2018年10月28日 星期日

Google 翻譯器的優缺點 :slangs 如 stoner等,則不知所云

本文全採用翻譯器:專有名詞很好;slangs 如 stoner等,則不知所云。

Cannabidiol (CBD) is a naturally occurringcannabinoid constituent of cannabis. It was discovered in 1940 and initially thought not to be pharmaceutically active.
大麻二酚(CBD)是大麻中天然存在的大麻素成分。 它於1940年被發現,最初被認為不具有藥物活性。

It is one of at least 113 cannabinoids identified in hemp plants, accounting for up to 40% of the plant's extract.[8] As of 2018 in the United States, Food and Drug Administration approval of cannabidiol as a prescription drug called Epidiolex for medical uses has been limited to two rare forms of childhood epilepsy.
它是大麻植物中鑑定出的至少113種大麻素之一,佔該植物提取物的40%。[8] 截至2018年,美國食品和藥物管理局批准大麻酚作為處方藥稱為Epidiolex用於醫療用途,僅限於兩種罕見的兒童癲癇形式。

Cannabidiol can be taken into the body in multiple different ways, including by inhalationof cannabis smoke or vapor, as an aerosol spray into the cheek, and by mouth. It may be supplied as an oil containing only CBD as the active ingredient (no added THC or terpenes), a full-plant CBD-dominant hemp extract oil, capsules, dried cannabis, or as a prescription liquid solution.
大麻二酚可以多種不同的方式進入體內,包括吸入大麻煙或蒸氣,氣溶膠噴入面頰和口腔。 它可以作為僅含有CBD作為活性成分(不添加THC或萜烯)的油,全植物CBD主要的大麻提取油,膠囊,乾燥的大麻或作為處方液溶液提供。

大麻二酚(CBD)是大麻的主要非精神科成分,具有多種藥理作用,包括抗焦慮、抗精神病、止吐和抗炎特性。該綜述根據Web of Science,Scielo和Medline檢索的報告描述了廣泛濃度CBD給藥的多項研究表明,CBD在非轉化細胞中無毒性,不會誘發食物攝入變化,不會誘發全身僵硬症,不會影響生理參數(心率、血壓和體溫),不會影響胃腸道的轉運和不會改變精神運動或心理功能。
研究報告指出,長期使用和高劑量 (高達1,500毫克/天) 的CBD在人體內耐受性仍然良好。儘管CBD與THC具有分子相似性,CBD僅在非常高劑量(THC的100倍)下才與大麻素受體有相互弱作用性。另外,在CBD中亦未察覺到如THC般會引起對人體思維和感知的改變。不同藥理學性質使CBD與THC具有完全不一樣的安全性。

It’s hard to say the precise moment when CBD, the voguish cannabis derivative, went from being a fidget spinner alternative for stoners to a mainstream panacea.
drugsSlang for somebody who smokes cannabis, often. Most people would talk them down as if they are better, though they often consume poisons such as alcohol and caffeineStoners are generally a friendly minority, peaceful, and harmless. The arrogant people bitching about them smoking marijuana, they are usually bigger problems then the people they denounce.

Fidget spinner - Wikipedia
fidget spinner is a toy that consists of a ball bearing in the center of a multi-lobed (typically two or three) flat structure made from metal or plastic designed to ...

So the question now becomes: Is this the dawning of a new miracle elixir, or does all the hype mean we have already reached Peak CBD?
所以問題現在變成了:這是一個新的奇蹟靈藥的開始,還是所有的炒作都意味著我們已經到達了Peak CBD?

Either way, it would be hard to script a more of-the-moment salve for a nation on edge. With its proponents claiming that CBD treats ailments as diverse as inflammation, pain, acne, anxiety, insomnia, depression, post-traumatic stress and even cancer, it’s easy to wonder if this all natural, non-psychotropic and widely available cousin of marijuana represents a cure for the 21st century itself.
The ice caps are melting, the Dow teeters, and a divided country seems headed for divorce court. Is it any wonder, then, that everyone seems to be reaching for the tincture?
“Right now, CBD is the chemical equivalent to Bitcoin in 2016,” said Jason DeLand, a New York advertising executive and a board member of Dosist, a cannabis company in Santa Monica, Calif., that makes disposable vape pens with CBD. “It’s hot, everywhere and yet almost nobody understands it.”
With CBD popping up in nearly everything — bath bombs, ice cream, dog treats — it is hard to understate the speed at which CBD has moved from the Burning Man margins to the cultural center.
