2015年7月31日 星期五

Juan Gabriel Vásquez: By the Book

Juan Gabriel Vásquez: By the Book

The author, most recently, of “Lovers on All Saints’ Day” says the toughest thing about translating is being unfaithful to the original: “Doing a little violence to a sentence you love is hard, and many sleepless nights can be caused by it.”

What books are currently on your night stand?
Right now I have about 20 feet of books waiting their turn on my bookshelf. Six or seven of those will make it to my reading table — not my night stand, because I don’t usually read at night when I’m home. At this moment, the shortlisted books are Antonio Muñoz Molina’s “Como la Sombra Que Se Va”; Patrick Modiano’s “Pour Que Tu ne Te Perdes Pas Dans le Quartier”; Lorrie Moore’s “Bark”; Héctor Abad’s “La Oculta”; Mark Doty’s “Still Life With Oysters and Lemon”; Hilary Mantel’s “Wolf Hall”; and “The 20th Century in Poetry,” an anthology by Michael Hulse and Simon Rae.
Who is your favorite novelist of all time?
Yes, who indeed? The post of Favorite Novelist has been filled in my world by Flaubert, Joyce, Faulkner, Conrad. . . . Right now it’s probably a creature of my invention called Tolstoyevsky: a great Russian who is able to write battle scenes as well as conflicts of the soul, whose astonishing eye for detail is matched by his great gift for making people talk, and who is second to none in describing the crossroads between the public life (history, politics) and the private existence of individuals.
Whom do you consider the best writers — novelists, essayists, critics, journalists, poets — working today?
I can’t speak about the best writers, but there’s a list of living classics who have shaped my books in such a way that I can’t imagine my writing without them. It’s a kind of dream team that includes Philip Roth, Mario Vargas Llosa, Javier Marías, Milan Kundera (in the essay category), V. S. Naipaul, Alice Munro, Don DeLillo, John Banville. . . .
What is your favorite Colombian novel?
My favorite Colombian novel is still “One Hundred Years of Solitude.” I try changing my mind every year and fail miserably. The silver medal goes to “Chronicle of a Death Foretold.”
You’ve translated the work of John Hersey and Victor Hugo, among others. What’s the most challenging aspect of translation for you? Has translating changed your approach to reading fiction in translation?
The most challenging aspect of translation, particularly when working with a book you love, is learning to be unfaithful to the original. Doing a little violence to a sentence you love is hard, and many sleepless nights can be caused by it. As for the second question, the answer is yes. Knowing firsthand how translation works, I’m unable now to read just any Chekhov or Kafka: I have my favorite translators too. Also, I try to read in languages that are closer to the original. I read German literature in English (Sebald by Michael Hulse) but Italian literature in Spanish (Claudio Magris by J. A. González Sainz).
What genres do you especially enjoy reading? And which do you avoid?
I swear, I have really tried to care about genres or categories, but I find myself sadly unable to do so. I will enjoy anything, anything, as long as it comes written in language that is personal to the point of idiosyncratic, euphonious, revealing and precise. I avoid any kind of writing that doesn’t fill these requirements. I don’t care which genre it belongs to.
What books might we be surprised to find on your shelves?
There are some that might surprise you, but only if you don’t know me that well: books about soccer. Some have been written by novelists I admire, such as “Dios Es Redondo” (“God Is Round”), by Juan Villoro, or “Salvajes y Sentimentales” (“Savages and Sentimentalists”), by Javier Marías; others fulfill one of my reading vices: the relationship between soccer and politics. In this field, no book I know matches “The Ball Is Round,” by David Goldblatt.
How well do you remember what you read? And the circumstances in which you’ve read a book? What do you remember most?
I’m very bad with faces and names, but I do remember words, either spoken or written. (Sometimes, for instance, I recognize people only when they start talking.) So I do remember very well what I read. The books I read give a sense of structure to my life as much as the books I write, so I can look at any one of the volumes in this room and remember the exact circumstances in which I read it for the first time. “Mr. Sammler’s Planet”? While on a trip to Sweden, during a wonderful summer in which it rained in the rest of Europe. “Notes From the Underground”? While recovering from surgery in 2004. I read “Lolita” in the corridors of a Bogotá hospital, while waiting for my daughters to be born. I read Emmanuel Carrère’s “Limonov” in a hammock at a friend’s farm in the middle of Colombia. The farm was called, inscrutably, Alsacia.
If you had to name one book that made you who you are today, what would it be?
“The Complete Works of William Shakespeare,” which I read (except for some comedies) between the ages of 18 and 21. And no, I really don’t think this is cheating.
If you could require the president to read one book, what would it be?
It’s one book in three volumes: Bertrand Russell’s “Autobiography.” There are many lessons to be learnt there, but one of them is of great urgency at a time in which the Colombian government tries to negotiate peace with the FARC guerrillas. How to confront warmongers? How to deal with the lies, the calumnies and the disinformation that, coming from the opposition, are right now the biggest threat to a negotiated peace? How to use reason to be a courageous pacifist? Russell knew something about that.
You’re hosting a literary dinner party. Which three writers are invited?
I’m sure Miguel de Cervantes was fun to be around: He had stories to tell and a sense of humor, and must have been one of the most decent, humane people around. I would sit him next to Borges and let them argue about “Pierre Menard.” I think my friend Javier Cercas would kill me if he weren’t invited.
What books do you find yourself returning to again and again?
This one is easy, because I have them right here: I decided some time ago that I would keep those books behind my desk to avoid standing up and leaving the room every time I need (crave) them. Among them are Flaubert’s “Letters”; Proust’s “In Search of Lost Time”; Joyce’s “Ulysses” and “Dubliners”; Jorge Luis Borges’s three volumes of complete works; Virginia Woolf’s “To the Lighthouse”; Orwell’s “Essays”; Milan Kundera’s “The Art of the Novel”; Philip Roth’s “Operation Shylock” and “American Pastoral”; Julio Cortázar’s “Hopscotch”; Mario Vargas Llosa’s “The War of the End of the World”; García Márquez’s “One Hundred Years of Solitude”; Carlos Fuentes’s “Terra Nostra.” . . .
What do you plan to read next?
I’m writing a novel about two conspiracies, so my desk is covered by books that might help me understand the phenomenon. Not sociology, mind you, but other kinds of truths: moral, emotional, psychological. So I’m looking forward to Shakespeare’s “Julius Caesar,” Corneille’s “Cinna” and many others. Whether they will help me write a decent book, that’s another matter entirely.

Vásquez won the 2014 International Dublin Literary Award, for The Sound of Things Falling. Biblioteca Cosio Daniel Villegas in Mexico City had nominated the book. Vásquez was the first South American writer to emerge victorious from the contest in its history. His translator Anne McLean took some of his money as is customary.[1]

Though he recognizes a debt to Gabriel García Márquez, his work is a reaction against magical realism, saying this with regard to The Secret History of Costaguana: "I want to forget this absurd rhetoric of Latin America as a magical or marvellous continent. In my novel there is a disproportionate reality, but that which is disproportionate in it is the violence and cruelty of our history and of our politics. Let me be clear about this quote, which I suppose refers, in a caringly sarcastic tone, to One Hundred Years of Solitude. I believed that with this novel, and I can say that reading One Hundred Years ... in my adolescence contributed much to my vocation, but I believe that all of the side of magical realism is the least interesting part of this novel. I propose to read One Hundred Years like a distorted version of the Colombian history. That is the interesting part; in what makes One Hundred Years ... with the massacre of the banana workers or the civil wars of the 19th century, not in the yellow butterflies or in the pigs' tails. Like all grand novels, One Hundred Years of Solitude requires us to reinvent the truth. I believe that this reinvention is to make us lose ourselves in the magical realism. And what I have tried to make in my novel is to recount the 19th Century Colombian story in a radically distinct key and I fear to oppose what Colombians have read until now.[3]
Vásquez, who collaborates in diverse reviews and cultural supplements, also writes essays and is a weekly columnist in the Colombian newspaper, El Espectador. He has had critical success including the three cited novels. His stories have appeared in anthologies in different countries and his novels have been translated to various languages. Furthermore, he himself has translated works of John HerseyVictor Hugo, and E. M. Forster, among others. He was part of the jury of 81 Latin American and Spanish writers and critics who in 2007 elected for the Colombian review, Semana, the best 100 books in the Castilian language in the last 25 years.[4]

艾朗諾 Ronald C. Egan答韓晗



艾朗諾(Ronald Egan),男,當代著名漢學家,美國加州大學聖巴巴拉分校(UCSB)東亞系主任、教授,哈佛大學博士。著有《蘇軾的一生:言論、思想和行為》、《歐陽修的文學作品》等學術專著,並譯有錢鍾書的《管錐編》。


韓晗(下文簡稱韓): 艾朗諾教授您好,之前我曾有在中國媒體上拜讀過關於您治學經歷的介紹,說您接觸到第一首中國的古詩是王維的《鹿柴》 (見於賀莉丹、江家岱《美國漢學家艾朗諾:為什麼要再寫中國文學史?》,載於《新民周刊》2009年6月),事實上是這樣的嗎?











韓:我還注意到,您有一篇論文,叫《北宋都城中的惡棍與乞丐》,這個題目很有意思,您專門分析了北宋政府對乞丐的收容政策,譬如說“居養院”與“安濟坊”,這篇文章很容易讓我想到與孔飛力、史景遷並稱“漢學三傑”之一魏斐德教授的《上海歹土:戰時恐怖活動與城市犯罪》(Frederic Wakeman Jr,Wartime Terrorism and Urban Crime,Cambridge University Press,2002 ),兩本著作不約而同地都關注了城市化進程中底層市民如流浪漢、暴力犯罪等問題,您認為關注都市化的底層是海外漢學研究的一個趨勢嗎?




韓:我們不妨談到翻譯,您的同事,加州大學伯克利分校的教授西里爾•白之(Cyril Birch)曾經英譯了《牡丹亭》,而您又英譯了《管錐篇》,您認為文學翻譯是否要更難一些?






https://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-tw/ 方志彤
Translate this page
方志彤(早年多寫作“方志浵”,英文名:Achilles Chih-t'ung Fang,本名“金淳謨” ,1910年8月20日-1995年11月22日),朝鮮族,哈佛大學學者,漢學家和比較文學家。




韓:您一直認為,文本細讀即closed reading是治學的基本前提,歐美很多大學的漢學系、英語係與法語係都有著文本細讀的傳統,但是國內去留學的學生卻忽視文本細讀這一問題,從這點來看,您認為當下中國留學生在研究方式上有哪些不足的地方?










2015年7月26日 星期日

標點和字體都重要。"夾注號"只用半邊 (紐約時報);FT 標點

家族旅行,周六午後的"奇美博物館"是預約,所以必須去,很有看頭:與繪畫為例,國內唯一地方有許多19世紀二流的歐洲畫家作品,偶爾有精彩之作;20世紀的不多,不過Degas的雕塑、Picasso的陶器、Chagall的、Max Ernst 的"三聯畫".....都夠水準。
26日早上的program是台灣歷史博物館,妻說是簡學易設計的,展覽規劃等都很用心......不過,我因為想看The Impressionists:Painting and Revolution(2011, BBC,Waldemar Januszczak主持),決定守候在小妹家看末集Final Flourish--回來看公視的說明,過份簡單,又有一處標點符號錯誤:

4.【繪畫和革命:最後盛況】本集中探討關於色彩輪和光學的一些複雜技術問題,以秀拉的『大碗島上的星期天下午』(嘉德島的假日午後)為例,在1886年的印象派畫展中出現時,大家都注意到了,印象派在這裡顯然有新東西出現,秀拉製造出現代巴黎的刻板印象,一個正面、一個反面,現代 世界的兩面隔著一條河,互相對峙。


最近讀瑞麟兄翻譯的 Emma by Jane Austen。發現編輯沒注意到:原文採用不同字體表示強調等,都被遺忘。

這些問題,正如 今天的這則:


".....不過在購買力方面,由於美國物價較低,稅率也不高,分析師指出,美國民眾的實際購買力高於英國民眾;不過英國民眾的年休假日多得多,同時有"免費"醫療保健服務,福利(原文無此,  因為休假非福利)優於美國。....."

UK living standards outstrip US

January 6, 2008

UK living standards outstrip US

Living standards outstrip those across the Atlantic for first time in over a century

David Smith, Economics Editor


However, the British typically have significantly longer holidays than Americans as well as access to “free” healthcare.

China Slips in Corruption Perceptions Report
By DIDI KIRSTEN TATLOW December 04, 2014


China's very public campaign against graft has netted thousands of officials both big and small — “tigers” and “flies,” in Communist Party parlance — but the perception of China as a deeply corrupt country is only rising, according to a leading watchdog group.




 二、在行文中為補充說明而文氣可以聯貫的,多半用── ──。       (一)這種密碼──有人說是人生的密碼──是很難解開的。       (二)寒夜中,不管是誰家的燈光,都讓人──尤其是漂泊的旅          人──有種溫暖的感覺。       (三)元宵節──亦稱上元節、燈節──除了提燈籠外,吃湯圓也          是習俗之一。


這是 Financial Time

But Mr Tang said that under current Chinese law Mr Chen was not required to pay tax on his share sales. 「If the government asks us to pay [tax] we will be the first to do so, but there is no such regulation at the moment,」 he said. 「The public should not doubt us.」奇怪標點

Specialist lawyers and accountants said the rules were vague but that Mr Chen would not usually be required to pay tax on a share sale.




2015年7月22日 星期三


  • 拉幫結黨

    • 拉幫結黨 lā bāng jié dǎng
    • 成語解釋組織幫派,搞小集團活動。
    • 常用程度一般
    • 感情色彩貶義詞
    • 成語結構聯合式
    • 語法用法作謂語、賓語;指搞小集團活動。
    • 產生年代現代
    • 典故出處劉斯奮《白門柳·雞鳴風雨》第二章:“至於乘機拉幫結黨,一心報私仇、發橫財的,就更別說了。”

  • 中國譯者習慣於"拉幫結派"或"拉幫結黨"等語言,偶爾很自然地將它們套用,譬如說,談新批評學派:

    --Jacques Barzun (雅克·巴爾贊 ) The Culture We Deserve: A Critique of Disenlightenment《我們應有的文化》北京:中信,2014,頁88

    2015年7月17日 星期五

    申命紀Deuteronomy 第三十三章25節;28~29節

    1. Israel then shall dwell in safety alone: the fountain of Jacob shall be upon a land of corn and wine; also his heavens shall drop down dew.
    2. Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! and thine enemies shall be found liars unto thee; and thou shalt tread upon their high places.

    1. 以色列安然居住;雅各的本源獨居五穀新酒之地。他的天也滴甘露。
    2. 以色列啊,你是有福的!誰像你這蒙耶和華所拯救的百姓呢?他是你的盾牌,幫助你,是你威榮的刀劍。你的仇敵必投降你;你必踏在他們的高處


    Deuteronomy 共34 章




    1. 因此,以色列能以安居樂業,雅各伯的後裔定居在產糧出酒之地,天也從上降下甘露。
    2. 以色列,你真是有福的;為上主所拯救的人民,有誰相似你﹖他是你護身的盾牌,是使你勝利的刀劍。你的仇敵必將奉承你,而你卻要踐踏他們的背脊

    Basic English
    1. Your shoes will be iron and brass; and as your days, so may your work be.

    King James Version
    1. Thy shoes shall be iron and brass; and as thy days, so shall thy strength be.
    1. 你的門閂(門閂或作:鞋)是銅的,鐵的。你的日子如何,你的力量也必如何。
    思高本:願你有銅鐵的門閂;願你一生獲享安寧! 」

    2015年7月16日 星期四

    Confound the nose, craftsmanship


    From the beginning, I believed that writing in both verse and prose would be the most effective way by which I could define my thoughts and gauge my imagination. I suppose I never regarded the essay as a literary form that was necessarily inferior — in terms of art or craftsmanship — to the poem, and this is especially true when the writing is executed in Chinese.

    craftsmanship 技藝


    I did not choose Hualien to be the backdrop of the book. It was the only place I, as a boy, knew of a little within the context of Taiwan, which happened to be undergoing all those conflicts and wars, the disasters I realized in retrospect carried out in several languages.


    答:台灣文學經過迂迴之路,才有今天成果,在各方面相對地蓬勃。我認為,「台灣文學」(Taiwanese literature)乃相對於「台灣來的中國文學」(Chinese literature from Taiwan),即便兩種姿態皆以中文來書寫。

    Taiwanese literature went through a tortuous way to come to what it is today, which is relatively thriving in many vivid fashions. It is, as far as I am concerned, “Taiwanese literature” as opposed to “Chinese literature from Taiwan,” while they all use the Chinese language in the making.


    Asian Blog 刊載楊牧訪談,小編的翻譯版本如下:

    Yang Mu is a prominent Taiwanese poet, essayist, critic, and translator and was winner of the 2013 Newman Prize for Chinese Literature. He is the author of more than two dozen prose and poetry collections and has taught at the University of Washington and National Donghua University.

    年初,楊牧出版了他的自傳散文集《奇萊前書:青年詩人的成長教育》。該書大量關注於作者的兒時回憶——太平洋台灣東海岸的花蓮。這些私人的記述亦廣泛提及台灣二十世紀社會、政治、文化變遷。楊牧在Asian Blog將暢談他的新書。

    Earlier this year, Yang published the English translation of his autobiographical essay collection Memories of Mount Qilai: The Education of a Young Poet. The essays are largely focused on the author’s childhood in Hualien, on the Pacific coast of eastern Taiwan. These personal narratives also tell the story of Taiwan’s extensive social, political, and cultural changes in the twentieth century.
    Yang Mu spoke with Asia Blog about his book.

    You first received attention for your poetry. What inspired you to start writing the essays found in Memories of Mount Qilai? How have your poetry and prose influenced each other?


    From the beginning, I believed that writing in both verse and prose would be the most effective way by which I could define my thoughts and gauge my imagination. I suppose I never regarded the essay as a literary form that was necessarily inferior — in terms of art or craftsmanship — to the poem, and this is especially true when the writing is executed in Chinese.

    Your writing in Memories of Mount Qilai captures a critical and complex time in the history of Taiwan and of East Asia in general. What made Hualien such an effective backdrop for exploring the historical themes in your essays?


    I did not choose Hualien to be the backdrop of the book. It was the only place I, as a boy, knew of a little within the context of Taiwan, which happened to be undergoing all those conflicts and wars, the disasters I realized in retrospect carried out in several languages.


    In your writing, you reflect on your interactions with Hualien’s indigenous people during your childhood. What do those encounters mean to you?


    The experience I had with the indigenous people during my childhood is indelible, and in fact, I have always taken it as something to cherish and be proud of. The few passages I devote to describing them and their culture, as I can remember now, tell of my impressions of them from early childhood, and my lasting admiration.

    Could you talk about the story behind how the English translation of Memories of Mount Qilaicame together?

    答:瑞典漢學家馬悅然教授首先讀中文版,並建議John Balcom 以及Yintsih Balcom翻譯成英文。我有機會在哥倫比亞大學出版前讀到譯稿。出版時書以副標題加註「青年詩人的成長教育」(The Education of a Young Poet)。我喜歡這標題,可能源於德國文學的典故。

    Professor Goran Malmqvist, the Swedish Sinologue, read it first in Chinese and suggested to John and Yintsih Balcom to translate it into English. I was given a chance to read through the typescript before it went to the Columbia University Press. The book was published with a subtitle added on, “The Education of a Young Poet.” I like it, perhaps for its German allusion.

    How have you seen the Taiwanese literary landscape evolve during the course of your career? How would you characterize it today?

    答:台灣文學經過迂迴之路,才有今天成果,在各方面相對地蓬勃。我認為,「台灣文學」(Taiwanese literature)乃相對於「台灣來的中國文學」(Chinese literature from Taiwan),即便兩種姿態皆以中文來書寫。

    Taiwanese literature went through a tortuous way to come to what it is today, which is relatively thriving in many vivid fashions. It is, as far as I am concerned, “Taiwanese literature” as opposed to “Chinese literature from Taiwan,” while they all use the Chinese language in the making.

    You’ve had a rich career so far as a poet, essayist, and scholar. Looking back, what have been some of the most rewarding moments?


    I guess I take it as most important to my career to be able to identify, and in effect, define a style for my writings in different genres, individually and collectively. I teach the classics to college students and write new literature on my own
    Read our Q&A with writer Yang Mu, who tells the story of Taiwan's social,...

    有的辭典將Confound it (you). 翻譯成"該死的","你混蛋"。


    exclamationdated  Used to express anger or annoyance:oh confound it, where is the thing?

    Sarah Siddons was the outstanding tragic actress of her time. Gainsborough is reported to have had difficulties with her nose and to have exclaimed, ‘Confound the nose, there’s no end to it’:http://bit.ly/1Gpi6yb

    2015年7月15日 星期三

    英語訪談Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky on The Brothers Karamazov

    Leonard Lopate interviews Richard Pevear and Larissa Volokhonsky on their latest project, a translation of NOTES FROM A DEAD HOUSE.

    Fyodor Dostoyevsky's final novel gave Richard and Larissa their start in...

    “We had yet another critic, at the very beginning, an old Russian émigré lady. When we first told her we were translating “The Brothers Karamazov,” she said, Oh, Dostoevsky, I hope you correct his awful style. I said, No, that is precisely what we’re going to keep.” —Larissa Volokhonsky

    Credited with starting a “quiet revolution,” Larissa Volokhonsky and...

    streamlined. expedite. shipments . measure


    Such criticisms have not dissuaded the Obama administration from pushing ahead. One goal of the pact is to set streamlined rules on technical issues like standardizing the online processing of customs documents, a measure that could not only expedite shipments but also reduce the opportunities for bribing customs officials.

    streamlined  有"簡"意、無"精"意。
    goo dictionary
    ━━ n., a., vt. 流線, 流線形(の,にする), 簡素化する, 合理化する.
    stream・lined a. 流線型の; 現代[能率]化した.

    measure 當措施時通常採用measures

    運貨;出貨vs 發貨 (發送貨品。初刻拍案驚奇˙卷一:「眾人多是做過交易的,各有熟識經紀﹑歇家﹑通事人等,各自上岸,找尋發貨去了。」紅樓夢˙第六十七回:「次日,請了四位夥計,俱已到齊,不免說些販賣帳目﹑發貨之事。」)
    1. The act or an instance of shipping goods.

    2015年7月14日 星期二

    a sort of prison 一種毒藥? primary surplus 原始盈餘?......


    Deal on Greek Debt Crisis Exposes Europe’s Deepening Fissures

    LONDON — Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany said about Greece on Sunday that “the most important currency has been lost: that is trust and reliability.” But many Germans think the most important currency that has been lost is the deutsche mark, the symbol of rectitude and confidence that embodied West Germany’s ascent from the ashes of World War II.
    That same sense of solidity is badly lacking in the European Union as it confronts the limits of its ambitions, and Monday morning’s painful deal on Greece seems unlikely to restore it.

    The latest effort to preserve Greek membership in the eurozone has only deepened the fissures within the European Union between north and south, between advanced economies and developing ones, between large countries and smaller ones, between lenders and debtors, and, just as important, between those 19 countries within the eurozone and the nine European Union nations outside it.
    In the name of preserving the “European project” and European “solidarity,” the ultimatum put to Greece required something close to the surrender of the nation’s sovereignty. For all of Greece’s past sins, and for all of the gamesmanship and harsh talk of the governing Syriza party, this outcome arguably had elements of punishment as well as fiscal responsibility.
    Whether this is good or bad for Greece, in the end, the Greeks will decide. But it averted an outcome that could have left Europe even more badly fractured. And it highlighted the willingness of some leaders to make a compelling case for unity over narrow national interest, especially President François Hollande of France, who played an important role in mediating between Germany and Greece.
    Unpopular and yet contemplating another run for the presidency in 2017, Mr. Hollande displayed leadership and distanced himself from Ms. Merkel and German demands, which many in Europe, especially in France, saw as selfishness and even vindictiveness.
    On Monday, Mr. Hollande said that “even if it was long, I think for Europe this was a good night and a good day.” That is true, given the alternatives.
    But it will be even better if the European Union can now, after so many years, lift its head from its euro crisis and begin to concentrate on other critical issues: providing economic growth and jobs for its young people, a rational and unified policy on migration, a response to Russian ambitions in Ukraine and elsewhere, and a British vote on whether to leave the European Union.
    A so-called Brexit — an exit by Britain, which is expected to overtake France as Europe’s second-largest economy and is one of Europe’s main military and diplomatic actors, with a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council — would be far more damaging to the European Union than the departure of small, difficult Greece.
    Britain, which never joined the euro currency bloc, plans to hold a referendum by the end of 2017 on whether to remain a member of the European Union, and Prime Minister David Cameron is negotiating now to change Britain’s terms of membership. The mess over Greece has hardly helped the reputation of the European Union inside Britain, but it may also help Mr. Cameron secure a better deal.
    And the challenge to the post-Cold War order in Europe posed by a newly revanchist Russia is a bigger threat to European ideals of peace and stability than Brussels seems to understand.
    Together with the migration crisis and Greece, these represent “the four horsemen” circling around Europe’s future, said Rem Korteweg of the Center for European Reform, a research institution based in London.
    “The four horsemen threaten the E.U. precisely because they raise issues that can only be solved if governments prioritize a European solution over narrow national agendas,” he said. “If a European answer cannot be found, the horsemen will continue to promote chaos, instability and mutual recrimination” within the European Union.
    As for Ms. Merkel, her reputation hangs in the balance, at home and in her role as Europe’s de facto leader. Having rejected a Greek exit from the eurozone three years agoin the name of European solidarity, she has again avoided that outcome. This time, she risked considerable cost to her political standing at home. But what would really damage her legacy is another expensive bailout for Greece that fails.

    Greece was allowed into the eurozone for largely the same reasons, wishful politics, that put ancient Greece, the core of European culture, at the heart of a European ideal built on civilization and peace. The fact that today’s Greece bears little relationship to the country of Socrates or Pericles was simply ignored. And so was clear evidence, well-known at the time in Brussels, that the Greeks were regularly faking their budgetary figures to qualify for the euro.
    The magical thinking involved was that the euro, somehow shorn of politics, would bring all these different economies into closer balance. The last decade has proved that to be illusory. 

    And Monday’s deal — if it is ratified by an angry Greek Parliament, and by an unhappy German Parliament, and not derailed by smaller countries like Finland with coalition governments that depend on the support of euroskeptic parties — will avert the debacle of a country leaving the common currency for the first time. But by itself, it will do little to strengthen the future of the euro, and it might simply prolong the agony and deepen the divisions.

    For many in Europe, the euro’s economic benefits have been offset by the constraints it imposes. For the weaker economies in particular, it has become a sort of prison, limiting the ability of elected governments to use budgetary policy to smooth out the ups and downs of the economic cycle and eliminating their use of currency fluctuations to help manage national economies.

    For Greece, the crisis five years ago was a chance to create a modern democratic capitalist state, which was one of the reasons to join the European Union in the first place. Many Greeks suffered, the debt mountain grew, and finally, as long predicted, the economic squeeze produced a political revolt — and just as Greece finally seemed to have turned an important corner and was running a primary surplus, in other words, financing its current budget and having something left over to pay its debts.
    The victory in January of Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras and his Syriza party led to the reversal of some critical economic overhauls demanded by creditors, threw the Greek economy backward and raised even higher the requirement for further loans. Mr. Tsipras bet big but lost. But so have the Greeks.


    Philippe Wojazer/Reuters
    不管這對希臘是有利還是有害,最後都將由希臘民眾決定。但它避免了一個可能會讓歐洲更加四分五裂的結果,並且突顯出一些領導人願意提出令人信服的理由支持統一,反對狹隘的國家利益,特別是在德國和希臘的調解中發揮了重要作用的法國總統弗朗索瓦·奧朗德(François Hollande)。
    從未加入歐元區的英國,計劃在2017年年底之前就是否繼續留在歐盟舉行公投。英國首相戴維·卡梅倫(David Cameron)目前正在為更改英國的成員國條款進行談判。在英國國內,希臘問題引發的混亂對歐盟的名聲沒什麼好處,但卻可能有助於卡梅倫獲得一份更好的協議。
    總部位於倫敦的研究機構歐洲改革中心(Center for European Reform)的雷姆·科特韋格(Rem Korteweg)說,它們和移民危機及希臘問題一起,將是未來圍着歐洲轉的「啟示錄四騎士」。
    亞歷克西斯·齊普拉斯(Alexis Tsipras)總理及其激進左翼聯盟今年1月在選舉中獲勝,導致債權人要求的一些重要經濟改革發生了逆轉,也令希臘經濟倒退,並且需要獲得甚至更多的進一步貸款。齊普拉斯壓下了重注,但失敗了。希臘人也是一樣。

    For many in Europe, the euro’s economic benefits have been offset by the constraints it imposes. For the weaker economies in particular, it has become a sort of prison, limiting the ability of elected governments to use budgetary policy to smooth out the ups and downs of the economic cycle and eliminating their use of currency fluctuations to help manage national economies.


    a sort of prison "一種毒藥"應該是誤譯。
    Greece was allowed into the eurozone for largely the same reasons, wishful politics, that put ancient Greece, the core of European culture, at the heart of a European ideal built on civilization and peace.


     primary surplus的意思, 在上下文已說明。也可查:
    1. Countries' primary surplus (deficit) refers to the component of the fiscalsurplus (deficit) that is comprised of current government spending less current income from taxes, and excludes interest paid on government debt.