2011年5月4日 星期三

Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT)

The National Union of Rail, Maritime and Transport Workers (RMT) is a trade union in the United Kingdom which unionises transport workers. It has more than 80,000 members, and its current general secretary is Bob Crow. It is one of Britain's fastest growing trade unions, increasing its membership by more than a third in the first five years of Crow's leadership.[1]

倫敦地鐵罷工 數百萬乘客受害
(中央社記者黃貞貞倫敦4日專電)不滿地鐵司機會員被開除,倫敦地鐵工會宣布,5月16日起一連5天及6月13日起一連5天,將分別發動大規模罷工,地鐵癱瘓將使數百萬名通勤族受到嚴重影響。 鐵路海事運輸工會(The Rail Maritime andTransport,RMT)指出,2名司機會員被資方不 ...
