancer, walking a tenuous boundary between orthodox oncology and alternative medicine — or what is now called complementary medicine. Though his beliefs and treatments have fierce critics, his insights shed light on the mysteries of cancer.
然而岡薩雷斯博士在癌症界卻因其遊走於正統腫瘤學和替代醫學(alternative medicine,現在稱為補充醫學[complementary medicine])之間的微妙邊界上而十分引人注目。我曾在2003年採訪過他。儘管他的觀念和治療方法飽受批評,但他的見解從一定程度上揭開了癌症的一角神秘面紗。


The New York Times 是《紐約時報》,而《紐約時報 雜誌》是周日版《紐約時報》和附的雜誌。



昨天我和AIT高雄分處處長杜維浩都帶著太太,到台南參加為206震災罹難者所舉辦的追思會,馬總統、蔡總統當選人、賴市長都致詞表達慰問。儀式一開始有段影片是親友們訴說對罹難者的思念,令人心痛不捨。我謹代表美國在台協會,向所有罹難者的家屬和朋友表達我們最誠摯的哀悼。--- 梅健華 ‪#‎FromAITDirector‬
My wife and I went to Tainan yesterday along with the AIT Kaohsiung principal officer and his wife to attend a ceremony honoring those who lost their lives in the February 6 earthquake. President Ma, President-Elect Tsai, and Mayor Lai provided words of comfort and hope. It was heartbreaking to read the words of remembrance from loved ones during the video montage at the beginning of the program. On behalf of AIT, I extend our deepest condolences to all of the friends and family members of the earthquake victims...km

----德国之声 | 28.02.2016, 22:00 UTC

2016年2月27日 星期六

sexy: the sexiest career choice

2012年,哈佛商業評論認為Data Scientist資料科學家將會是21世紀最「性感」的工作,美國知名人力資源網站Glassdoor日前也發表評論,認為資料科學家將會是2016年最棒的工作。

[牛津英語同義詞典](英漢版)  (性感的、性慾的、色情的),並沒有下述Oxford Dictionaries 中的日常用語,將sexy 解釋成"有魅力的"等。

sexy Line breaks: sexy
Pronunciation: /ˈsɛksi/ 

Definition of sexy in English:

adjective (sexiersexiest)

1Sexually attractive or exciting:sexy French underwear
1.1Sexually aroused:neither of them was feeling sexy
2informal Very exciting or appealing:business magazines might not seem like the sexiest career choice


Pronunciation: /ˈsɛksɪli/ 


sex • y
  1. [形容詞] (sex・i・er,-i・est)
  2. 1 もっぱら[過度に]性を扱う,猥褻わいせつな;きわどい
    • sexy novel
    • きわどい小説.
  3. 2 セクシーな,性的興奮を起こす;性的魅力のある[にあふれた]
    • feel sexy
    • セックスしたくなる.
  4. 3 魅力的な;一般受けする,人目を引く
    • sexy new car
    • かっこいい新車.
  5. [語源]

2016年2月25日 星期四

譯註功力;"工價"問題;台灣翻譯書出問題換書的癥結;Harvard abolishes 'master' in titles;

The Bible 將wage或reward 翻譯成"

GOOD TV 好消息電視台相片
2月23日 12:00 ·

惡人經營,得虛浮的工價;撒義種的,得實在的果效。 ~箴言 11:18
A wicked person earns deceptive wages, but the one who sows righteousness reaps a sure reward. ~Proverbs 11:18

  1. 惡人所賺得的工資,是空虛的;播種正義者的報酬,纔是真實的。 (思高)
 羅馬書 4:4 
平行經文 (Parallel Verses)
  1. 給工作的人工資,不算是恩惠,而是還債;(思高)

中文標準譯本 (CSB Traditional)
中文标准译本 (CSB Simplified)
現代標點和合本 (CUVMP Traditional)
现代标点和合本 (CUVMP Simplified)
聖經新譯本 (CNV Traditional)
圣经新译本 (CNV Simplified)
繁體中文和合本 (CUV Traditional)
做 工 的 得 工 價 , 不 算 恩 典 , 乃 是 該 得 的 ;
简体中文和合本 (CUV Simplified)
做 工 的 得 工 价 , 不 算 恩 典 , 乃 是 该 得 的 ;
Romans 4:4 King James Bible
Now to him that worketh is the reward not reckoned of grace, but of debt.
Romans 4:4 English Revised Version
Now to him that worketh, the reward is not reckoned as of grace, but as of debt.
gōngjià 舊時工資 ,特別指建築或製作某項物品用於人工方面的費用 (多用於製訂計劃或計算成本時).


Harvard University was responding to protests from students who claimed the title had echoes of slavery.

On Literature by Umberto Eco《艾可談文學》《埃科談文學》/ Q. and A.
頁394譯註3將Sir Pelham Grenville Wodehouse(KBE was an English author and one of the most widely read humorists of the 20th century. Wikipedia) 說成美國作家,錯誤。英國的。


A Wasp in a Wig - Alice-in-Wonderland.net

Alice hastily ran her eyes down the paper and said “No. It says nothing about brown.”
“No brown sugar!” grumbled the Wasp. “A nice exploring party!”
In coming back,” Alice went on reading, “they found a lake of treacle. The banks of the lake were blue and white, and looked like china. While tasting the treacle, they had a sad accident: two of their party were engulped – 

4.  黃蜂會派出搜尋食物的探險隊,這支探險隊回程時找到的可能只是一「盤」糖漿,裝在藍白瓷器盤裡黃蜂體型小,在他們眼裡一「盤」糖漿就成了整整一個「湖泊」的糖漿

這是我的注釋 (張華兄)
7.    「青白兩色的湖岸」應指當時流行的青花瓷(blue-and-white porcelain,簡稱blue-and-white所製的糖漿罐 (treacle pot)。糖漿比糖便宜,是糖的替代品。根據1835年英國Staffordshire製的樣品,罐高約18公分 (7英寸),單耳、有旋紋蓋可以旋緊,腹大口小,見http://pages.merlinantiques.com/5072/PictPage/ 1922848706.html。報紙敘述黃蜂發現了沒蓋上蓋子糖漿罐,飛進去試吃,出來時不慎撞到收小的罐口,因而墜落溺斃。

2016年2月22日 星期一


rollicking 翻譯成"狂歡"並不恰當。它指的是喧鬧的、有生氣的。

The book isˇalian monastery where monks are being murdered by their co-religionists bent on concealing a long-lost philosophical treatise by Aristotle. Despite devoting whole chapters to discussions of Christian theology and heresies, Mr. Eco managed to enthrall a mass audience with the book, a rollicking detective thriller.




余英時《漢代貿易與擴張──漢胡經濟關係的研究》(美國加州大學出版社,1967)的譯本(台北:聯經,2008),有2處明顯的缺失,一處是177頁的註解 ("論"隋書流求為臺灣說"的虛構的過程及其影響", 梁嘉彬) ,未標明是《東海大學學報》第一卷第一期 ,1959 (頁101-148)。與此相關的地圖中的"台灣",英文本未標明是"夷洲",中譯本則畫蛇添足,加上"夷洲"。

2016年2月19日 星期五

遠流版梅岡城的故事To Kill A Mockingbird 數處誤譯;台灣新書中翻譯書約佔23%

今天楊茂秀教授送的兒童哲學第36期,可知他們有過一次翻譯討論會。本期似有兩篇相關文章: Translation as Cultural Understanding 指出遠流版梅岡城的故事* 數處誤譯,很有可參考處。

Harper Lee (1926-2016)  *Harper Lee's To Kill A Mockingbird
NPR Morning Edition 分享了 1 條連結

The Pulitzer Prize-winning writer died in her hometown of Monroeville, Ala.…

另外一篇只列出巴黎的憂鬱的第一篇的三中譯 (胡品清;辜振豐;亞丁---程抱一)的對比,寫者不懂法文,所以無法談論。





2016年2月17日 星期三

轉載:你知道歐盟是如何運作的嗎?Tagore Translation Deemed Racy Is Pulled From Stores in China

介紹歐盟委員會時,影片說委員會「共有28個委員,代表28個成員國」。這說法是錯誤的。英文版本是說one from each country,每個成員國派一個人做委員,但歐盟條約列明,歐委會的委員是代表整體歐盟利益,不是代表自己國家的。當然,委員會內一定有全部成員國的聲音,實際上的確是有這個政治效果。
另外,影片打出The Council of the European Union時,中文版說了「歐洲理事會」。這是錯誤的,這個組織是「歐盟理事會」,即是歐盟成員國部長召開的會議。歐盟的確有「歐洲理事會」這組織,英文European Council,是歐盟成員國領袖及歐盟主要機構領袖的會議,亦即這一兩天進行的峰會正確名稱是「歐洲理事會」會議。
影片打出寫有Political Direction的路牌時,中文版說,有時「歐盟成員國」都會聚集在此,討論政治方向。這是錯誤的。英文版是說「所有領袖」。歐盟條約寫明,給予歐盟發展方向,是歐洲理事會的職能,只有成員國領袖共同才可這樣做,因此這兒一定要說歐盟各國領袖,不能只說歐盟成員國。




The New York Times
孟加拉語詩人、諾貝爾文學獎獲得者拉賓德拉納特·泰戈爾(Rabindranath Tagore)去世80多年後,在亞洲仍然擁有眾多擁躉。在印度與孟加拉國以外,他的文學遺產或許在中國是被繼承發揚得最好的,幾十年來,他的作品一直在中學課本之中。
但是在此之前,作家馮唐翻譯的另一個風格大膽的泰戈爾《飛鳥集》(Stray Birds)版本引發了批評的風暴,已經令泰戈爾成為爭論的焦點。爭論過於激烈,浙江文藝出版社只得將該書下架。
1913年,泰戈爾成為首位獲得諾貝爾文學獎的非西方作家,正如潘卡傑·米什拉(Pankaj Mishra)在2012年的著作《來自帝國的廢墟》(From the Ruins of Empire)中寫到的,他也是「在一個近乎完全由西方機構與個人統治的知識分子小環境中,唯一來自亞洲的孤獨聲音」。在當年,茅盾、鄭振鐸與中國共產黨的創始人之一陳獨秀等成長中的年輕知識分子開始翻譯泰戈爾的作品,並陸續發表在各種中國雜誌上。
文化評論家周黎明(Raymond Zhou)為《中國日報》(China Daily)撰文,稱馮唐的翻譯是「粗俗的自我寫照,充滿荷爾蒙的味道」,就連印度媒體也卷了進來,一個評論者說馮唐是在「嘲弄泰戈爾」。
儘管有這樣多的爭議,12月,浙江文藝出版社宣布將該書下架並重新審視其翻譯的決定令許多人更加震驚。該書是否會重新上架,目前尚不明確。 出版社在電話中拒絕對此發表評論。
「當然,詩歌是出了名的難以翻譯,」1997年,阿瑪蒂亞·森(Amartya Sen)為《紐約書評》(The New York Review of Books)撰文稱。「任何能以孟加拉語原文閱讀泰戈爾詩歌的人都不會對任何譯本表示滿意的。」

Tagore Translation Deemed Racy Is Pulled From Stores in China

February 16, 2016More than 80 years after his death, Rabindranath Tagore, the Bengali poet and Nobel laureate, still has a huge following in Asia. Outside India and Bangladesh, perhaps nowhere is his legacy more alive than in China, where his works have been part of the middle-school curriculum for decades.
This month, to commemorate the 155th anniversary of his birth, the People’s Publishing House will release “The Complete Works of Tagore,” the first direct translation of his entire output from Bengali into Chinese. The project took a team of translators nearly six years.
But Tagore has also been at the center of a controversy here, after another, more racy new translation of some of his poems by the writer Feng Tang, called “Stray Birds,” set off a storm of criticism. The furor was so intense that the Zhejiang Wenyi Publishing House pulled the volume from stores.
“Most Chinese grew up thinking Tagore was mild and romantic, all stars, gardens and flowers,” Mr. Feng said in a recent interview in his Beijing studio. “So with my translation, many people felt like their Tagore, the Tagore from their childhood textbooks, had been challenged.”
Yu Qing, deputy chief editor of the People’s Publishing House, said, “In terms of the top foreign authors, Tagore may just be the most popular and most widely translated foreign writer in China.”
“Unlike other popular foreign authors here like Tolstoy or Mark Twain, Tagore actually visited China and spent time with the pioneers of contemporary Chinese literature,” Mr. Yu added.
As the first non-Westerner to receive the Nobel Prize in Literature, in 1913, Tagore was also the “lone voice from Asia in an intellectual milieu that was almost entirely dominated by Western institutions and individuals,” wrote Pankaj Mishra in his 2012 book, “From the Ruins of Empire.” Translations of the poet’s work by rising young intellectuals like Mao Dun, Zhang Zhenduo and Chen Duxiu, a co-founder of the Chinese Communist Party, began to appear in Chinese magazines.
The 44-year-old Mr. Feng, a popular novelist, said he had been looking for a translation project and remembered reading the collection of short poems about man and nature in “Stray Birds” when he was young.
But not long after his translation was published last summer, critiques began to appear online and in the Chinese news media, including People’s Daily, the Communist Party mouthpiece. Readers and scholars excoriated Mr. Feng for blaspheming the beloved poet.
The cultural critic Raymond Zhou, writing in the state-owned China Daily, called Mr. Feng’s translation “a vulgar selfie of hormone saturated innuendo.” Even the Indian news media chimed in, with one commentator writing that Mr. Feng had made a “mockery of Tagore.”
The anger mostly focused on three of the 326 poems, all of which Mr. Feng, like most earlier translators, based on English versions. In one, which was translated into English by Tagore himself, the poet wrote: “The world puts off its mask of vastness to its lover. It becomes small as one song, as one kiss of the eternal.”
By contrast, Mr. Feng’s translation in Chinese reads: “The world unzipped his pants in front of his lover. Long as a French kiss, slim as a line of a poem.”
Mr. Feng continues to stand by his translation.
“My only intention was to capture the aesthetics of Tagore’s poems,” he said. “When I translate, I’m a writer. I don’t need to know the context. I just want to do things as freely and as creatively as possible.”
Even with the uproar, many were perhaps even more surprised by the announcement in December from the Zhejiang Wenyi Publishing House that it would halt sales of the book and review the translation. It is unclear whether the book will be returned to shelves. Reached by telephone, the company declined to comment.
“I think the fact that there was this controversy in the first place shows the special place Tagore holds in the hearts of Chinese readers,” said Dong Youchen, chief editor and translator of the “The Complete Works of Tagore.” “He wrote with an Eastern sensibility that Chinese people even today can connect with.”
Then again, some say conveying the essence of Tagore’s works through translation may simply be a near-impossible task.
“Poetry is, of course, notoriously difficult to translate,” Amartya Sen wrote in The New York Review of Books in 1997. “And anyone who knows Tagore’s poems in their original Bengali cannot feel satisfied with any of the translations.”