2020年4月13日 星期一

face coverings vs masks; elective surgery

Other mixed messages have included Mr. de Blasio’s call in early April for city residents to wear face coverings in public; Mr. Cuomo, who has not worn a mask in public, suggested such a move might engender “a false sense of security.” (On Sunday, Mr. Cuomo announced an order to employers to provide masks to any worker interacting with the public.) The two men have also differed on the timing of closing of city playgrounds and the cancellation of elective surgery.

Google 翻譯:它直接不分face coverings vs masks。將elective surgery翻譯成"擇期手術"
其他信息不一而足,包括德拉布拉西奧先生在4月初呼籲城市居民在公共場合戴口罩。 尚未在公共場合戴口罩的庫莫先生表示,此舉可能引起“錯誤的安全感”。 (星期天,庫莫先生宣布命令雇主向與公眾互動的任何工人提供口罩。)這兩人在關閉城市遊樂場和取消擇期手術的時間上也有分歧。

Elective surgery or elective procedure (from the Latineligere, meaning to choose[1]) is surgery that is scheduled in advance because it does not involve a medical emergency
